Glass surfing with little to no appetite


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Hello, for 3 days my bearded dragon has been glass surfing for a large portion of the day. Most of the time when he glad surfs it dosent affect his appetite. These past 3 days he has had little to no appetite. Only wanting crickets very on and off. The vet says he thinks I’m just over feeding him. He thinks the glass surfing is because I changed his lighting and moved around his enclosure. However, he’s also been having diarrhea. He was having diarrhea before this happened as well. It never affected his appetite. What could it be?


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I thought maybe his tummy was upset. Glass surfing and not eating as well. The vet said getting used to his new environment and feeding him too much. The environment made sense because he seems a little stressed and was licking around a little bit. Plus, it started around the time I changed it. The eating dosent make as much sense. Just because if he is not eating good for 3 days what is too much food. Unless what I gave him was a lot of food. And I need to get used to his new winter eating habits.


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He also has a bright beard when he glass surfs. Not dark at all. It gets a little dark at night when he is not glass surfing though. Normally right before bed.


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I’m wondering if the glass surfing is distracting him from eating? He seems to be more willing to eat when he is settled down. Thoughts?
I think it might be he’s just not interested when he’s glass surfing. It hasn’t been long enough for me to know for sure. But when he is relaxed for a little while he is much more willing to eat what I give him.


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Luis and Lilith
Glass surfing is a sign he doesn't feel comfortable in the tank. You have to investigate why!
Could be from rearranging the tank or changing the light or so much other things. My guess is the same as karrie, the tank is too small.

Parasites do not affect the appetite unless they are in really high counts. As karrie said they loose some interest in food that time of the year.

Yes he might eat more when he stps the glass surfing because he does glass surf because he is not feeling comfortable/safe and it stresses him. Humans also eat less when they are stressed and not feeling good.


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Glass surfing is a sign he doesn't feel comfortable in the tank. You have to investigate why!
Could be from rearranging the tank or changing the light or so much other things. My guess is the same as karrie, the tank is too small.

Parasites do not affect the appetite unless they are in really high counts. As karrie said they loose some interest in food that time of the year.

Yes he might eat more when he stps the glass surfing because he does glass surf because he is not feeling comfortable/safe and it stresses him. Humans also eat less when they are stressed and not feeling good.
I think he might be gravid. I didn’t think so because he had a x-ray on Tuesday and vet said no eggs. However, a couple people on here looked at the x-ray and said yes eggs. I gave him a lay box and he has been digging a lot. So, I think that is a part of the reason. Also, could be the space. Thank you for your help!

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