Hello. *slow arm waves*

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BD.org Sicko
Yes it can definitely set in very quickly. BTW, what did you mean by large rat wheel ? And can you check Craigslist or other sites for reptile supplies, you might find a hood for sale. Still, best to get one new so you can be sure it works.


Original Poster
I had to ask about other places for answers but took her to a reptile shop specialist and let them look at her my baby. They said since she was virn with the kink in her back, it is most likely she has soft limb bones as well. Even if she has mdb she wont live as long as normal one and its best to spoil and love her than to use the $80+ on a vet who would tell me the same thing.


Original Poster
Its a large metal wheel made of wire that spins like a water wheel. The holes are not big enough to her limbs stuck in. As Rathian attempts yo climb it, it turns or rocks if she sits there. Yeah I have been looking everywhere for one too and most come with lizard and full supplies.


BD.org Sicko
I wasn't sure if it was a typo, still a rat wheel is going to be dangerous to a fragile baby with weak bones. How is she eating , pooing and getting around right now ?
You really really have to fix the husbandry as a matter of urgency, if you're unable to then you should find a rescue/someone who can. At the moment you are are raising a disabled animal due to incorrect husbandry and whilst I absolutely sympathise with your circumstances and limited resources right now, it's not fair to have an animal, a baby at that, suffer due to this.


Original Poster
I managed a ver visit and was told its neurological and will get worse. Due to the kink in her spine that developed in the egg she is going to go down hill fast no matter what I do. The vet has pointed out that she cant control her leg movements well and it she would nit have a normal life. She is already crossing her arms as she walks and wobbles. The vet said bearded dragons born like this, even in the best care are usually put down due their short life. That it would make a difference if she has or doesnt have MBD because she cant recover from the defect and the chances of her surviving a surgery is slim to none due to her age weight. The best I was told was to put her down... or give her the best home I can. The vet did wish forums quit pushing people to vets for hopeless situations and had stated in this cases like this it is best to simply care for the animal the best the family can and support them rather than to push an expense that could have gone to something else. He said liquid calcium, injections of D3 or vitamins would not help or change her out come but may be just more stress on an already stressed baby and family.

I now have spent $80+ on a vet that a reptile specialist had just said the same thing. I was planning on a different lighting for her... but that will now have to wait.


Original Poster
I also looked around for rescues, there are no rescues around for bearded dragons. Hardly any cerified vets who are always booked, no rescues and shelters who dont know how to care for them. I am doing what I can. Please see and respect that... her choice is death...


BD.org Sicko
I really feel for you, you've been through such trauma very recently. And now it's super difficult to watch the baby beardie's health decline, my heart goes out to you. :( I can also assure you that I never push people to vets, as a matter of fact look at the current threads where I have tried to help people many times by advising good home care instead when they , the owners themselves, are making appointments for things that can be handled without a vet. I agree that the first thing would have been a good uvb set up, not injections of any sort. Maybe someone else here or another forum suggested vets or injections. It's true that some babies born with a kink in the spine will decline and never recover, but that's not always the case, some do well. But I'm not here to judge you at all, just to offer support and help. BTW, can you post a close up to show the baby's condition ?


Original Poster
I am not trying to come off rude either ir disrespectful, nothing is possitive right now and everything hurts (cursed pms makes it all worse) Even with puttibg her down, no vet will do it for cheap or free.. Shes got so much life and fure in her. Eats like a beast (veggies are evil!) She can lift herself and get about. I am going to get hate and yelled at over the photos , but after being yelled at by the vet, how could it be worse? She doesnt drag herself, doesnt have swollen limbs, isnt studder walking ... I have looked at many websites for mdb but the vet said it doesn't matter.


BD.org Sicko
If she is energetic and eating well those are very positive things right now. She looks like a little character. :) You can never know how they will do with a disability but for now she's getting along. Keep the cage kind of free from clutter if she has a hard time getting around you can try a rolled up towel for her to climb + bask on. And I know you're not being rude, your frustration is totally understandable.


Original Poster
Shes knows I wqs crying and turned her head and jumped on my chest and relaxed in my hand. She murdered 4 dubai dusted roaches. If she had given up and was lethargic I would swallow the cost but she hasnt. I dont want to be one of the ones giving up on her... I am fine being a service monkey lol I have an elderly bird who isnt doing well. Better than she was but as good as she should be. Burth defect that didnt shiw until a few years ago.


BD.org Sicko
Your little disable dragon deserves a chance at having a life.

I'm sure if you ask , there will be someone on this board who lives near you who either adopt her and give the care needed ( caring for an injured / disabled lizard his VERY REWARDING in my experience and they become super pets who REALLY DO KNOW YOU ARE TRYING TO HELP THEM ).

I am opposed to putting down animal ONLY BECAUSE it's disabled. Most the clients that vet likely saw will have been commercial based clients ( pet shops , breeders ) who are looking mostly at the saleability of the disabled hatchling and are making a COMMERCIAL decision ONLY , considering it not profitable to keep alive and unsaleable ( I suspect many of these end up as live food for a python or a larger lizard or monitor and crocodian ).


Original Poster
I am against it too or giving enjured and disability animals to kids who are too young to know responsibility, thats why we have her. We found a proper light and hood combo but would be getting it today. Yesterday she was eating and climbing fine on things. We had the funeral and had been out for two days and she had eaten... this morning she was very lethargic. I rushed her to sink to get her water just incase she was dehydrated. I have read and heard you dont leave water in the enclosure due to the moisture in the air it can create. I give her swims twice a week. I am hoping shes just not having a good day or trying to work a shed. It is getting colder here too.

Giving her to a complete stranger who I am to assume or trust can or can not take care of her because somebody on the forum full of strangers typed it.... I would rather get to know people in person. This is a baby dragon with a crippling disability. Giving her off over internet words doesnt feel right. Not offense but this is a little life and theres NO guarantee they can do better or she could recover.


Original Poster
Update for any still reading.

The funeral was joyful and sad but now things have settled and family met I had the chance to talk to my hub about lighting for Rathian. She gave me a scare the other day. Apparently shes a drama queen when it comes to shedding. She was limp and lethargic abd dull and dark in color... she was shedding for her second time! I am so happy thats all it was... SHE NOW HAS A HO T5 FLOURECENT LIGHT. I have the screen half on, half off so the light has a place to go in without being blocked. He had to ask if it was worth it, what the defferences were, would there be results and how could he tell.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Update for any still reading.

The funeral was joyful and sad but now things have settled and family met I had the chance to talk to my hub about lighting for Rathian. She gave me a scare the other day. Apparently shes a drama queen when it comes to shedding. She was limp and lethargic abd dull and dark in color... she was shedding for her second time! I am so happy thats all it was... SHE NOW HAS A HO T5 FLOURECENT LIGHT. I have the screen half on, half off so the light has a place to go in without being blocked. He had to ask if it was worth it, what the defferences were, would there be results and how could he tell.
Make sure distance is 12-15 inches directly above the basking decor please
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