Dragon with Eating Problem?

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Hatchling Member
I am very concerned about my dragon and this is going to be a lengthy post so I can give you all the full history as far as I know about Lance, my oldest male dragon. I'm not quite sure where to put this thread and if need be a moderator can put it in it's proper location.

His history: We bought Lance and Samantha from kijiji from their original owners for my two sons. We didn't do any research before and they were housed together. We were told Lance was about 2 years old and Samantha was about 1 1/2 years old. Their substrate was calci-sand. They had a red basking light. They had a ReptiSun 5.0 UVB bulb that was original from when Lance was a baby. They also came with their tank which measures 36Wx18Dx19H and a digital probe thermometer. They had a large water dish. We were told they ate crickets every other day and romaine lettuce every other day. They never mentioned anything about calcium or vitamin supplements.

I did find this site and so far everyone has helped us tremendously with proper set-up and care. This is what we changed for them within the first couple months of them being here.

Within the first week we changed their red basking light to a bright white one and changed their UVB to a ReptiGlo 10.0. We couldn't get anything else at the time and it was 12 inches away from them. We got rid of the sand and used newspaper for their substrate. We bought RepCal calcium with D3 and Reptivite vitamins and started dusting their crickets with them. We changed their salads and got rid of the romaine lettuce and gave them a variety of bak choi, parsley, cilanto, collard greens, dandelion greens, squash, blueberries, carrots, yams, kale, broccoli, peppers and whatever else looked good at the grocery store that is the safe foods list. Mind you, they weren't all given at the same time. We mixed them up for a good variety. We continued to feed them crickets and the occassional superworms. They also got some treats from time to time of hornworms, silkworms, butterworms and waxworms.

Lance and Samantha chased the crickets around and ate as many as offered and munched occassionaly on their salads. We continued to do some more research and observed their behaviours towards each other. Lance had a fairly large gap at the tip of his nose when his mouth was fully closed. His tongue always sticks out. I thought maybe that he may have had a bit of MBD and ensured we dusted with calcium regularly. We switched them from crickets to superworms about a month after we first got the two of them. We noticed that one morning Lance had a mark on his tail that looked like it could have been a bite mark. Samantha had one as well. We had read and seen enough interraction with them that we seperated them. We went and bought a 160W MegaRay bulb and put Lance in his original tank without Samantha and Samantha into a temporary tank with the ReptiGlo and basking bulb until we figured out what we were going to do. We happened to have had a smaller tank for Samantha until we could find something bigger for a reasonable price. I know it was small for her but it was better for her at the time. It got the two of them seperated.

During this time of seperation we began to notice that Samantha was getting fairly fat and Lance was starting to get skinny. Lance hardly ate anything even when hand fed. We decided to switch the dragons into the opposing tanks. Samantha is now in the larger tank and Lance into the smaller tank. The two seemed to manage quite well on their own. Except Lance wasn't eating very much. It was a fight to get him to eat. We would literally hold a worm or piece of his salad in front of his mouth for ten minutes or until he ate it. About the end of December or early January Samantha decided to go into brumation. It wasn't long afterwards that Lance went down too.

During this time, we built a 3 decker condo for our 3 beardies. (I accquired a dragon of my own by someone who was giving him away due to a move to another country.) We built styrofoam and grout structures for all of them as well. You can see pics of the completed project in the DIY section.

Early March comes around and Samantha decides to come out of brumation. We scurry to get the new vivs set-up and finished. As we thought Lance came out shortly after. Lance took awhile to come out of brumation. Slowly he would emerge from his new hidey and have some water and bask awhile. He eventually ate a full dish of salad. He must have been ravenous because that's the most salad he's ever eaten. For a few days he accepted 3 or 4 superworms with some salad. He tended to eat his salad on an every other day basis with not touching a single worm. We offered him roaches (we started a colony in January as well) and I think he's eaten two since March. We even tried using his old tank for a feeding tank and let him run and chase his roaches and superworms. That didn't work. He just glass-danced to get out.

Two weeks ago, I noticed Lance didn't eat anything. Day after day after day he refused to eat. We held the roaches in front of him for what seemed like hours and he refused to eat them. We held his salad in front of him for what seemed like hours as well. Three days ago I had decided I had worried enough!! I went to the grocery store and bought some chicken broth baby food and some organic squash baby food and a needleless syringe. Of course I had been reading in these forums and discussions about which food to buy. Thanks for helping me even though you didn't know I was seeking help at that time.

I mixed up some chicken and squash, threw in some calcium powder, mixed it well and sucked it into the syringe. That took some creativity and effort. I never thought I'd be sucking babyfood into a syringe for a lizard in all my life. So, I got 5ml into the syringe. I picked up Lance and put him on his basking platform in his viv. I pull out the syringe and show it to him so he's not scared. He licks it and probably thinking "Whhooooa Mom what's that for? It can't be anything good. Where's the best hiding spot?" I squirt a little on the tip of his nose and wait. The liquid from it seeps into his mouth. His tongue juts out. He gives it a taste. His tongue juts out again and again. I continue to squirt small bits of this babyfood onto his tongue. He seems to be enjoying it quite a bit. He at 3mls total. A couple hours later, I do the same thing to get the same result. He loves the babyfood!! I try and offer him some of his salad after eating 3ml's more of the babyfood. He refuses to eat that. Two days ago, I make up some for him and syringe fed him 4 times in the day. Total food he ate was 8ml's. Yesterday Lance was a trooper and ate a total of 12 ml's in 4 feedings.

Last night I attempted to puree some roaches, superworms, kale, dandelion greens and mango up for him. It turned out pretty good. I refridgerated it overnight and took some out this morning for Lance and warmed it in the microwave and sucked it into the syringe. It was more difficult than the babyfood but managed pretty good. Squirted it on Lance's nose. He looked at me. His tongue didn't come out. I squirted a little bit more, ensuring he saw the syringe. (The little booger knows what the syringe is for now. He hears me tapping the food down and he scurries onto his basking platform for when I'm ready.) He ate some of it but clearly didn't like it as much as the babyfood. He ate 1 1/2 ml's but most of that ended up dripping down his beard. Quickly, I make up more of the chicken and squash babyfood mixture and syringe it up and offer it to him. Low and behold, Lance eats a record breaking 5ml's!!! Yaaaaay!!

This is his current set-up which I think is pretty dang fantastic!! 4x2x2 custom enclosure with custom built furniture (pics in DIY section). 100W MegaRay bulb. Temps are 108 basking and 80 cool side. He can get anywhere from 12 inches to 3 feet from the MegaRay. He has a cool side and hot side hidey and logs to climb. Slate tiles for substrate. His bowel movements have been non-existant due to not eating. He did have one yesterday which was small and a bit runny. Lance used to get baths every 2-3 days but now requires one everyday because he is a messy eater of babyfood.

I have also noticed within the last few days of syringe feeding him that he has only a few teeth. There are currently 2 on the bottom on his right and 4 on the bottom on the left. I only see a few little remnants of teeth on the top of either side. Since noticing this, I can see why he refuses to eat the roaches and superworms and salad. Looks like he may have trouble chewing them due to the few teeth he has. My other dragons have 4 rows of teeth in their mouths. I have also noticed that since we got Lance the gap in his mouth has gotten a little bit smaller. His last shed was mostly around his mouth.

Lance looks like he's already starting to put a little weight on. He isn't skinny anymore. The wrinkles are disappearing. Lance is quite a bit more active than I have ever seen him. He used to just bask for a bit and go nap and then bask and nap with the occasional head bob thrown in for a good hormone release. Now, he runs all over his viv, climbs, basks, ventures out of his viv whenever we open his door and is exploring whatever he can.

I had always considered all 3 of my Beardies rescues due to the fact that their previous owners didn't care for them properly and we changed a lot of their set-ups and diets. For now, hopefully, Lance is going to be a special needs dragon but at the same time a normal dragon all the same.

So, this is what I need help and advice with...

How much babyfood is enough for him?
Can I feed him too much babyfood?
Will his teeth grow back?
What variety of babyfood can I offer him?
Should I keep trying to make his food with the blender? (I am growing a garden full of all kinds of foods the beardies and the rest of the family will enjoy.)
Any advice on how to get the same consistancy of babyfood with the food I make?

I thank you for your patience on the long thread but I wanted everything out there so you could help and offer advice without too many questions back and forth. I hope I covered everything but if you do need more, please don't hesitate.


Wow what a story that was. I can help with a few questions but not all of them. My water dragon was missing a few teeth when I rescued her from Petsmart (go figure) and I havent noticed them coming back. She doesnt have as much trouble as your beardie (shes only missing 2) but sometimes I have to blend up her food. I have been able to blend her roaches and salads together very well. It comes close to baby food and you have to blend for a while but it does get there.

As for the variety of baby food, chicken and squash are the most common mix. Theres others you can try for sure but Im not familiar with them.

Id go ahead and keep using the blender. I use it for the salads a lot, its faster than tearing it up lil by lil hehe, of course you dont want to blend it to a pulp but it does make it easier.

Hope any of that helps! :)


Hatchling Member
i didnt go through that hole thing because i stoped at reopti glo 10.....it isnt a good light while using it pls keep and eye out for a tired looking dragon if there eye twitch or stay closed or if you think somthing is wrong just shut off that light.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
The reptiglo has not been used in 6 months. All my dragons are on MegaRay, just to clear that up once again. He was only on the reptigo for a few weeks and was a good 15 inches away from him. I didn't see any real signs of damage during that short of a use.


Juvie Member
Wow! sounds like you are doing great!
I don't know the answers to your questions about baby food but would also like to know as my Boga loves babyfood and canned pumkin as well.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

As far as the amount of babyfood you can feed him, it somewhat depends on his weight. Normally, when you are not trying to put weight on them, a maintenance amount is usually .5-1ml per 50 grams of bodyweight. So, a 100gram dragon could safely have 1ml just to "maintain" their weight. Since he needs to gain weight you can adjust that to more of course, I would safely say 2, maybe 3ml per 100 grams of bodyweight.
Do you happen to know his weight off hand? Do you have a picture of him, are his hipbones sticking out?
Based on your description, he probably has a slight case of metabolic bone deficiency but you have already taken care of the lighting issues so no need to cover that. He should not get any worse now. As for his teeth, they will not grow back, no.
I think you are doing everything correctly for him, & spoiling him now, of course.



Hatchling Member
Wow - thanks for sharing your story. I think Lance is going to be just fun with a big Thanks to you. Keep us posted on how he is doing.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Hi Tracie,

Thanks for helping out. I'm unsure of how much Lance weighs right now, although he has gained some weight in the last few days. I pick him up and he's got some heft back into him again. I still see a few wrinkles. We are heading to walmart tonight and going to see if we can find a scale. It's really the only thing we don't have for these guys... and the princess (can't forget her or she'll throw some attitude!). I have pics but will post them tonight after the kids go to bed. I have some early pics and recent pics so you can see some differences. His hips look fine to me. Like the other dragon's hips we have. He walks and struts around without any problems. He's always on the go since we started with the babyfood. I have to go get some more tonight for him. Does it just have to be squash and chicken or can I mix the veg up for a variety? What about some babyfood fruit (in small amounts)? I know he used to devour blueberries when we first got him and would think he'd enjoy them again. I'm mixing about one teaspoon of the chicken broth to two teaspoons of the squash then adding a pinch of calcium or vitamins (whichever day is scheduled). Does this sound like an adequate mix of protein to vegetable?

I would like to thank the others for their interest and for reading that super long post. I will keep updates on his progress of course.

Since his teeth won't grow back, do you think he will be dependent on syringe feeding for the rest of his life?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
We went and bought a digital scale to weigh Lance. He tops the scales at 462 grams and he is 17"long. His approximate age is 2 1/2. My calculation on the 2-3 ml's per 100 grams you suggested would be approximatley 9-13 ml's.

Lance ate 12 ml's today but probably about 9-10 went into his stomach. We are still getting the hang of syringe feeding and sometimes we make a mess. No big deal. A quick bath fixes that up. I'm glad he loves the beard scrub with the toothbrush because sometimes the food slides in between the scales and is hard to get out.

I have photos!!

This first one is when we first got Lance and seperated him from Samantha.


This is Lance a couple days before he went into brumation.


This is Lance a week before I started giving him babyfood. We were outside and he didn't care.


This is a picture of Lance today.


Lance seems to be enjoying the babyfood. I'm glad to see that he is eating and puting some weight on. He's not just sleeping and basking anymore. He's making good use of the furniture and logs in his viv. He's allowed to venture out and he actually comes out quite a bit to explore around the house.

I told the two of the three kids today. They knew something has been up but they didn't realize how life altering this is going to be for all of us. They agreed to help and actually learn to syringe feed Lance. That takes a load of pressure off of my shoulders. I was starting to worry and get upset today but the kids and the boyfriend are being very supportive. We went out and bought more babyfood. A few jars of the chicken broth, sweet potatos (yams), squash, peas, peas and carrots and green beans. It will give him a good variety for a few weeks until the garden starts to grow and I can attempt to make fresh puree for him. The beardies can eat mostly everything I'm growing in the garden and I have over 30 planted already and that doesn't include the herb garden or the flower beds I tend to almost daily now.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Lance looks quite comfortable. :D
That is about right to get him to gain just a little bit of weight. He is not terribly underweight, but could use some meat on him. Use your judgement as to when it is time to cut back just to maintain his weight so he doesn't get too heavy.
As far as being dependent on the babyfood feedings, I just am not sure. Have you tried the soft bodied worms like the silkworms, hornworms, butterworms or phoenix worms? That might be worth trying one or two of those types since they should be easier to chew & don't have any chitin or harder outer shell on them like the superworms do.
That protein to veggie ratio sounds fine. Pretty soon you can add more protein in the mix for him. Since he is an adult, he doesn't need as much protein as a baby or juvenile does. The protein should comprise roughly 20% while the greens & veggies around 80%. It sounds like he will bounce back pretty well for you.
That is great to hear you have the support of everyone around you. He should be spoiled in NO time, if he isn't already spoiled by now. :love5:

Keep us posted on him.



Sub-Adult Member
Wow...I wish I would have read this sooner...I just posted the exact same problem with my adult MAX. He only eats babyfood when hand fed...I am going to pick up a scale first thing tomorrow.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Lance is looking much better and he acts the way a dragon should. I didn't want to hold off too long getting him to eat. Two weeks without eating anything did make him lose some weight. I didn't want it to get too drastic so I kept an eye on him. I have seen other pics of rescued dragons on this site that were terribly thin and I didn't want Lance to end up looking that way. I was kinda going by what our female, Samantha (aka the pancake princess) looks like to compared to Lance. Mind you she is only 15" and she's around 2 years old and weighs 452 grams. She's got the biggest belly of them all.

I am going to go down to the reptile store in town and see if he we can get him some silkworms or hornworms or butterworms. We did try butterworms with him before brumation and he didn't seem to care for them. He'll get another taste. If he won't eat them, I know one plump princess who would. We tried silkworms shortly after he came out of brumation but he was still kind of slow moving then. We did offer him pheonix worms but he didn't like them. He let them squirm all over his hands and right in front of him. We'll give some soft bodied worms another go to see if he will attempt to eat them. Let's cross our fingers.

Lance had a poop yesterday. Looked pretty normal except it was a bit runny, but I'm thinking that's going to be pretty normal for him now since he's eating babyfood. OMG he just dumped another one on his tiles for me. That looked sick!! :puke: It looked like babyfood but it was the colour of beardie poop with a white urate stuck in for decoration. It didn't smell any fouler than normal.

Lance is definatley a spoiled dragon but he isn't the only dragon in our household who is spoiled. :oops: All 3 of them get more attention than a cat or dog would. I think Lance is moreso now than before. He was even out to play a dinosaur game with my human children the other day. He is very patient with the kids and let them do almost anything. Take a look at what they were doing with him. It was quite cute so we snapped a few pics.



BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Lance looks good & very cute mixed in with the dinosaur toys! :D
At least you know he is not impacted now in the least, & his stool didn't smell terribly bad, either.
That is fine to keep a close eye on his weight. I don't blame you for not wanting him to go without eating for too long. I think he will be fine, he seems pretty resilient!
Maybe he will end up liking a soft worm hopefully. Good luck with that.
Samantha sounds like a spoiled girl too, just like Lance is now. That is ok, they deserve the attention though. :love5:
Let us know how everything is going.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Lance has been doing pretty good the last couple of weeks.

He typically eats anywhere from 7-12grams of food per day in 2-3 feedings.

We took him on a road trip with us to my Mother's last weekend. Since he needs to be syringe fed he had to come with us. Our car trunk isn't large so a week before a friend brought one of the extra tanks to my mother's for Lance to use while there. He managed the 1 1/2 hour drive with only one scare off the dash and into my lap where he hid for the last ten minutes of our ride. He took to his temporary home wonderfully. He wasn't stressed. He didn't black beard except at his reflection in the glass tank and his colouring was normal with no stress lines on the tummy. He sat on the dash the entire trip home which was 2 1/2 hours due to an accident on the highway. He ate great while at Nana's. He got lots of time out in the natural sun on my lap. He had a bath and scared me. I noticed some dark bumps on his legs and panicked. I came here and did a quick search and found out they are his femoral pores. I had never noticed them before. Thanks Beardeddragon.org!!!!

We offered him some hornworms yesterday for his dinner. What an ordeal that was! LOL

He seemed interested and gobbled the first one up pretty good. Yaaaay!! Especially at $2 each! We offered him another one and he was a bit hesitant. He tried to lick it up off the ground and it wouldn't come up all the way. It had stuck itself to the cloth that's on his basking area. We tried dangling it in his face and eventually he ate it. We tried a third one. Not much luck. He took it and had a chomp down on it and dropped it. He injured it pretty good and there was juices squirting out. We dangled it in front of him for a good 10 minutes and he refused to eat it. I didn't want it to go to waste so I fed it to our little Sly guy.

Tried giving him the last 2 we have for him this morning and he seems scared of them. He ran away from them! Would eating those other 2 worms yesterday hurt his teeth so he doesn't want to even try anymore?

I'm going to try to offer them later and see if he was still full up from yesterday's feeding of worms. We got some butterworms for him too yesterday but since they will keep longer in the fridge we're saving them until the horns are gone.

His weight hasn't changed at all. Just finished weighing him and he's still 462grams.
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