Dalia's wonderful adventures!!!

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Hello everyone! I decided to start a thread for Dalia because I have grown to love her so much and I want to share her adventures with the world!

Here's a "brief" story as to how Dalia and I found each other,

I was at the pet store buying supplies for my hermit crabs and I got in line at the register. I saw at another register a woman and her son were standing with a box and 10 gallon tank with a bearded dragon in it. (The dragon was too large for that tank mind you and I noticed there was a problem) I curiously asked the cashier what was going on with the beardie and she quickly replied with, "Want it?" I was shocked at the response and got really excited. It's always been a dream of mine to get a lizard, especially a bearded dragon. I've done some research and started to acquire the materials needed for keeping a dragon because getting it all at one time would cost a whole lot. (funny part is because I took this beardie in i ended up spending money anyways) So I continued to ask the cashier how much the dragon would be. She replied with "Free. This woman wants to leave the lizard here and we can't take it. Poor thing is in too small of a tank." I then went on to look at the bearded dragon and ask the woman why she was giving it up. Her reply almost made me face palm...now i understood why the cashier seemed so mad. Her excuse was, "I'm going on vacation and couldn't find someone to take care of it." But she also told the cashier that she was moving, so who knows the true reason.

Anywho, I had one of the associates who has lizards make sure the dragon was healthy and everything before I left. Got her home and into a larger 30 gallon tank and she was content. I didn't hold her for a couple of days to let her get used to the new surroundings. I decided to name my new baby Dalia, which is Lithuanian for Fate because it was fate that I was able to rescue her.

It's been over a month now and she and I get along great :] Although I would have loved to have that bond that beardie parents get with their babies when they raise them from a young age, I think Dalia and I have worked out our own love.

Every morning when her lights come on at 8, she will bask for a little bit, always waking me up with her claws scraping against the cave and tile. Once she is warm and awake, she then will begin the daily routine of making me feel bad. lol She will glass surf and bump her nose on the sides of her tank and wait for me to take her out. Unfortunately some days I can't take her out because I work or I have school. Although these past few days she's been spoiled because I've let her stay out pretty much all day. (Don't worry folks I have a heat lamp set up in her windowsill platform. pics to come) She also went out for her first adventure outside, I didn't get any pics though because it was so short of an excursion >_< I shall take a ton of photos next time!

I am thinking about building a new larger enclosure for my pretty girl, but my parents aren't too keen on me putting anymore tanks or things of that nature in my room. I know she needs something larger than 30 gallons and my thought of building my own enclosure would help with the spacial issue in my small room, since it would sit on my dresser which is a little over 4 feet long. My new problem with that would be moving the hermit crab tank which is next to Dalia's tank right now. I put the crabs in Dalia's old 10 gallon, so finding a space for that will be a challenge. (My Dad says my room is a zoo atm)

When I move out, which according to my parents won't be until I graduate from college, I plan on setting aside a large area for my pets. The unfortunate side of that story is I won't be graduating from college for at least another 2 years because of other reasons...

WOW sorry that I wrote a novel up there guys... :silent: BUT here's some wonderful Dalia Photos!

Windowsill platform setup: (Don't worry I'm never too far from her when she's out)

So pretty!

Those are carrots that she refused to acknowledge in the background...


Stay away from mah cave of wonders!

The first picture I took of Dalia and it's my favorite so far, its like the meme "I don't always look awesome...oh wait yes I do!"


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
So today my pretty girl wasn't happy with me :[ I had to work so she spent most of the day in her tank. Shown in the aftermath of the salad riddled throughout the tank, I know she was glass surfing while I was at work...Which btw she did not eat any of said salad because it was all accounted for when I cleaned up the remains.

She did sit on my shoulder/chest while I was on the computer for a bit before she decided she wanted to stare out of the window. Kinda wished it wasn't raining out so she could soak up some sun, but hey at least she's content with just watching the trees wave in the wind.

I honestly wish I could turn my entire room into a playground for her so she's not cooped up all day. Just love her so much! <3 :]


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Ok so I love it when Dalia sleeps on top of her cave!

But dat leg tho...

I only turned on my light to take the photo, didn't phase her one bit. <3 this little girl!


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
As long as it's safe, it's fun to let them roam around the house. They will eventually learn where you put the portable basking light if you leave it in the same spot most of the time and just return to it when they get cold. Both of my guys could spend most of a day looking out the window.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster

I am happy to announce that today was the first day Dalia crawled onto my hands :] She was walking around my room when I got on the floor and offered my hands out. After a while of talking to her she walked up and put her hands in mine and sat partially in my hands with her feet still on the floor, but her belly was in my hands. She looked comfortable and I almost cried because I know this takes a HUGE amount of trust for her to do something like that.

I am super happy right now! <3


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Great news everyone!

Today Dalia finally tried her salad on her own!!!!!! She was basking this morning while I was getting ready for work, I put the salad in there as I was about to leave and she climbed off the cave and went over to the salad. She then stuck out her tongue and caught a piece of radicchio and ate it, she then stared at the salad for a moment then tried another piece of something different. Let me say I almost squee'd out loud because this was a momentous occasion since I've been trying to get Dalia to eat her veggies on her own for a while now. Tomorrow I'm gonna try a different variety of veggies of different colors to see if she is interested.

On another happy note, after a late night soak, (and by late I mean 7:00) Dalia started to fall asleep in the bath. She's done it before and I go back into my room and let her sit on my chest until she climbs off. Well this time when I went back into my room and sat on my bed she opened her eyes, looked around then went back to sleep on my chest. :] let me say I was a happy momma at that point :blob8: When I tried to put her in her tank, i must have moved her leg and she woke up :/ But she just looked around, saw that she was in her tank, and went into her cave.

I swear I keep falling further and further in love with this girl! :] I'm glad she's not stressed out from what happened yesterday with the lay box...I know now to not put her in the lay box too late in the day or she will end up sleeping in it.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Dalia is a great name for her. :D
I am glad you were able to rescue her, she looks very happy now. I think she will be just fine.
They do have a way of getting into our hearts so that we fall in love with them. It sounds like you are having a lot of fun with her too. She is a very special girl, indeed!



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Hello everyone :]

Had a good day with Dalia today. We went outside and had a photoshoot in the sun :] She really likes just listening and watching what's going on outside, on occasion she will walk around a little or sprint away from me when she feels sassy.

The dog in the background is Jynx :]

Jynx doesn't mind Dalia and she doesn't mind him either, so life is good. Dalia actually licked Jynx today when he sniffed her nose, I was surprised he didn't freak out. (You can kind of see the legs of the other dog Bear in the background, he's behind a fence because I don't trust he derpy puppy attitude)

And finally a selfie of me and Dalia :] She loves the camera. me, not so much...

These pics are from the girls weekend we had while my parents and dogs were up north a couple of weeks ago. :]

First she tried to find a spot to sleep up by my clock

Then she fell asleep on the heating pad and blanket cave I made her.


I love reading your posts about Dalia. I really hope Moira gets as laid back as that when she becomes an adult. Keep us updated on her adventures!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Eckabeb":36gau0ap said:
I love reading your posts about Dalia. I really hope Moira gets as laid back as that when she becomes an adult. Keep us updated on her adventures!

I'm glad my writings here are amusing :] I enjoy this forum so much and reading about other people and their beardies inspired me to start a mini-blog of sorts. I always annoy my friends and family with my adventures with Dalia so I figured I would document them.

Today we had an awesome day. It was extremely warm out and Dalia had some major spring fever because she was going cray cray inside my room.

First she decided to play mission impossible and try and jump of her windowsill perch...well she succeeded, but luckily she landed on a pillow. To prevent another heart attack for me and future injuries to my little daredevil, my mom suggested that I secure a blanket so if she decides to explore and gravity wins, then she will cascade down the blanket vs just free falling onto the floor. Do keep in mind I'm always in the room with Dalia when she's on her perch, but occasionally nature calls for me and I must step out, so the blanket was more of a piece of mind for the 1-5 mins she is alone in my room.

New setup for Dalia's window viewing pleasure.

After making the adjustments to the setup, pictured below, I also placed Dalia's throne, as I like to call it, where the window opens. Boy did she really like that. Eventually, however, Dalia was back to her crazy adventurous self and started to explore past her new area. Let's just say if my aquarium didn't have a lid on it, Dalia would have had a nice swim. AGAIN, I was in the room and prevented such things from happening so Dalia was never in any danger. I would never leave her in the room where she could ever fall into the fish tank. After almost swimmin with the fishes, Dalia decided to explore my desk. It was funny because once before she started to climb up on my Xbox360 and went my the sensor that opens up the disk tray. It really didn't phase her until it began to close and nearly freaked the crap out of me because her foot almost got caught. So this time I picked her up and placed her back on her perch.

Later I decided it would be a good idea to let Dalia burn some steam outside and try out the new hip leash Taterbug suggested in another thread. I didn't photograph the adventure, but Dalia enjoyed herself. She really doesn't move around a lot outside in the grass unless I try and pick her up when we're ready to go inside. It was funny because she started to scurry over to the garden. She stopped for a quick moment to snack on a clover leaf, hopefully that won't hurt her :/. Then I had to stop her because she tried to go under the fence that leads to the garden, I didn't want her to get hurt with the fence. When she turned around she scurried around for another min or two then decided to eat a dandelion leaf, only one though.

Now she's on her cave and sleeping soundly. It was funny how she got to the position she's in now. All my boyfriend and I heard were her claws and some struggling. I turned on the light and saw she had fallen in the corner. The photo below was her expression when I asked if she needed any help. It's like she's saying, "Nothing to see here human...turn off the light and walk away..."

Hopefully tomorrow Dalia doesn't get too stressed out because I have to work pretty much all day so she'll be in her tank. I'll be sure to spoil her when I get home though :]


Hatchling Member
Original Poster

Ok so it's been a while since I've been on here posting anything Dalia related. I've started a new job and that's been keeping me busy, and also earning me more monies to spoil my little girl with too!

Great news! I bought a new tank for Dalia and she loves it! She no longer glass dances in the morning before I go to work. Now she'll contently watch me get ready and gladly dive after and hunt some crickets when I put them in there for her. Before she would be super lazy and not move and wait for crickets to cross her path. This is a great improvement because she seems happier to me :D She also has occasionally eaten some mustard greens on her own, seems like she likes those better than the other greens I've been trying. Also when I take her outside I don't feel the need to have a harness on her since she doesn't go far from me. (I am NEVER more than 6 inches from her at all times) If I ever took her to a part of my yard where the fence is higher like the edge our garden I would put the harness on her, but she seems to explore more when she is neked. lol She's even fertilized my basil plant by pooping right in front of it. I laughed and was glad I didn't have to clean up a mess for once. Dalia really enjoys eating weeds, I am always watching what she is eating and so far it's just some clovers and dandelion leaves. She tried a dandelion flower the other day but wasn't too sure about it.

It's a beautiful day today so I might take her out when I get home later. Can't wait for the weekend, hopefully its warmer than this past weekend and she can come outside with me while I work on a project in the garage. (We have a spare play pen that we used back when we had a bunny and I know that will work perfectly for Dalia to be outside with me, when I can't keep a constant eye on her.)

I'll post some photos later of the setup and updated pics of my pretty little girl!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
So today as I'm giving Dalia her salad I decided to hand feed a piece of strawberry. Well...for the first time since I've gotten Dalia back in February, she bit me. In her defense though, she tried to get the piece of strawberry, it moved and my finger had strawberry juice on it so when she munched down on my finger, it probably tasted good. I'm not even mad, just surprised at how much force is behind that little mouth. I am by no means not gonna hand feed her, I'll just make sure she can get the piece of food and not my fingers in the future.

(Photos to come later, she's getting over a full shed and is embarrassed by photos...Lol not really I've just been super busy)
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