eating dirt?

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Hatchling Member
ok so my beardie Zora is eleven months old 284g and 10 1/2" from nose to very large tail nip but that is not what is bothering me ... ever since its gotten warm enough to take her back outside she has started eating dirt ... and when i say the i don't mean just in passing no she looks for it and gets very agitated when i won't let her eat it .. she doesn't get aggressive she is just not like that but you can tell she is not pleased .
What I'm wandering is why she keeps eating dirt. i supplement her vitamins and her calcium so she shouldn't be deficient i just was wandering if anyone else had this issue

Esther19 Addict
Gosh. I know that in certain areas of the country, humans boil and eat dirt. Never have seen my dragons do it, though.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Well i can tell you she goes at it pretty good i just wish i could understand why i know she gets enough to eat because she is my little butterball

Esther19 Addict
I hope other folks chime in on this. If she has plenty of food and supplements, I don't really understand the behavior, either.
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