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Hi everyone,
Somehow having 3 threads going at the same time, bogged me down from posting faithfully, I don't know why it would :?: , but I thought I'd consolidate the 3 together to make this one topic. I'm going to post some original info from each thread to update anyone who doesn't know my clan, then I'll have some new pics at the end.


Well, on craig's list someone posted a 2 yr old "handicapped" girl......... aggressive (this may have been d/t improper lighting and food)............. so not a good pet for children, and would be asking for a rehoming fee.
Long story short.......the lister couldn't take care of her........... he was interested in other pets and was moving on, and when I saw a picture of her, I knew she was suppose to be mine. Many people called for her, and he said that if I came down to pick her up, he would not charge me for her. Sooooooooo...........off I went, with much anticipation and knowing it was going to be a long day trip.
When I saw her, she was in a dirty viv, sand substrate, urate smelling drift wood, and she was very small with poop smears on her. She had a household light bulb only......... with a black light for night time......... no food or vitamins on hand.......... with everything in much need of a good cleaning. In the owners defense......... he said he wanted her to go to a good home............. so someone could take care of her. When I saw her.......... I instantly fell in love.
I brought her some butterworms, to see if she would eat them in her enviroment before I scooped her up to take her away d/t the possibility that she'd have relocation stress and not eat. She goobled them up..........I was so happy!
When I picked her up, she was very tense, bearding without darkening, and trying to bite me x2........ but I was persistent, and rubbed the top of her head, so she settled down quickly. So tiny........I asked the owner, are you sure she's 2 yr's old? He said yes, and told me how she lost her feet, etc. Apparently she was a runt, and the other babies attacked her leaving her with her right front foot missing at the ankle, back left missing from the ankle down, back right missing right below the knee down, and half her tail. She has the front left limb completely, but the fingers are crooked, the limbs are very skinny, and mushy/soft, significant of MBD, also her jaw is a little off alignment, another sign of MBD too.
I wrapped her snuggly in a soft towel, and she went home on my friends chest, cozy and sleeping. I brought hand warmers with me so they were within the towel......... she was toasty warm and appeared very content. It was a long day, and the only time she moved, was when she did a poop........ much to my delight........... because of the sand substrate housing. I had brought another towel, just in case that happened.
I have named her "BELLA"...............for she is truely "beautiful".......... she has some orange/red on her face/beard and back, not too much, just enough. Her eyes are the perfect color with the golden color outlining the dark iris, she has a short nose, 9" long, from nose to tail end, and weighs 140 gm. She looks like a baby not a 2 yr. old.
When she woke up in the AM, she had a nice salad then I gave her some phoenix worms......... she's very alert and study's everything, including me. She pooped again, which was wonderful, formed but smelly, so I'll be testing her soon for parasites. Bath time was cute, I held her and took a soft toothbrush and removed the dried poop from her........ I think she thought she died and went to heaven.
I am using what I have........... I have cleaned and baked her things, I couldn't salvage one piece of driftwood, because the urate smell wouldn't come out.
I have a very low hammock for her, a hide, and a low log......... she manages well with walking........ but woobles d/t the MBD and her legs being unevenly amputated.
All I can say is............ she is precious, and I love her........... plus I want to give her the best home that she deserves, especially with her past. Meet Miss Bella Graham. (All my beardies have middle names)

He was my first beardie, I picked him out from a tank filled with at least 50 babies, didn't know a thing about beardies or their care. I soon found this site and quickly learned how to set up the viv, etc., and had a stool sample examined only to find out that he had AV. I hand fed him for over 2 years, plus he had pneumonia, so it was 14 days of injections, nebulizer treatments and medicines, but he is now eating on his own, still fussy about the greens at times, but appears stable. Meet Oliver "Ollie" Spike.

He is a snow morph, and was abandoned at a reptile expo. I saw him on the information table, tiny and under a cool breeze, so I went to the MC and said it was nice they were using a baby beardie as their mascot, but he would freeze to death all day with the air conditioning blowing on him. He wasn't a mascot,............ and someone left him, :?: :?: so I waited all day for someone to claim him, no one did, and low and behold, I was driving home with a new baby. :D Meet Pyrex Ricco.

From "NEW BABIES AND PICS, Meet Gabby, Lincoln, and Scarlett!!" Thread
So.............they have a Reptile expo in Co. 4x a yr. and yesterday was my first introduction to the western expo's. Of course, I was only going to buy some supplies, really............ but couldn't help my self to look at the babies, I should have never gone near the tables. One vendor had some beautiful morphs and I fell in love with a 4 month male, with a tail nip. He comes from a red sandfire/het/hypo/blood line, I held him of course, put him back and spent the day chatting with vendors and buying supplies, but when I went back, much to my amazement, he was still there................he made an offer I couldn't refuse.................but here's the unbelievable part.............I already had a little girl under my shirt (to keep her warm) that I purchased for $10.00. She was under another vendors table and while looking at their beautiful tiger/red babies, the vendor said, I have a baby that's been nipped on her foot/tail, would you like to see her? I should have said "no thank-you, I have to leave", but of course I said yes........... if you've been following Bella's thread, you know I rescue beardies, and I couldn't put her down.......the vendor said, "I want her to go to a good home", and that was it, paid the money and...........off I went to the ladies room, put her under my shirt, and she never moved the rest of the day. The vendor said she was a normal, but when she warmed up, her head became neon yellow, along with her shoulder blades, and when she was a baby, she had a diamond pattern going down her tail, thus, her name.......... So this is Lincoln Mosaic and Miss Gabby Diamond.

She came to my home during part of my (pringle) addiction, one of my few beardies that does not have any infirmities; she's still growing and quick as ever, she keeps me on my toes and is getting her own little personality. Meet Scarlett Emerson.

From "MY NEW (PRINGLE) MICA" thread
Well, as some of you know, I've always wanted a "white" beardie, so I've kept my eyes open for the right one. It's difficult to know what a 6" baby will grow up to be, color-wise, even if the parents are leucistic, etc, so I've been hesitant in getting such a small tyke....................
Well........................., I found a 11 month old light colored male, hypo pastel, that I just loved when I saw him, and knew he'd me mine. To my surprise, he was very skinny and lethagic, but friendly and lovable. I really felt that he came to me as a rescue,........ just for me to nurture and love. Meet the one and only, Mica Jackson. :D

So there's the synopsis of each baby, and here are a few pics for an update.



























So I hope you enjoyed the new pics, sorry for the long intro, but I hope you'll leave a note so you can continue to follow my special family and their updates. That's my one fear about closing my other threads, that I'll lose all my contacts, :( so please check in.

Bugs and hugs to all, :love5:


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hi Christine, thoughts & prayers are with you and Gabby. I agree with Deb, a good sign that Gabby is eating.

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Original Poster
Thank-you Diane, Gabby ate 10 butters this morning! :blob5: :blob8: Still no weight gain and all her bones are protruding, but I'm hoping the carnivore care will continue to do it's work.

Thanks Mary...........your prayers help!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
That is good news, hopefully she's over the worst of whatever was bothering her, I'm praying for some weight gain for her. You've worked so hard to get her healthy again, hope the prayers & good food are working!

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Original Poster
Hello everyone...........Well, it's been a busy few days here on the east coast............It all began with Bella having another one of her "spells" while bathing, I don't know what else to call it, but it happens during her bath, and always when she's having a bowel movement?????????? Again, as I said before, I think it's the same as the vagal response that happens to humans, it's baffeling, but fortunately, I held her in my hand while gently hitting her back and she came around without me having to start CPR...........(Thank-you Lord)
Gabby is the same, Pyrex and Ollie are brumating, Lincoln and Mica are in and out, and Scarlett has stopped eating greens but still devouring the supers.

So I prepared the house for hurricane Sandy, with my stack of T-shirts in place, so I could put all 7 of my beardies on me for heat, got the refrigerator cleaned out, candles and flashlights in place, tons and tons of water supply for toilet flushing and personal use, gave the beardies their last bath and good feed, and waited....................................

We had severe rain and winds, but never lost out electricity...........we couldn't believe it!!!!!!! My daughter is futher south and still is without electricity, but ok.......I am grateful that we're all well and faired the storm, but my prayers go out to those who were not as fortunate. We still have some weather to contend with, and the clean-up, but I'm hoping the worse is over. Between the earthquake, hurricane and some challenging beardies, it's been anything but dull here. I pray all is well with you too.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm so glad you got through without losing any power & not getting excess water. This storm has been wicked! I've been watching it daily on the news & I just can't believe the havoc it's created. I have friends in NJ, north of the beach that got such a beating & they're find, heard from them tonight, they were out of power for just a day, got it back tonight. They said they didn't get alot of rain, their house stayed dry, but the wind was awful 90mph and it's not done yet. Sorry to hear your daughter is without power, drag for her.

So glad to hear that you were there & able to bring Bella out of her "spell" so quickly, that's really good news. I've heard of the same thing in humans, glad you're aware of it and making sure she's not alone in the bath. Also glad to hear that Gabby isn't getting worse, just keep doing what you're doing, hopefully she'll regain her health soon.

I have 2 beardies in full brumation, Rubio & Leo, Didi was alseep for about 2 weeks but woke up this am, very thirsty but not hungry, at least for worms. In fast I bought 100 supers last week & no-one has eaten them so I've giving 70 to Jake and keeping 30, just in case. Leo keeps moving around in his hide, when I moved the blanket covering the opening of his hide, his back end is sticking out, so I think he'll wake up soon. Rubio, on the other hand, is out like a light. I drop water on his nose & get him to drink every week, don't want him to get dehydrated but if it's like last year, he'll be out for 3 mo or more.

Lonzo isn't allowed to brumate this winter because of his lung. I've decided to keep him up. He's not eating bugs at all, but is ok with squash & collard greens as long as I feed him by hand. So I give him chicken babyfood w/veg to add protein to his diet. And I'm giving him a daily bath to make sure he doesn't get dehydrated, too.

Gabriel is also up, I don't think he knows what brumation is, but he can sleep if he wants to. He's not eating bugs either, but ok with squash & collard greens, too, so he gets the babyfood, too, just to make sure he's got some protein in his diet.

It's so strange when dragons can't decide if they want to sleep or not, like Lincoln and Mica. Funny that Scarlet is the opposite of my boys, bugs good, salad bad! They sure keep us on our toes.

Thanks so much for the update,
Take care


Extreme Poster
So glad to hear you are ok with Sandy, we lost our power and finally got it back last night.

Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers!

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Original Poster
Thanks Deb, for your continued encouragement...........My daughter has her electricity back and things are improving here with every day that passes. Sounds like you have the same beardie household as I do, some up.......some down.....winter is around the corner.

Thanks Mary, glad your power is back too,......... always welcome prayers,thanks again.

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Original Poster
Thanks Gina and Debbie,.......I've been off line more than on, but I think of you often and hope your holidays went well, and best wishes for the 2013!

Gabby is the same, however I think she's loosing more ground with her ??"illness"?? It's very hard for me to see her like this, but I continue the bathing, critical care and all her supplements in her baby food, she hasn't eaten her butters on her own for a while now. :(

Bella had another one of her "spells" but recovered well, she is such a trooper! Ollie, Lincoln and Bella are in brumation, Bella comes out once in a while, but the boys are out cold. Mica, Pyrex, Scarlett and of course my Gabby are awake but no one is interested in eating. Scarlett has gained weight, she acts and looks like she's ready to pop out eggs, very active, digging in her tank, bearding, so I even put her in the "delivery viv" for 3 different days, and as soon as she's in there she's like a statue, barely moving. :dontknow: I don't know what's got into her?Has anyone else had winter eggies?

Please know my friends, that even though I'm not around, your in my thoughts and prayers.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Christine, glad you had a good Christmas and New Year & sorry to hear about Gabby, you can only do what you can, hopefully she'll gain ground soon.

As for Scarlet, Sweetie did the same thing, in and out of the box, just playing around, for 2 weeks before she lay and yes, I've been talking to about 10 owners lately who's beardies are getting ready to lay eggs. Strange as Sweetie always started in June but then she was laying all year long, so maybe not so strange.

I have news, I'm going to be a grandmother in August if all goes well. I'm back in the picture with Tara and was over there yesterday visiting while waiting for her to get ready; Eric, Tara and Bella, their little terrier, all came to my mom's for supper and made their announcement. They're engaged and she's 2 mo or more pregnant. Everyone was glad, Eric is ecstatic, and I am glad to be a grandma. Her mom lives close to where they're moving in 2 weeks, to a better area for them, and her mom is retired, so will be there for her after the baby is born. I'll be there on weekends & will take some time off if she needs me. So all is well, and hopefully continues that way.

So have a great 2013 and hopefully will talk to you soon!
Take care


Sub-Adult Member
I'm so sorry to hear about Gaby. Do you have any idea what's wrong? Me and Rouge are praying for you guys.


Juvie Member
winter eggs are not that uncommon. Hopefully things turn around with Gabby. She's a fighter we all know that and so are you. All my punks are down for the count and Zippy was the last one to finally start sleeping. My girls have been asleep since the beginning of December and I plan to start pulling them out of it end of this month. Funny, it seems like yesterday they were laying eggs and a whole year has passed by and I still have some of the babies left and they are going to be ready again! I peeked in on the girls and they all still look nice and plump. I need to make a decision as to whether or not I want to produce more babies or just let my dragons be dragons. Petsmart doesn't want me breeding anymore so if I do breed again i'll have to keep it on the down low since my store manager just asked me if I wanted to start training for management.

Despite what people say about petsmart the on I work in is very knowledgable and tries to let the pet parents know what they are getting into and try to make the best efforts to give them as much knowledge as possible before they take a reptile, small pet, or bird home. I do not agree with our distributers and feel that should change however I can't do anything about it until I grow with the company.

Woah high horse....I am glad everything is going ok! Nice hearing from you!


Gray-bearded Member
I've been off for awhile, so I'm trying to catch up.
How are things goingthere. It looks like it's been awhile since you have updated too. :?

Sandy H :mrgreen:
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Im needing some questions answered about my female beardeddragon, I honestly have no idea on age , she was a recuse, as ive had a couple in my life an have experience. So 9 weeks in , she earing well pooping well getting comfortable, then approx 3-4 days ago the digging started. So I got a dig box set up in her 75 g tank. Well within 2 hours she dropped an egg. Now only one egg an its been 10 hours.shouldiBworried
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I just set Swordtail's timer for his bath and paused it so I could actually fill his soaking bowl up and he crawled over my phone and canceled the timer 🤣
Mirage came out of brumation on April 26. He was doing great. On May 2 he started acting funny. We just redid his tank, and he keeps going into one of his hides. He just lays there. He shows no intrest in food. HELP!

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