eye popped out a bit


Hatchling Member
ive noticed junes eye has popped out a tiny bit a few weeks ago but i didnt find it very concerning since she acts okay. the only odd behavior she does is blinking repeatedly like if something were in her eye. i havent seen her do this in a few days and the eye doesnt seem to be bothering her so im not sure what is happening. this video was taken today, but she only blinked once. sorry if the photo looks unclear but her eye is out a bit..



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Beardies do "bulge" their eyes on occasion. I find Jack does it most if he's preparing to shed in the area and once or twice I've caught him doing it while stretching. And yes, he blinks a bit after doing it.

You know your beardie best, just know that this is something that they can do for totally normal reasons :)

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