

Beardie name(s)
Hi my bearded dragon still last year in December. He was diagnosis with parasite. he has not been eating on his own. I been feed him thru syringe. His is about 7 to 8 month . For two days his been sluggish. Not very active. What should I do. I gave him last night and today some booster. However he still the same. He do poop everyday . Since I am feeding him thru syringe he did gain some weight

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hi my bearded dragon still last year in December. He was diagnosis with parasite. he has not been eating on his own. I been feed him thru syringe. His is about 7 to 8 month . For two days his been sluggish. Not very active. What should I do. I gave him last night and today some booster. However he still the same. He do poop everyday . Since I am feeding him thru syringe he did gain some weight
Your dragon will not eat w/ out proper surface basking temps and UVB ----- basking temps need to be taken w/ a digital probe thermometer temps should be 95-100-- a good quality UVB they are not all the same -- NO COILS ---- please post a pic of the tank and his lighting -- how long has he been off the meds the dragon should be eating on his own --


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
His been of the meds since December 12/31 . He been not eating on own since he was diagnosis with parasite on December. Between 12/31 of his last med was give. I did recent did another stool test to make sure he does have anymore the parasite. He was negative. He still will not eat on his on


KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
His been of the meds since December 12/31 . He been not eating on own since he was diagnosis with parasite on December. Between 12/31 of his last med was give. I did recent did another stool test to make sure he does have anymore the parasite. He was negative. He still will not eat on his on

View attachment 86945
I see stick ons for a temp gauge--- you need a digital probe thermometer placed on the spot where he sits for basking 95-100 --- you dont need to leave it there but should spot check every couple of weeks as basking bulbs lose their intensity --- where is the UVB? If you using a coil in one of those domes it needs to go NOW and be replaced w/ a long tube fixture!! Not all long tube fixtures are of good quality we can recommend 3 ---- he will not eat w/out proper surface basking temps and UVB

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Which parasite was he diagnosed with, coccidia?
Do you know what medication he is on right now, or
is he off of them now?
Most times, following medication rounds they will lose
their appetites for a time. You can try using some
probiotics such as non dairy organic soy yogurt or some
non dairy acidophilus either one to help restore his gut
flora. Do you have any bee pollen to help with his overall
appetite & boost his system following medication?


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