Head Bobbing, clawing enclosure


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I have an (almost) 2yr old female beardie. She has been bobbing her head very fast and pacing in her cage the past week. The bobbing is new behavior, is it normal since spring is coming soon? She hasn’t been really caring for food lately (doesn't touch her greens often, but will eat insects every 1-2 days) and will frantically run around the cage, stop, and bob her head. I do take her out and put her on the window bed for two hours or hold her while I work, but once I put her back in the enclosure she starts frantically glass surfing and clawing her enclosure again (no head bobbing this time). Then she will sit in her cave on the cool side with her body almost completely out. I just don't know what her problem is and it's driving my insane while I work. Any advice?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie
I have an (almost) 2yr old female beardie. She has been bobbing her head very fast and pacing in her cage the past week. The bobbing is new behavior, is it normal since spring is coming soon? She hasn’t been really caring for food lately (doesn't touch her greens often, but will eat insects every 1-2 days) and will frantically run around the cage, stop, and bob her head. I do take her out and put her on the window bed for two hours or hold her while I work, but once I put her back in the enclosure she starts frantically glass surfing and clawing her enclosure again (no head bobbing this time). Then she will sit in her cave on the cool side with her body almost completely out. I just don't know what her problem is and it's driving my insane while I work. Any advice?
Spring Fever. Mine does that too when spring comes. Not sure about the head bobbing but that's probably it too.
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She decided to hide in her cave (cool side) the rest of the afternoon/evening and looked like she wanted to be left alone. I just hope it’s her hormones and the fact she’s about to lay infertile eggs (she did this last year).

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