Cuttlefish bone?

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Hatchling Member
I keep a cuttlefish bone ( in my leopard tortoise's tank for him to gnaw on if he wants. He completely ignores it, but today my beardie was exploring and got curious about the tortoise's tank. I let her in to explore, and she spotted the cuttlebone and got really interested in it. She licked it a few times and then bit a couple chunks off it. She seemed to really like it.

I don't want to use it as a replacement for calcium powder supplement (even in the tortoise's tank, I supplement his food), but are there any issues with keeping a bone in my beardie's tank too? Could it end up being too much calcium if she really likes it?
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I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
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Definitely going to be using this image if I ever catch a fence lizard again.

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