Getting a dragon on monday, what is there needed to know?

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I learned quite a bit about these bearded dragons within a couple days but there looks to be a lot to know about them. I spent a whole bunch of money the other day just on supplies. Lights, the cage, cut up bark, stuff for the food, stuff for the food, etc. Basically I just need to know everything I can find out about taking care of these creatures, and anything about them. Another thing is do they like bearded dragon food? The little pellets. I want to feed it crickets but wouldn't they eat each other if you had them all together?


Hatchling Member
I was just wondering what the cut up bark was for, are you going to use it as substrate? As far as pellets go, all dragons are different. I have 3 and none of them will eat pellets. Are you asking if the crickets will eat each other? If so, no they won't. I order 1,000 at a time. You do have to feed your crickets. I you mean will the crickets eat your dragon, it is possible for them to nibble a little. You only want to feed as many as he will eat in @15 min. You want to keep them in a seperate enclosure. Hope this helps. You may want to go ahead and list what you have learned...enclosure size, heat, lighting, supplements, etc. People will ask, so you may want to go ahead and list it. Good luck :!:


Original Poster
The bark is just for the floor. How much would you pay for 1000 crickets. What do you keep them in? How much do you feed the crickets? I don't have the cage yet it's at my gf's place but I think it's roughly 4' by 2', maybe something like that.


Hatchling Member
I've never used that bark before. I would think it would need changed quite often because of smell. You'll have to let me know. I pay 10.00 for 1,000 plus shipping. Think it's around 6.00. You can't beat it. I keep them in a 10 gallon tank with toilet paper rolls and pieces of crate that they ship them with. You can buy cricket food from the supplier and most pet stores. I just keep replacing it as they eat. It's much better than paying about 1.00 per dozen.


Original Poster
I'm going to try the bark out for now because I have it. They charge 63$ for 1000 at the local pet store so I'm going to try to find something online that would be cheaper.


Sub-Adult Member
Bark chips are a "no-no". Beardies will taste most anything and are prone to impaction with "particulate" substrates. Even sand is not a good idea. Calci-sand is a REALLY bad idea because it will stick together after being ingested causing a big lump. The best thing is to put ceramic tile, newspaper, non-adhesive rubbery shelf-liner (a favorite amongst most of us here), or non-looped reptile carpet. Young beardies will poop a lot and it is easiest to spot clean a flat surface (I use baby wipes). You will need a rock or heavy branch of some sort under the basking lamp . I have a terra cotta saucer for my bigger beardie since he got too big for the rock. It is nice and easy to clean. They also like rocks and/or branches to climb on but are not considered "arboreal" lizards. My guy sleeps in one of those reptile hammocks in the cool corner of his tank at night. It just sticks on with suction cups. Remember that they can come unstuck so be careful what you put underneath it (nothing pointy or sharp).

You need a probe type thermometer so you can check the basking surface temp as well as the air temp of the cool side of the tank (air temp in the low 80s is good, basking spot should be 105-115 measured with the probe on the basking rock). Your guy will need two kinds of lights. The basking one put in a clamp lamp type fixture for heat at the hot side plus a UVB fluorescent tube that spans the length OR you could shell out the cash for a MVB flood lamp which actually provides a better source of the UVB plus heat. They are pricey though. You will spend atleast $40 for the bulb alone. The fluorescent can be found for around $20. A timer is pretty much essential to make sure they stay on a light schedule. 10-14 hours a day of light is good. Timers are fairly cheap. I've seen them for as low as $5. They can tolerate temps down into the 60s at night.

You will need to provide crickets that are no longer than the space between your beardie's eyes and dust them with a calcium powder that contains vit D3. The most recommended here is Repcal pink label. You will have to dust the food once daily for babies and about 3Xweek for older beardies. They also need a multivitamin. Repcal makes one called herptivite I believe but there are others that are good too. The multivitamin only needs to be given 3xweek for a baby and maybe a coupleXweek for an older. Babies NEED their bugs atleast twice a day. I would give a fresh salad (check here for a very thorough list of veggie staples , well-chopped, in the morning first thing then offer dusted bugs at noon and then later again in the afternoon. If your schedule demands, you could offer the bugs first thing in the AM with the salad and then again when you get home from work in the afternoon. I also put juvie pellets in with the salad and add water about halfway up the dish to keep everything moist and to provide the water source. A separate water dish is a topic for debate since it may add too much humidity to the tank and some beardies like to poop in them :p Also, a baby could drown in a water dish. They get plenty of water from the salad bowl and veggies and the baths. You can soak him a couple times a week in water that is warm enough for a baby's bath (just test that it is warm but not hot with your forearm). Be forewarned that beardies like to poop in their bath though. (this is a GOOD thing for those whose beardies will go weeks without going ;)) Other good staple bugs are silkworms. They will also provide a good source of moisture to his diet. The size rule doesn't apply to silkies because they don't have an exoskeleton. Mealworms are a bad choice for beardies because of how hard their exo is. Waxworms, butterworms and some other softbody worms are okay for treats but are like feeding your guy porkrinds. He will get addicted to them and they aren't so great nutritionwise. Remember that a tiny baby beardie can eat as much in $$$ in bugs as a full-grown rottweiler does in Dog Chow! I was spending up to $20/week when mine was a little guy! Thankfully he is on superworms now (he is much bigger, supers are a no-no for babies) and only needs them a few times a week. I make my own bug food. I mix infant cereal with fish flakes and reptile calcium and vitamins and put it in a shallow dish. They also need a water source but will drown in open water. I use those cotton squares you find near the cotton balls and soak them in water in a shallow dish. Egg crates and toilet paper tubes are good for them to hide in. They also like fresh veggies (you can feed the beardie's salad scraps like the husks of the greens and such). You have to feed them a good diet or they won't be nutritious for your beardie. Keep them in a rubbermaid bin with a hole cut in the top and screening glued (securely with a glue gun!) into the hole. If they get too humid from lack of ventilation, they will die off!

Your tank sounds like a good size (you said 4'X2'). For a baby, you may want to partition off a smaller area in the beginning though. You also don't want to have a "hide" for babies because they may decide to stay in there all the time and not get enough UV. You will want a secure lid (you want to prevent both escape of the beardie as well as other pets from getting HIM) that has big enough holes to let the light in (if you put the light on top). Some fine-weave mesh can block UVB so you may want to find a way to install THAT fixture INSIDE the tank. I rigged up a fluorescent fixture with a board and wire coat hangers to do this. It also makes sure that the light is close enough to do him some good. (It should be accessible to within about 6" to do what it needs to do)

PHEW!!!! Did I hit everything? Some of what I said may conflict with the "pet care books" but I think that most everyone here will agree that what I said is the safest choices and that some of those books out there have some bad info. You should also use great caution when asking pet store employees for advice. HTH



Original Poster
So newspaper should work? I might just take the bark chips back then. Do they have claws that would rip the newspaper? I'm going to list the stuff I picked up already.

- Repti Glo 5.0 Tropical Terrarium Lamp 15watt (still need to get the fixture for it)
- Porcelain Clamp Lamp
- 100 watt Basking spot lamp for day light
- 75watt moonlight lamp (Night Glo)
- Some bendable jungle Vine
- Reptile Cave
- Water Dish
- Jungle Plant
- Calcium powder
- water conditioner

That's about it for now. I have the cage but it's in a different city which I'm getting over the weekend. I know I'm going to need some thermometers as well. Also is there anything else besides live crickets that would be good for the little thing. I need to order the crickets online because it's just too expensive in the store. Just name off other stuff I would need as well. Also for placement I'm thinking I'm going to have the cage so it's longer horizontally. Have the Repti Glo light going across the whole thing. Have on one side the basking light and try to get that side 100 degrees and on the other I'll have the jungle plant as well as everything really and hopefully get that side to around 75 derees. Also the cage is hard mesh I believe (It's Not A Tank), so the light should be fine going into it.


Sub-Adult Member
JoshThibodeau":8a55a said:
So newspaper should work? I might just take the bark chips back then. Do they have claws that would rip the newspaper? I'm going to list the stuff I picked up already.

- Repti Glo 5.0 Tropical Terrarium Lamp 15watt (still need to get the fixture for it)
- Porcelain Clamp Lamp
- 100 watt Basking spot lamp for day light
- 75watt moonlight lamp (Night Glo)
- Some bendable jungle Vine
- Reptile Cave
- Water Dish
- Jungle Plant
- Calcium powder
- water conditioner

That's about it for now. I have the cage but it's in a different city which I'm getting over the weekend. I know I'm going to need some thermometers as well. Also is there anything else besides live crickets that would be good for the little thing. I need to order the crickets online because it's just too expensive in the store. Just name off other stuff I would need as well. Also for placement I'm thinking I'm going to have the cage so it's longer horizontally. Have the Repti Glo light going across the whole thing. Have on one side the basking light and try to get that side 100 degrees and on the other I'll have the jungle plant as well as everything really and hopefully get that side to around 75 derees. Also the cage is hard mesh I believe (It's Not A Tank), so the light should be fine going into it.

They have claws but it is not a problem with the newspaper. You will be changing it fairly frequently anyways ;) That is why so many of us use the shelf liner. It can be spot cleaned.

You need a Reptiglo 8.0. They need the maximum UVB

Dump the night bulb. They don't like light at night and can take temps down into the 60s while sleeping.

Dump the cave. You don't want a baby hiding. Hides are ok for older beardies though as long as they still bask.

Use the "water dish" as a second food dish. It is handy so you can always have a clean one handy when changing out the dish.

Make sure your "jungle plant" is not a live plant (they will taste most ANYTHING) and if fake, doesn't have any sharp edges or easily bitten off parts. These guys have serrated blade-like teeth! Luckily they are gentle to US ;) Ornaments/rocks/non-leafed "trees" are best for ornamentation and climbing. My guy almost ate a piece of PLASTIC the other day while roaming outside his tank!

Jungle vine is ok but not terribly practical when they get bigger. When these guys are full size, they will have a harder time hanging onto it.

What is the water conditioner for? Beardies can handle regular tap water ok. Not like fish or amphibians who have the really permeable skin.

You do NOT want a mesh tank! It will not hold the temps and low humidity requirements. You can build a tank or buy a glass one but it needs to not have fully ventilated (mesh) walls. You could use that tank for outdoor sunning though. It would be a great way to get extra UVB au natural. If outdoors in the sun, make sure you DO have a cool area for him.

Really, if you read my above post, it has everything you need in it. I know it is long but these are things you will want to have "down" before getting your guy. You don't have to have it memorized at first but you really need to know that stuff. Please read especially about the food parts. The link to the salad items is especially important. I think many if not most people here have that list printed up and handy to do the grocery shopping. It will also tell you what NOT to feed your beardie. HTH


Ozzy's Mom

Juvie Member
Melissa has given you some great advice. Please take the bark back and try one of her suggestions for the substrate. The non-adhesive shelf liner is by far the easiest to keep clean! It's cheap and can be picked up at any walmart. Be sure to get the kind without the holes...much easier to clean and their little nails won't get caught in it.

Ozzy's Mom

Juvie Member
I almost forgot, be sure not to leave crickets in with a beardie longer than 10-15 minutes when feeding. When they get hungry they can chew on your beardie and leave nasty sores.

Just in case I forgot anything else, you can check out a reply I posted for another newbie at:
It's mostly the same stuff Melissa already said, but I think there may be a few extra things I discussed there.

Be sure to take lots of pics when you get your new beardie! We'd love to see him/her. :)


Original Poster
yea, I'll definantly take everything into consideration. My tank or whatever you want to call it is what I'm going to use for now just because I don't want to buy another. I just got back from walmart and got a fixture for my florescent light. My lamp is 18" long and I'm going to put in the middle of my 25" tank which I just found out that is the actual size. Should that be fine? Should I run it right beside my basking light instead of the middle? So there would be about 7" of space with no UV. I couldn't find a 24" fixture anywhere because I'm taking the 5.0 back and getting an 8.0 which I was going to get a 24" one so I could run it along the whole cage but couldn't find it anywhere. Is that ok?


Original Poster
Also I live in canada so most of the wholesale sites for buying crickets wont ship to canada. dragons go for 189$ around here. How much there?


Sub-Adult Member
Hold it there cowboy! You initially said he was getting a 48" long tank. Now you are saying it is only HALF that size? Plus, you will REALLY need something that is not freebreezin' eventually. Your beardie will become prone to all kinds of health problems if you can't maintain his temps. Plus, he will be able to climb up and get his claws stuck in the mesh possibly injuring toes or falling and hurting himself.

I actually have a glass tank that some here would consider on the smallish side but it has been sufficient for my guy. It is a glass 40gallon BREEDER (it is shorter and squatter than other 40g tanks). It is 36" longX18" from front to back and 16" high. It comes with a screen lid and cost less than $100. I have a 24" fluorescent fixture which runs the length of the tank toward the back. That leaves about 12" at the end to put the basking fixture so it doesn't melt the fluorescent one. You can pick up a fluorescent fixture anywhere really. Mine was less than $10 at Walmart or a home improvement store has lots to choose from as well. Make sure there is no cover over the bulb though. Just leave it off if it has one (mine did). You want to have as much floor space spanned by the UVB as possible.

As for beardie breeders in Canada, I googled one that has babies for as little as $60. I can't vouch for them but what I saw looked good. It looks like they specialize in color morphs but have some "normals" as well. And here is a link to a Canadian site that sells crickets.

Do you not google much? Sorry if that sounds snotty but these are like the immediate things that came up on google for me and there are probably even BETTER options if you look. I whole-heartedly recommend buying your beardie from an actual breeder who specializes in beardies (not a wholesaler or someone who breeds a lot of different reptiles). I got mine from a pet store but it really is a crap shoot since you don't know the bloodlines nor the care they are getting on a daily basis. Breeders tend to know their stuff. I consider myself lucky for getting a "keeper" :)

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