Guitar and my beardie...

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Maybe im crazy haha but whenever i play my acoustic guitar, Ammo always will hangout and watch and listen to me playing. He just plops down and gets comfortable and never lets his eyes off me untill im done. Maybe its a coincidence but it seems like her stress marks go away quite a bit when im playing too lol.

Just my imagination or does he enjoy my playing? :D


Hatchling Member
He probably wants you to stop so he can cuddle on your lap instead!

All kidding aside, our Beardies like music! They like the Mudmen the best. Maybe it's got something to do with Rock and Roll and Bagpipes. They tend to perk up when my 9 year old son is in the same room practicing his guitar as well.

I'm sure they can hear every missed note clearly and are cringing!

Hope he continues to enjoy your playin!
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