Dovah Zii - Finally Awake

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(Dovah - Dragon)
(Zii -Spirit)
Image Galleries: Awake Dovah - Sleeping Dovah

Meet little Dovah Zii. These are his stories, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
First go at keeping a thread in 'Beardie Tales' not sure if I want to go with a one post/topic thread, or a thread of every act deemed share worthy.


Setup -
- 4'x2'x18" Melamine Vivarium - Timeless Spirit Enclosure - My Vivarium
- 36" Repitsun 10.0 Linear Tube
- 36" Naturesun (6500k) Linear Tube
- Two basking Locations (109-114°F on dimmers)
   - Additional Bulbs for heating to maintain a heat gradient of ~85°F on the cool side
- Night Ceramic Heat Emitter (CHE)
  - Set for 70-75°F
- Stone Tile as substrate

Saturday - Day 1
  Went to the All Ohio Reptile Expo this Saturday, and I was hoping to find my vendor of choice. I wanted to purchase from them, not solely by recommendations, but from personal research on the breeder. I found they treat each beardy with the up most care for health, socializing, and it defiantly showed once I located their booth.
  He only had two males, and one female up for sale this month, which I hoped to have seen more, but informed that in the next few months he would have more available. Also, several much younger ones, but I wanted one roughly around 3-5 months. Reason being, I still wanted to watch the little guy grow, and noticeably see the sex, health, and activity. Which I did find a lovely male beardy, which was the most curious, and active out of the two males he had. Would have possibly considered the female, but a 12 your old boy snuck in before I had a chance to even glace her over, so I went with the male and think I made the best choice overall.
  Received the guy in a plastic/styrofoam container, and continued to browse about while this little ball of energy didn't like it one bit being placed into the container, clawing and such. Kept him close to my chest, and seemed to calm his nerves a bit. Made our way to the car to where I had a roomy carrier with towels to climb around about in, he was MUCH happier. Didn't even hardly move around about, giving the road weren't as smooth as I would like, but have my girlfriend of 10 years holding him as a shock absorber. Tried to get her to feed her some small superworms I bought to give a try, since the breeder gave the beardies a mixed diet of crickets to superworms, but she had no part in it when they squirmed in between her fingers, made for a good laugh.
  Before making our way home, I had to make a pit stop by work, and Lowe's for another light fixture and wire since I was working on temperature the night before trying to get the basking light temperature right, as well as the viv temperature up proper. With 20 minutes of work after we finally headed home, I let the viv get up to temperature while I contended with the logistics of handling my crickets, feeding arrangements, and clean up of uneaten live food.

  Finally was able to give this hyper guy some room to explore, and enjoy. First steps into his new viv was a jump up to the basking faux rock, to enjoy a look-about around, and stares in my direction. Soon after I picked him with, without an issue, and placed him close to him hide/cave, which had some green fake foliage laying atop, he went straight for the fake greenery, so I had to remove it from the viv until I can look it over again to assure myself he won't be able to pull anything off of it while he learns it isn't food. BUT I learned he already has the eye, and desire for greens, which is as much as his for crickets, and small superworms, so this little guy won't be little for long with that big of a stomach. Gave him some greens I had in the fridge for salad, and he loved it. Tomorrow we'll see what all he can eat, I have to get him adjusted to feeding inside of a good sized tote, had him in it early today, wouldn't feed (not sure if the breeder gave him a good feeding prior to the show or not,) but was calm with my hand close by as an escape route. Should be good tomorrow when hungry.

  Gave him his first bath as well, didn't like it as much at start, but left my hand as an escape route, and when used, I assured trust (cupped some water in my other hand and poured it over his back, and dabbed some water on the tip of his snout), then returned him into the water (at proper temp and level, of course.) He remained there and processed the pass a movement, which to note was a healthy color, and appearance as I've researched. I failed to grab a photo before allowing it down the drain.

  After a few hours of watching him explore his new environment I realize something I never read any where in my research, or the forums. My little guy loved to taste, and bite at everything. I'm assuming this is as a child does, learning about their surroundings, and finding out was it food, and not food. Reason why I removed my fake foliage until a later date, as well as grooming my driftwood logs as he was biting off the little strains of fiber from the bark. I now have them back into the viv, and he LOVES to climb. Plus I put a bulb I was using for heat output, and directed it onto the logs, and it's his second favorite basking location.
  He, so far, has not discovered his hide/cave which I have with a nice blanket inside to sleep on, but as he is a manly man, he has no need for a blanket, and is presently asleep on the driftwood where he last was when the lights went out for the night. As he is in my computer room, I have fashioned a curtain style cover for over the sliding doors to block out the light, since I am usually up until the early AM hours working or relaxing in a game. As I've check on him in the past 2 hours, he doesn't seem disturbed at all, so I believe the curtain is doing a good job.

  We'll see what surprises this guy will come up with tomorrow. I'm looking forward to many years with this guy, and possibly expand the family as I get the hang of it further, with my months of research and planning, I feel I should get the hang of it real quick, but there will always be a curve ball, or an oversight. I have to get call my local vet, and see what prices are for check ups, and so forth, but they'll have to wait until Monday as to I didn't realize they were open Saturday *facepalm*

Sunday - Day 2
  Did was to share today I noticed he finally was checking out the top of his faux rock cave/hide, but didn't go inside yet... Seems his favored sleeping location is on his driftwood, under the cooler basking location, and usually is sleepy eyed by 9:30pm with lights out at 10:00pm.
  To further his exploration today, as he was a top the cave he decided he wanted to be very curious of me. I have his Viv behind me against the furthest wall from the window and I sit facing a corner desk on the computer, and I would turn around ever so often to look at him. I took notice him looking dead at me, turning his head from side to side each time, and like a curious cat, he came to the closest corner of the Viv to me, and start glass dancing! Turned around to pay attention to what was so being begged for and opened the plexiglass a few inches to say 'hi'. Placed my hands out side of Viv, and within 10 seconds of him looking me over, he climbed right out and over into my hands, looked at me for a second, then turned to look back into his Viv. It was the best thing ever, after two days he wants to be held, and begging for it of all things. Held him for a few minutes, then he walked right back out of my hand into his faux rock basking spot.

[Update] - Wanted to share that he finally went into his cave/hide, and wouldn't come back out for ~6 minutes when I placed a leaf by the other entrance, then he discovered the shady part of the driftwood, now he's just enjoying a nice nap...that is until I start moving then I wake him up, haha!

Tuesday - Day 4
  Today I had to remove all my faux rocks I made... Little Dovah decided to find a soft corner in the grout, and go for a little taste test. Made my first post in Beardie ER (Thread) since I wasn't sure what would happen, but everything turned out just fine.

  Later today he decided 5 minute til' his lights out, he wanted to come out. He glass danced until I turned around. I opened his doors, and out he climbed, this is where he ended up:

So adorable!!!

Wednesday - Day 5
  Noticed he is starting to shed his tail, top of his legs, and the top of his little head. Exciting.

Thursday - Day 6
  Dovah's had his first check up a appointment at the local vet today. Had a fecal test done, as well as a general exam. Exam went well, no issues. Briefly went over the vivarium, temperatures, feeding, etc. All checked out, of course, only the best. Did have a brief thought, if you weren't taking good care of you Beardie, would you really be at the vet, but naturally, you can't assume someone if doing the right thing unless you ask, so. :blob5: Enough of that random thought of the day. Fecal test came up with some minor intestinal parasites, I received a diluted mix of .5ml Ponazuril to give orally for 5 days (.1ml/day). Which would explain a slight (at times bad) oder to his presents. :puke: Other than that, urate looked good, no major issue there. One presented was a nice shaped, not hard, urate. Which they usually have been, but I've had a few harder ones, so I've been doing more hydration with the evening salad, and trying to get him use to a bath.

  When I went to give him is medication orally, I was quite nervous. Read to tap the side of his mouth to see if he would bite it, then give him the medication, he didn't... I didn't want to force his mouth open by the suggested 'credit card' I read on another site... I DID NOT want to do this, knowing my luck he would fight it, and cut himself. Believe this or not, all I did was show him the drop at the end of the syringe and placed it up to his mouth, he accepted all .1ml without a 'yuck' face. I was just amazed, solely because EVERY thread I read said they had such a hard time, or when theirs would, they'd shack their head and sling it everywhere else but their mouth.
  Leave it to my little guy to make something hard easy, but yet he makes everything easy the hardest way possible.

Friday - Day 7
  Had a gaming night with my buddies and I didn't hear my little Dovah glass dancing. I went to check on him around 1AM, this is what I found...A sleeping cutie.

  Couldn't believe I let my little boy down, but he perked right up in the morning:

Saturday - Day 8
  Finally getting a chance off work to give him more than a cardboard box and his driftwood to bask on since the faux rock event.
This is a picture of his temporary slate basking rocks:

(Still debating on using them, and if not to seal them if I do.)

  Not a single care about his slate at all, he went right up for a nap...
Didn't mean to wake him up for the picture:

Sunday - Day 9
  Dovah tried... 5 minutes after lights out, I heard him, but was in the middle of working on his cave/hide and by the time I checked on him, this is how I found him:

  Too tired to climb up into my hand, so I petted his chin, and he was a goner... Feel right to sleep, didn't awake until I went to slide the doors back to let him sleep. Put the curtain back shut, peaked in, asleep. Adorable.

Monday - Day 10
  Dovah finally left me a present on the tile, right on the seam between them... Knew it was only a matter of time. Had to remove my towel underlay I thought was a good idea to make the full size of the bottom of the viv... I was wrong, haha. I only have it because the screws at the base that attach the viv to the frame which sits into the stand I built...anyway, I bought from of those felt feet, might see if I can find those round rubber ones, but regardless I'm going to put those on the bottom of the tile to allow the proper gap so the sit flat, and allow any seepage to puddle underneath for easier cleanup.

  Got home from work just in time to watch Dovah waiting for me again at the doors. He almost made it, but the side cool air intake vent caught his attention first, after that he didn't make it back to me. Took a picture, but accidentally forgot to turn off the flash so it woke him up, but the was the dim flashlight picture afterwards:

Tuesday - Day 11
  Finally got to place the slate decor in the Viv for him to enjoy. After the faux rock event he's been without anything but his driftwood. Introduced them with some supers to show him around them and what he could do, he took a couple taste licks, but shortly returned to his logs.
  Also redid his tile. Had a towel underneath since during construction of the Viv I didn't countersink the screws, only pre-drilled, minor oversight, but manageable. Put little felt feet on them, also allows the bigger pieces to be removed much easier. Only issue, I did an edging around them with the towel under... Now the edging is too high, so I'll need to re-nail them in place, hopefully they don't snap off on me. BUT hopefully after this, I can finally leave him to his Viv...he doesn't like all the change after his world changed all together when I brought him home. Stressful for the little guy, but he forgives all after a treat.

  Ahahaha, almost forgot. Left me a gift for all share when I came home for lunch... Where? His salad dish... Yup... Neadless-to-say, he didn't eat any from the side. Guessing this was his way of telling me he doesn't like it there. Decided to place it closer to his driftwood since it wasn't taking too much of an interest in it where I had been placing it...he took notice to it today. As did I! Important thing is, all was healthy with the poop, lots of greens, ha... :facepalm: (Needs to me a Smilie for that...

Wednesday - Day 12
  Pretty busy day on my part, my little Dovah missed and couldn't wait to climb around me when I got home from work before lights out. He defiantly wanted to check out the computer desk today, kept on climbing over everything, and thought my monitor stand was food.
  After he got bored with that, I put him on my lap and left him clawing... First time ever seeing him want to dig to cover himself up. It was so adorable. Figured it's like it better in his Viv that this point, since he couldn't keep him eyes open and I have to go to bed early tonight, so I put him by his cave/hide. He went in, and there was a little gap in the corner he tried to crawl into... Didn't quite fit, haha. After that I grabbed my tiny flash light, watched him go to his log, tried to get under them as well. So cute, but then I felt bad...
  I remembered I took his blankets (towels) out I use to carry him around in when we leave the house, and the same ones I kept in his Viv when I removed the faux rocks for him to laying around on... I never noticed, but he must have dug into those at some point, knew they use to be there, and wanted to crawl under them.
  So, I put them back, put him in front of them, and he crawl right under them.

  Now I have the think how to put them in his cave/hide. As long as he doesn't poop on them I'll gladly set the cave/hide on one towel, and some how attach a second on to the roof of the cave/hide so he's able to get traction to crawl, and still be covered over like it's a nice, comfy hole to sleep in... Actually think I'll do that tomorrow. Hot glue gun it to the roof. I'll update with photos when it's done.


Fell behind on the updates, think I'll do a story by story post instead of a boring wall of first post.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Fell behind on posting, but given my sudden busy schedule I haven't had a heck of a lot of time to post some cutesy stories, but had to share this one.

Came home from a long, hard day at work and I needed a good laugh. Came upstairs to check on little Dovah and couldn't find him :eek: I know he's eyed the wiring above his Viv, but never could reach it since his Driftwood was too steep to climb... Or so I thought. Found this little guy asleep on the one wire I had recently relocated the fixture and forgot to reattach to the top and it apparently was too tempting to pass up the challenge of climbing up to it and going to sleep.


Maybe tomorrow I'll pick up a little tool belt and put the guy to work full time while I'm at work around the house. Just as long as he doesn't fall asleep on the job again.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Haha what a funny picture.

It's amazing the positions they like to sleep in.



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Never ceases to amaze me how he falls asleep.
I'm still holding onto the dream that one day I'll find him sleeping upside down from the ceiling of the viv so I can sing 'Spider Dovah, spider Dovah' ... decor idea, paint little Beardie foot prints on the walls/ceiling, someone has to do it! HAHA :lol:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I need to be get more day time cuteness, but tonight I caught him in his light outs mischief. He was glass dancing and wanted out, but didn't really it seems. Instead he decided the new log by the glass was the perfect bed for him instead of my shoulder, but wanted to make darn sure I wouldn't close the viv sliding doors.


Not sure why he decided the show his stress marks before going to sleep, but he doesn't seem to mind be petting him while he doses away.


Juvie Member
What a cutie! I love the pic of him balancing on the wire and sleeping. It's like they try to find the most uncomfortable places to sleep sometimes.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Yes, I thought it was quite a feat that he got up to the top of his driftwood, yet alone balance on a wire... Didn't leave him to there to figure out how to get down, but wish I did to have had the chance to watch him get down :lol:

Took little Dovah out of his cage this even and let him explore the computer room, and he managed to get himself into a bunch of receipts from his vivarium construction. He decided to dig himself into them. I couldn't help but think to myself, 'Why do Beardies need a nice expensive vivarium when some random bunch of receipt will suit them just fine?'

And just last night he decided to explore a rack by my desk and thought my FireFox plush was a nice comfy bed.

Starting to think all he does is sleep :D if at the very least it is always in a hilarious manner!


Hatchling Member
Because even mighty dragons enjoy a good fluffy cuddle buddy. c: Except for Paarthurnax. . . He's the weirdo that tries to climb things and falls asleep hugging poles and the side of his tank. I rather enjoy this thread, please continue with your posting. >:3


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Dovah is still here! And so am I!!! Little guy has grown so much. At last measure, he's bordering 18" at 8 months now. Probably not so 'little' anymore...

Can't wait to get a few for pictures and stories up, but I have been held down with work and life keeping me a bit busy these past few months.
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