Hey guys! So I just got a larger enclosure for Halcyon, but I am struggling some with getting the basking hot enough. We got the enclosure second hand (I am going to clean it VERY thoroughly) and the person who we got it from was using a exo Terra heat glo light. They gave it to me with the tank, but I am not sure about it because I have heard that colored light can hurt beardies' eyes.
Right now in her smaller cage I have been using house lights (I have read that they work just as good as the fancy things). They have barely been keeping her small one warm enough so I get the impression that they would not work for a big one. I also have a heating pad on the side of her enclosure.
Does anyone have any advice here? Have I been using the wrong kind of lights? Would the heat lamp I was given actually work?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Right now in her smaller cage I have been using house lights (I have read that they work just as good as the fancy things). They have barely been keeping her small one warm enough so I get the impression that they would not work for a big one. I also have a heating pad on the side of her enclosure.
Does anyone have any advice here? Have I been using the wrong kind of lights? Would the heat lamp I was given actually work?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!