So, Vhagara is coming out quite often now and eating like a pig. She stays out most of the day. I took her stool sample in to be checked for parasites and she is infected with a moderate amount of entamoeba. She is currently taking 0.08 ml of metronidazole (Flagyl). It has been interesting administering the med but we are managing. Slowly, but surely, she is eating more and more greens. (mustard, turnip, collard) I dress her salad with a little bearded dragon dressing and bee pollen. She gets this salad daily. She has not taken to any other veggies. She gets her supplements sprinkled on insects because she doesn't like them sprinkled on her salad. I keep offering yellow squash with occasional carrots, broccoli, green beans but she turns up her nose. She likes to be hand-fed. So, everyday I feed her salad until she no longer wants it. Then every other day I give her a hornworm. After she has had her greens (a good amount), I offer some dubia roaches. Yesterday she ate 12 medium roaches and today she ate 15. She wasn't turning away and I believe would have eaten more had I offered. She is getting a pudgy tummy. So, when do I say she has had enough? I don't want her to get obese. I know as an adult she is not supposed to eat this many insects. But she just isn't totally switched over to veggies yet.