Heisenberg the dragon

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Hi everyone, my name is Robinlynne I am a new mom to a bd named Heisenberg (we are big fans of breaking bad, RIP Walter White) my husband has always wanted a reptile but, I didn't so I would ignore him whenever he would bring it up.I finally gave in and agreed to get one.we did some research and decided to get A bearded dragon. I did a lot of online research and thought I knew how to take care of him. So on sept. 26th we brought Heisenberg home.

after getting him I found out we were doing some things wrong (mainly the lighting) we will rectify these problems immediately. I'd like to describe his set up n care so if I am doing anything else wrong someone can let me know. even though I didn't want him now he has a big spot in my heart and, I want to give him the best care that I can. also as a proud new mom I want to brag about my baby boy. I have pictures but don't know how to post them yet.

He is housed in a 36x18x18 terrarium. For substrate I'm using reptile carpet. he has a cave to hide in, a large branch under a basking bulb and, two vines to climb on. the cool side is about 89, the warm side about 97 and the basking area is around 115. The humidity is between 20 - 27%

The lighting is the area I made some mistakes with but, I am going to rectify the problems later this week. the lights are all on timers in attempt to replicate dawn, morning, noon, dusk and, night. I have two 125 watt MVB mounted about 9-10" above the tank. On each side of the tank I have a 75 watt basking bulb and red nocturnal bulb. Both set is about 4" above the tank. Above the front of the tank is a hood that holds four compact fluorescent 13 watt bulbs. I am going to exchange the hood for two 24" repti sun 10.0 tubes. I will also replace the red nocturnal bulbs with ceramic heating bulbs. I will replace all bulbs in 6 months.

From this site I have learned that the UVB bulbs should be mounted inside the tank, not above the screen. Personally I don't want to do this , mainly for aesthetics. However I think that with the two MVB and two UVB tubes that more than enough UVB and UVA is penetrating through the screen.

We got him from petsmart on Sept. 26th. He is now 13" long and is 130g (4.5oz) so we guess he is around 4 months old.

He gets a 15-20 min. Soak in the sink every day. Some times he will swim around but usually he just sits there or tries to get out. He is basically potty trained and will poop in the sink. However, if bath time is late he will go in his cage.

Heisenberg loves to cuddle with me every night. I wrap him in his blankie and snuggle him im my arm for 2-3 hours while I watch tv. He will bury his nose in his blankie and falls into a deep sleep. he sleeps so soundly that I can get up with him in my arms to get a drink or snack and he doesn't wake up. I put him back in his cage still swaddled in his blankie and he will sleep like that all night.

I didn't want him but now we have bonded and he has become part of our family. We don't have kids so, our pets are our children. He has 6 siblings; a dog, 2 cats and, 3 goldfish. All are very pampered and spoiled. When Heisenberg runs away from my husband and comes to me I tease my husband and say "Not the mama!". It's a line a baby dinosaur would say in a cartoon from the eighties.

As far as feeding goes he gets about 10-15 crickets a day that I dust with a calcium d3 powder. He mostly eats worms, about 7 a day that I spray with a multi vitamin. I breed my own silkworms, he also eats hornworms amd butterworms. I do not give him mealworms because they have an exoskeleton. I was giving him a freeze dried mix of mealworms crickets and grasshoppers about once a week that he would devour in no time at all. But the last time I gave it to him he didn't poop for 4 days, he usually poops once a day. I started to give him canned pumpkin and he finally had a bowel movement. I don't give him that mix anymore.

I now give him canned pumpkin every morning. He LOVES it, when he sees the container I keep it in he runs over to get it. I feed it to him on a spoon because if I put it in a bowl he makes a huge mess. He trusts me so much that he lets me wipe his face with a napkin. He also gets a salad every day that he picks at and, fruit occasionally. He loves banana but I know to only give it to him now and then. I also give him a moist food that is made by nature zone called baby bites.

Sorry this is so long and, I hope I haven't put too many people to sleep. I'm excited to meet many of you and I have enjoyed reading posts other people have posted. I look forward to read replies to my post.I'm happy to have found a place to talk about my new favorite subject; my sweet baby boy Heisenberg


Hello! I'm new to beardies and R.I.P. W.W. I loved that show. Anyways I have a question for you seeing as you got your dragon from a chain store (PetSmart). How long did it take for you beardie to settle in? For the stress level to go down and for it to start eating normally? I'm curious as I just got mine a little over a week ago and I worry about mine. Any pictures of your baby?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
He settled in to his new home right away. The guy at petsmart said the trick is to have a lot of things in the enclosure so they feel secure. And not overwhelmed by big open spaces. I think that was they only good advice he gave us. I hope that helps. I do have pics but don't know how to post them


Wow thanks for the quick reply! Did you happen to notice if it was stressed or not? You can tell I guess by the underside having dark spots. I'm not sure if that's all it means but I know it's a sign. So yours would eat a lot right away? Mine doesn't seem to like crickets much. From what I've read on here they could eat around 50-100 a day and mine barely eats three. :/


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
No, mine never showed any signs of being stressed at all. Each one is different and have unique personalities. Your little guy should be eating more than 3 crickets a day. Will he eat anything else? You could maybe try a moist food that petsmart has, its called baby bites, Heisenberg really likes that. You can order phoenix worms they are small enough for babies and are very nutritious. Greens and veggies should be about 20% of their diet. Just keep trying different things. I have heard horror stories about not getting healthy dragons from petsmart and other chain pet stores.I would ssuggest taking him/her to a vet if it dosnt start eating. Maybe post your question here so someone that had a similar problem can help you. I hope it works out for you and your dragon, let me know how it goes.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Welcome both you, your family & Heisenberg. I've just read through your whole thread. Thanks for being so complete in your explanations, but there are a couple of things you need to change right away.

Dragons need full sunshine all day, at least 12 hours a day, so you just need timers for 2 things, to turn the lights on in the morning & then off at night. Please turn the red light off, they need complete darkness to sleep properly. They have a sensor in their head that can sense all light spectrums, so the red light will not allow him to sleep thoroughly for the rest he needs. You only need a ceramic heat emitter if your room temperature goes under 65F at night, otherwise you don't need extra heat at night.

Your temps are too high. The highest he should have on the basking spot is 110F and the highest on the cool side is 80F. You only need one MVB, it gives off heat & light, so with two you don't need a basking spot. What type of MVB are you using, Power Sun, Solar Glo? I use Power Suns and only use one per tank (I have 6 adult males & I've been rescuing dragons for 7 years. I've lost a few over the years & miss them all terribly.) The directions for MVB is 12" is the lowest you should have those lights & the highest is 16" to the basking spot, which you would normally have when they're new. What are you using to guage your temperatures, if it's a round thermometer that you stick to the side of the wall of the tank, then your temps are even hotter than you think. You should have a digital temp guage with probe or a temp gum, both are very accurate. You use the guage by putting the probe on the basking spot and checking it when the lights have been on for 45 min. The temp gun you use 2" above the basking spot for accurate temps. You might have to fiddle around with the lighting, you might need an extra light, but not the compact fluorescent, they should be removed as they will hurt his eyes. Only tubes should be used. And if you're going to get Reptisun 10.0 tubes in the future, you don't need the MVB, they don't need that much sunlight, just one source is enough.

It would be great to see your set up, here is what mine is like. I have the Power Sun in a deep dome on a lampstand, but I don't have any other animals so don't have to use tops. Cats can be very curious about the animal with the special lights and want to get under those lights to warm up by jumping in the tank, so always having a secure top is good for Heinsenberg.

The 3 tanks along the wall are 40 gallon breeders, the same size as your tank. The one behind the sofa is a 75 gallon because Rubio, who's tank it is, is 22" long & 830g, he could get out of the 40 gallon :lol: )

So please reduce your temps right away, they're too hot for your little guy.

Otherwise you're doing a great job! Just one other thing is calcium, the worms you're giving him are all high in calcium, so you don't have to dust them, only the crickets. He should have 5 meals dusted with calcium a week, but again, only the crickets, not the worms. and only twice a week with the vit/min spray. Otherwise he's getting too much of each.

The baths are great and I'm glad he can swim. Swimming or jumping means he's really helping his muscle growth.

Thanks for introducing him and if you're able to post some pictures, that would be wonderful. I love baby dragon pictures. My dragons are: Titan 1 yr old, Rubio 5 yrs old, Gabriel 3 yrs old, Didi 6 yrs old, Leo 5 yrs old and Lonzo 10 1/2 yrs old. Titan is fighting Yellow Fungus, an awful disease but the other 5 are very healthy. They are all rescues.

So again, welcome to this great site and if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Take care

And for FireFoXX and you, here's a great nutrition chart that is very thorough, www.beautifuldragons.com under Nutrition. I've been using it for 7 years now.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thank you for your advice and information. I went to petsmart early this morning to get what you suggested. I returned the compact fluorescent canopy. I got an exo terra dual top canopy, it holds two reptisun 10.0 tubes and, two 35 watt halogen bulbs i returned the red bulbs, I got a 60 watt ceramic heat emitter instead.

So now the temps are 97 basking under the two 125 watt exo terra professional series solar glo MVB. I can lower them a little to raise the temp a bit.
The cool side is 78. The warmer side is under the 60 watt ceramic heat emitter it is 82. I think I am going to exchange the 60 watt for a 100 watt. It needs to be on 24/7 I have a 110 year old house and it gets very drafty, at night the temp will definitely fall below 65. I have 3 thermometers they are all probs. I also have a gun thermometer. I changed the timers, now the lights come on at 6am and off at 10pm.is that ok?

So onto the vitamins, now I will dust the crickets with the exo terra calcium with d3
5 times a week. I will spray the worms with zilla multi vitamins just twice a week.
Thank you so much for your help and let me know if you have any other suggestions. I do have two questions, how do I post pictures? Also we guess he is 4-5 months old he is13" long and he is 130g, is that too fat?


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
No, there isn't such a thing as a fast dragon under 2 years old, and then it's only overeating. He's good for his age, so keep doing what you're doing. The basking spot is still too low, needs to be 105F at the very least, 97F is for a full adult, too low for your baby. Otherwise everything else sounds good. If you check under Photo Expressions, there is a demo of how to get pics on here. I use Photobucket, you open an account, upload your pics to there, then you click on the pic you want & copy the IMG code (the last code) to here. Give it a try.

If you have two Reptisun 10.0 tubes, you don't need the MVB Solar Glo's, I'm not sure if there's such a thing as too much UVB, but either way, lower those to get the basking spot to 105F. The temps on the cool side can go up a couple of degrees, too. And the ceramic heat emitter will be needed for heat night, for sure. When you live in a draft home, it can take some work to get the temps correctly. But the basking is the only thing that still needs work on. I'll be looking forward to seeing pictures!

If you want to check out my boys, here's the thread to the last batch of pictures:
I like to show them off :lol:

Take care

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
Welcome! We love pics of beardies on here. We even have a calendar (two actually this year) that comes out every year. About September of next year will be the time to send in two pics of your beardie so they will be in one calendar or another.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Here are some pics of Heisenberg


Sorry dosnt seem like that worked


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I can't see the pics, so maybe it's my computer that's not picking up the images. I didn't get them on the email either. Are you using the 4th entry on Photo Bucket, copying the whole link that begins with IMG?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I finally figured out how to post pics, about time. Thank you Firefox and sweetiepie for all your help. Hope you enjoy them!


Hi everyone, I'm Heisenberg


Heisenberg loves canned pumpkin


Hey mom, I'm out of worms


Just hanging around


Training to be a ballerina, 1...2...3 and stretch


Be very quiet I'm hunting worms


He use to fit in his soaking bowl


Now he takes his bath in the sink. You can see how much he has grown


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
The pics are wonderful and look at the colours he's getting. He's adorable & I loved the ballerina stretch :lol: Aren't they fun? Send more as you can. How old is he now? And he loves pumpkin, too, so do my crew!
He sure has grown from the 1st pic to the last!
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