Getting poop tested for parasites


Beardie name(s)
I’m a new to having bearded dragon. Mine is about 7 months old and his poops are really stinky runny in past few weeks. He’s also not that active and only poops once or twice a week now.
I just brought in his poop to get tested and it came out negative. It was there for one night before going to the lab, they probably refrigerated it, however it didn’t make sense. Why else would his poop be stinky and watery?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
I’m a new to having bearded dragon. Mine is about 7 months old and his poops are really stinky runny in past few weeks. He’s also not that active and only poops once or twice a week now.
I just brought in his poop to get tested and it came out negative. It was there for one night before going to the lab, they probably refrigerated it, however it didn’t make sense. Why else would his poop be stinky and watery?
Poo will smell like poo— sometimes worse than others, so it may not have been a sign of parasites in this case. As for the part about it being watery, what do you mean? Diarrhea or just excess water? Because a healthy stool will have some excess liquids with it.

What is your UVB fixture and temperatures? How do you read them? Ideally, you should be using a 10.0 Reptisun tube lamp or an Arcadia T5 tube lamp. As for temperatures, they should be between 95-110 degrees Fahrenheit, measured with a digital probe.

If either of these are incorrect, it can cause loose stool. It could be diet-related, does he get stuff like cucumber, squash, or lettuce in his diet? All of those are very watery and can cause diarrhea in large amounts. It could have also been caused by a stomach bug.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Yes, he does it a lot of different lettuces. His poop looks better last one, maybe it was from something he didn’t digest properly. I have been giving him black fly larvae as his main protein, wonder if that isn’t great for digestion too?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
How much do you feed and what size is your dragon?
At seven months my dragon pooped at least every other day....
Also lettuces is not really great to be fed as it contains almost no nutrients and are mostly made of water.
You can use this guide to choose some good staple foods. Just ignore the info on kale, kale is a great staple.

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