Custom Background.


Hello, I’ve been looking at making a custom enclosure for my BD Leo but all the tutorials on youtube use American or australian products and I’m from the UK so can’t get any of it :/
I was wondering if anyone could recommend any expanding foam (i’m not sure if there’s a specific one you have to use or not) and an equivalent to drylok?
Also any tips from anyone who has done this before would be great!
I’m going to use foam boards to make the main body of the hides and textured background etc and then use expanding foam to get the more finished look, use an equivalent of dry lock to seal/paint it and then waterproof it.
Is anyone able to list the materials they used?
Thank you so much.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hello, I’ve been looking at making a custom enclosure for my BD Leo but all the tutorials on youtube use American or australian products and I’m from the UK so can’t get any of it :/
I was wondering if anyone could recommend any expanding foam (i’m not sure if there’s a specific one you have to use or not) and an equivalent to drylok?
Also any tips from anyone who has done this before would be great!
I’m going to use foam boards to make the main body of the hides and textured background etc and then use expanding foam to get the more finished look, use an equivalent of dry lock to seal/paint it and then waterproof it.
Is anyone able to list the materials they used?
Thank you so much.
Lets try CooperDragon

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
This forum section is better suited for your question.

Lots of us here have done it, and there are a bunch of threads in this section with builds and questions on materials etc.

Youtube also has a lot of good tutorials, but you might be better off looking up DIY foam as a general term and not necessarily as a bearded dragon term. People make amazing things out of foam/grout for multiple different hobbies.


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