Heating Larger Enclosure

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Hey guys! So I just got a larger enclosure for Halcyon, but I am struggling some with getting the basking hot enough. We got the enclosure second hand (I am going to clean it VERY thoroughly) and the person who we got it from was using a exo Terra heat glo light. They gave it to me with the tank, but I am not sure about it because I have heard that colored light can hurt beardies' eyes.

Right now in her smaller cage I have been using house lights (I have read that they work just as good as the fancy things). They have barely been keeping her small one warm enough so I get the impression that they would not work for a big one. I also have a heating pad on the side of her enclosure.

Does anyone have any advice here? Have I been using the wrong kind of lights? Would the heat lamp I was given actually work?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Hey there,

How large is the enclosure? Yes, clear incandescent lights used in homes work just as well. I use them myself.

One option is to use a Ceramic Heat Emitter in conjuction with your basking bulb. This is what I did when I had issues with moving to a larger enclosure. Under-The-Tank heaters arent really necessary. You can also move the basking spot closer to the source, although I would keep it at least 12 inches away so they dont accidentally touch it. Mine has jumped toward his a conked himself in the head. I moved it about 14 inches away now.

The best option would be to get a higher wattage bulb, and/or use it alongside a Ceramic Heat Emitter. I use a 200 watt clear incandescent bulb on a dimmer switch. I hardly ever need it cranked all the way, about 3/4, but having that dimmer switch is awesome. I recommend using something like stone for a basking spot, as it absorbs heat well and radiates heat. They do wonders for digestion. People on here will tell you that Dragons dont feel heat coming from below, but they WILL absorb it (textbook physics) which will aid in keeping their temps up as well as digestion. Plus, its easier to find something large enough for them to stretch out completely. Also, make sure you are using a proper UVB tube with the basking spot. e.g. make sure they are able to absorb UVB when they are basking.

Just to clarify, colored lights dont hurt their eyes, they are just not to be used at night as they interrupt sleep patterns. They can see it just fine, but it is always better to simulate natural conditions as best you can, e.g. white light etc.

Hope his helps!
Also just to clarify, never use a powerful bulb if you arent certain its not gonna be too hot. Using a 200 Watt bulb can be dangerous, and MUST be used on a dimmer switch and turned low to begin with and slowly increased. 200W is probably overkill in most situations.
Secondly, never use electric heat rocks, only natural stone or wood or basking platforms. I use natural stone. The reason why heatrocks are bad is because they are faulty, and can develop hot spots that focus heat energy into small spaces, hot enough to burn your dragon.


Juvie Member
A 100W Zoo Med basking bulb should always be workable. If the spot isn't getting hot enough then you can move the basking area closer to the bulb.

Other bulbs to check out are halogen bulbs. These defiantly get hotter. I'm using a 100W halogen bulb and I have to keep it dimmed to 50% power to keep it under 110 degrees at the basking spot 13 inches away.

PAR38 60w flood lights will also easily heat up a basking area over 110F from as far as 2 feet away. You also need a dimmer for these as well to fine-tune the heat.
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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