Does anyone know what this is?????????

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I’ve asked the vet about this and she told me that he had a larger penis and it was no problem. But now it’s sticking out, there’s clearly poop on it, and I don’t really believe that it’s his penis. It looks and feels more like a curved fingernail with poop on it. Please help me!! I’ve tried pulling it out a little bit more but I’m scared to hurt him

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
I would do daily soaks to help loosen it up, it should come out eventually. Does it seem to be bothering him at all?



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claudiusx":2jgm2823 said:
I would do daily soaks to help loosen it up, it should come out eventually. Does it seem to be bothering him at all?


It seems to bother him more when I touch it at all. So I think I’ll stick to the daily baths. Thank you again!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Wow, yeah, that is a seminal plug, & your vet should have immediately known what it was.
It definitely isn't his hemepene, it is darker in color & bigger.
He will be fine & it will work itself out really soon, too so just keep up a daily bath.



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Claudiusx":d0m8xp48 said:
Hi there,

how are things going? Did the seminal plug come out?


Hello! It did come out a couple days after, but it was really really small. It didn’t look anything like the picture in the link you sent me.
On another note, he does have a medical problem that over the past couple weeks has seemed to get better but I’m wondering if I can send you a private message to get some extra advice?

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Seminal plugs can come in different sizes so that's not bad, glad it's out.

Yes you can definitely pm me :)


Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is good the seminal plug worked its way out they usually do!
I hope your dragon is doing well & isn't having too many health issues. Keep us posted
on your boy.



Hatchling Member
I actually found this forum while trying to figure out what a sperm plug was. They do look awfully strange the first time you see them. Charlie had 3 within a month this last summer. It freaked me out!
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