Feeding a rescue leopard question.

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Juvie Member
Ok, I have two leopards. One I have had for awhile, and he does good with a dish full of smaller super worms and takes his time eating them. I change them out for new worms every other day. Well, I got a female 2yearold and she is extremely under weight. She is as big round as my pinky. I tried feeding her like my boy and she just gorged herself on them eating 22 in 8 minutes then threw up most of them an hour latter. So I have been feeding her 6-8 a day and she keeps checking her food dish thought to day and is acting like I'm not giving her enought. Am I giving her enough? Should I up her numbers? I am currently feeding her 3/4 - 1 inch supers.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Sounds like you could add a few extra a year, if she's looking for more food, just not as much as she gorged on the first day. It's obvious the prev owner starved the poor thing, so a few extra daily won't hurt her, maybe 12-14 a day instead for awhile? I'd give that a try to see how she does, or maybe feed her 6 but twice a day, see if that helps. Poor little one, so skinny. At least she has an appetite, which is good news.


Extreme Poster
Those supers are about the same size as mealies, right? I always fed my girl 8 - 10 mealies a day when she liked them.

Geckos always seem to have eyes bigger than their stomachs though. My rescued male will also eat until he pukes too if I let him... His limit is 3 adult supers.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks all for the advice. I think I'm going to up her levels of food for a bit and see where we go.


Hatchling Member
Please also keep in mind if she is very skinny that too much protein up front could cause organ failure so you have to be careful.

Leos tend to gorge themselves and are prone to becoming overweight. I would cut down on the amount of feeders as well as maybe try dubia roaches as they are easier to digest and might be a little less harsh on her system.


Gray-bearded Member
When a leo is malnourished too much at once is bad. You need to start of feeding her about 5 a day if you are feeding supers, just up them as she can tolerate them. I know it is hard not to feed them when they act like they are starving, but it will be better for her. You can also try dubia since they are more nutritious. Do you mind me asking what supplements you have her on and what is the supplement schedule you have her on?


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Wow I was not getting updates from this post like my others do. She is doing wonderful. Thanks everyone here. She's about doubled her weight. I am weighing everyone this weekend and ill post before and after photos and weight. She is still wanting everything under the sun. She is doing great.
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