Food Powders and Supplements


Sub-Adult Member
A little info for those who are just coming on and reading

Maya = Nine years old- sweet boy.
45-55 Gallon Breeder tank (Wish I could get something bigger for this lovebug. But the space is limited and is by a sloped roof/ wall.
Arcadia 12% UVB HO T5.
Substrate: A black mat that's great for his joints and he loves it.
Basking spot heat is 95-99 degrees f.
Cool Side is 80 degrees.
Yes, he has a bear to climb up on, and a new pokemon pillow he loves to cling to during basking. It helps his front legs. (Working on his front legs)
He does spend some time under his UVB light. So that's a plus.

I have given him some food powders for almost a year. They are Alfalfa Powder, Spirulina powder, Moringa powder, and dandelion powder. Once daily. I am beginning to think that they are having an 'effect' on him because he's not really showing signs of dehydration. He does drink in his baths and he does get greens that are soaked- literally soaked in room temperature water- they are washed prior to being put in the fridge. He has hard urates when he poos and he does go weekly. I decided to see about taking him off those food powders to see if it helps his urates. I have read about them being full of calcium, plant protein, and antioxidants.
His calcium schedule is/ was Monday through Friday- Calcium without D3. Saturday Calcium with D3. Sunday, day off.
His multivitamin schedule is/ was Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
I decided to also stop giving him the calcium and multivitamin because I began to think it may be impacting him somehow.
I'm waiting for Tracie to respond to see what she also says.
I do have a vet. But, he doesn't have a lab to run blood work on reptiles. Yes, I do have liquid calcium and liquid multivitamins so I can use this in place of the supplement powders.
This week: Turnip Greens, Zucchini, yellow squash, red bell pepper.
Bee pollen every other day.
Kidney Support every day.
Milk Thistle every day.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Sorry for the delay, how are things going?
You can definitely cut down on the supplements to help with the urates. As far as the multivitamins,
you can get by with once weekly or twice max. You can cut back on other powders, too. Even though
they aren't toxic, powders can contribute to impactions just simply from drying them out internally.
It might help out to go to liquids for awhile & just a few powders on the side, or you can go just with the
Also, when they get older their systems usually break down liquids more easily than powders.
Is he eating his greens & vegetation often? The variety sounds very good for him!
That's great he drinks during a bath, that does help out.
Post some pictures of Maya for us when you can.


xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
As long as your uvb is on par the d3 is negligible. They produce their own and it's triggered by the uvb. I've had a couple different vets tell me to stop using the d3 after going over my husbandry. They told me that with the uvb I give them it wasn't necessary.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster

Sorry for the delay, how are things going?
You can definitely cut down on the supplements to help with the urates. As far as the multivitamins,
you can get by with once weekly or twice max. You can cut back on other powders, too. Even though
they aren't toxic, powders can contribute to impactions just simply from drying them out internally.
It might help out to go to liquids for awhile & just a few powders on the side, or you can go just with the
Also, when they get older their systems usually break down liquids more easily than powders.
Is he eating his greens & vegetation often? The variety sounds very good for him!
That's great he drinks during a bath, that does help out.
Post some pictures of Maya for us when you can.

I'm beginning to think the supplement powders are causing him to dry out internally. I only give him the milk thistle and kidney support powder on his greens with a spritzing of water. He's showed some interest in his greens and salad toppers. But won't eat on his own. He'll look and wait for me to serve him. No, he's not spoiled. Just well loved.
He is sleeping off and on. Still doing well. He got mad when I put him on the floor and wouldn't let him go under the table and the tv stand. Turned black.


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Sub-Adult Member
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As long as your uvb is on par the d3 is negligible. They produce their own and it's triggered by the uvb. I've had a couple different vets tell me to stop using the d3 after going over my husbandry. They told me that with the uvb I give them it wasn't necessary.
I'll need to replace it next month with a Reptisun 10.0 HO. Hopefully, that'll be ok. I know Arcadia's are best and they last a year.
I'm going to cut back on a lot of the food supplement powders and see how he is when he poops and has a urate.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

They do tend to get mad when they don't get what they want! LOL
That is a good idea to go ahead & cut the supplement powders down to help out his system. The
liquids might do really well for him.
Let us know how the urates look too. Hopefully the changes in his schedule will help out with his
overall hydration. Keep us posted on him!



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster

They do tend to get mad when they don't get what they want! LOL
That is a good idea to go ahead & cut the supplement powders down to help out his system. The
liquids might do really well for him.
Let us know how the urates look too. Hopefully the changes in his schedule will help out with his
overall hydration. Keep us posted on him!

Seen him turn black as can be when he sees birds or himself. Then he'd head bob himself. Even if there's paper all over the tank. He sees his shadow.

I will. Hopefully, cutting back on these powders will help straighten his system out. I will.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh definitely, seeing a bird fly by or overhead, etc will cause them to black beard. It's pretty funny
to see them head bob at themselves in the mirror, too.
I hope he continues to be active & I'm sure he will improve for you soon.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster

Oh definitely, seeing a bird fly by or overhead, etc will cause them to black beard. It's pretty funny
to see them head bob at themselves in the mirror, too.
I hope he continues to be active & I'm sure he will improve for you soon.

It's funny.
He's trying to eat on his own but misses a piece of food that interests him. It's like his tongue lost it's stickiness or something? When he does, he looks at me for help. So, I feed him every midmorning- He likes eating in the afternoons. He gets so frustrated when he misses his food. I gave him first liquid calcium and multivitamin dose today. I mixed some of the multivitamin in some water, kidney support, and milk thistle powder. I was thinking he wouldn't take any of it but he did. (Dropped 2-3 drops into the water.) He ate all of his salad this afternoon. He's been going to bed earlier than usual. But, basks all day so that's a good thing. I have noticed that he will perch up on his turtle toy.
Good news. I also have a student desk coming from Amazon for his tank to sit on securely. Tray tables are terrible after awhile and become unstable. They move back and forth. I was thinking of his safety. After that, I'm going to see if I can get him some suitable spots to climb on that will strengthen his front legs a little more.


Sub-Adult Member
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And yes, that is a pillow in his tank. He sleeps on it, sprawls out on it. But, the desk is wonderful.


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