Eye issues? Plus health improving


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Hello, my bearded dragon has been eating better. He was not eating well before because of laxatives. When he started not feeling well, his eyes were acting a little weird. He seems like he was eating better, but I’m not sure if his eyes are better. I’m not sure if there is anything wrong with them or not. He sometimes will squint them. They just don’t look as open. However, other times they look completely normal and wide eyed. Especially when I hand him food. He will also sometimes close one or both. He does this for like 10-30 seconds. He opens and closes it slowly. He has buldged his eyes 3 times in 4 days. He also did a weird thing with his eyes. I haven’t seen it in awhile though. His eyeball would look like it dropped low. Then, he would quickly fix it by moving his eyes. That dosent last long either.


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BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Do you still have him on a loose substrate?
If you have had him on a loose substrate, that can definitely cause a lot of eye irritation.
His eyes look good in the pictures though. Is he eating pretty well right now?



Sub-Adult Member
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Do you still have him on a loose substrate?
If you have had him on a loose substrate, that can definitely cause a lot of eye irritation.
His eyes look good in the pictures though. Is he eating pretty well right now?

He is not on loose substrate. Sometimes there is some little dust/hair floating around. Yesterday, he ate good. He went and got some food himself. He also ate crickets and the greens with the purée. I’m hoping he eats well today too. He pooped and it looks Normal, and was 4 days apart from his last poop.

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