help! Bearded scabbed lip??


Beardie name(s)
Hi guys! so i got my beardie, Toothless, about 2 months ago. A couple weeks ago i noticed his lip was sort of swollen, and then it turned into a scabby looking cut, and developed on both sides of his lips. Ive been putting Manuka honey on his lips (that is the yellow color around his mouth in photo) Took these photos whilst he was asleep so he wasnt moving and i could get a good photo... He is very active still, and still eating although i have noticed hes not as "excited" to eat. His mouth seems to be healing up, but im sort of concerned.. anyone have any ideas? i have searched everywhere and cannot find anything on the situations. TIA! (photo of him wrapped in his blanket asleep with my dad)


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hi guys! so i got my beardie, Toothless, about 2 months ago. A couple weeks ago i noticed his lip was sort of swollen, and then it turned into a scabby looking cut, and developed on both sides of his lips. Ive been putting Manuka honey on his lips (that is the yellow color around his mouth in photo) Took these photos whilst he was asleep so he wasnt moving and i could get a good photo... He is very active still, and still eating although i have noticed hes not as "excited" to eat. His mouth seems to be healing up, but im sort of concerned.. anyone have any ideas? i have searched everywhere and cannot find anything on the situations. TIA! (photo of him wrapped in his blanket asleep with my dad)
Let's have ahbd take a look and see what she says-

AHBD Sicko
Poor little guy, that looks like mouth rot or some type of infection. Manuka honey is one of the best things you could use but Toothless may need a vet for antibiotics as well, especially if there's no improvement.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I agree, it looks like an infection or mouth rot so continue using the Manuka honey or even raw unpasteurized honey on that area. Hopefully that will clear up without having to get him on antibiotics.
Has he been banging his mouth or snout on the tank at all?
Have you double checked to be sure the temperatures are good for him? Sometimes if they are too
hot they will bash their snouts, etc onto the sides of the tank.
Is he not eating a little less than normal?

Let us know how he is doing.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

I agree, it looks like an infection or mouth rot so continue using the Manuka honey or even raw unpasteurized honey on that area. Hopefully that will clear up without having to get him on antibiotics.
Has he been banging his mouth or snout on the tank at all?
Have you double checked to be sure the temperatures are good for him? Sometimes if they are too
hot they will bash their snouts, etc onto the sides of the tank.
Is he not eating a little less than normal?

Let us know how he is doing.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Hi! His temperatures are good, he doesnt bang his snout against the tank. His basking spot is 100 degrees, and the cool side is around 80-85. (hes about 4 months old now) He has been eating but definitely not as much... his staple feeder had been dubia roaches with calcium powde. I give him baths every other day if not daily, and he always drinks a decent amount. (He's actually soaking in his bath right now) He is still very active and loves to run around when i set him on my bed supervised with me. Thank you for the info!


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Poor little guy, that looks like mouth rot or some type of infection. Manuka honey is one of the best things you could use but Toothless may need a vet for antibiotics as well, especially if there's no improvement.
Thank you! i also purchased some antibiotic spray for wounds on reptiles to see if that woukd clear it up. (also safe for them to digeste etc.) But it didnt seem to help much so i resorted back to manuka honey. I think a vet trip will be very near in the future. Thank you!!


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

I agree, it looks like an infection or mouth rot so continue using the Manuka honey or even raw unpasteurized honey on that area. Hopefully that will clear up without having to get him on antibiotics.
Has he been banging his mouth or snout on the tank at all?
Have you double checked to be sure the temperatures are good for him? Sometimes if they are too
hot they will bash their snouts, etc onto the sides of the tank.
Is he not eating a little less than normal?

Let us know how he is doing.
I also meant to add- He doesnt really love opening his mouth but i have managed a sneak peak a few times with a flash light and i havent seen anything abnormal on the inside of his mouth which i why i havent believed it was mouth rot, but who knows

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Any updates for us on your boy? Mouth rot is very specific on the appearance. It looks essentially
like pus & or resembles a cottage cheese type of look really. Well, that is in advanced cases but it
is not a condition easily missed.
I hope the Manuka honey continues to help out. Be vigilant with using it daily & hopefully it will all
eventually clear up.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Any updates for us on your boy? Mouth rot is very specific on the appearance. It looks essentially
like pus & or resembles a cottage cheese type of look really. Well, that is in advanced cases but it
is not a condition easily missed.
I hope the Manuka honey continues to help out. Be vigilant with using it daily & hopefully it will all
eventually clear up.

Hey there! Its been a few weeks since it has healed and it seems to be doing well. He shed and his skin around his mouth looks great now!!! i have bacterial spray that i use occasionally (safe for reptiles to digest since its on his mouth) just to be safe!! But its looking good :)


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Any updates for us on your boy? Mouth rot is very specific on the appearance. It looks essentially
like pus & or resembles a cottage cheese type of look really. Well, that is in advanced cases but it
is not a condition easily missed.
I hope the Manuka honey continues to help out. Be vigilant with using it daily & hopefully it will all
eventually clear up.

Hey there! Its been a few weeks since it has healed and it seems to be doing well. He shed and his skin around his mouth looks great now!!! i have bacterial spray that i use occasionally (safe for reptiles to digest since its on his mouth) just to be safe!! But its looking good

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is excellent news, mouth issues are hard to get cleared up sometimes! I'm glad to
hear you have gotten it all under control. At least he shed his mouth area, that probably
helped a lot.


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