Cricket shed infectious?

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Hi, this is about Beardy food. I have been told to remove the dead crickets from the tank where I keep them (not the beardy tank) so that diseases don't spread. I just realized that crickets shed !

Do I need to remove that Shed?
Can it kinda contaminate other crickets like a dead one?
How do you effectively identify a dead cricket?

I have 1000 crickets. It takes long to grab all of those shed.

AHBD Sicko
Hi there, how are they set up ? They need a lot of room so a medium plastic storage tote is good. Then they need stuff to climb on as you see they are shipped + stored at the pet store with cardboard eggcrating. So give them a few panels of that broken into 6 X 6 pieces. That makes it easier to get a few at a time without lifting the entire panel of egg crating.

You do need to clean them regularly, a dead one is obviously not moving. Put latex gloves on and you can use a scoop ....I use a piece of cardboard cut off of a cereal box or similar box [ a piece about 6 X 6 works good ] to just scoop the dead ones and the accumulated skin sheds and poo. The skin sheds themselves are not detrimental but you don't want a bunch accumulating in the bin .


Original Poster
AHBD":2zb5qj4f said:
to just scoop the dead ones and the accumulated skin sheds and poo.

I wonder about the poo, what do you do to clean it? My setup is exactly like you said. But how do you clean the poo? I set the food as substrate and a small bowl (they can get in it) to feed them the weird glue water. But the poo is mostly on the egg crates or on the floor? and to clean it, you just wash it with hot water? (I haven't washed the poo yet, didn't know I had too)

Also, regularly is 2 times a day, 1 time, or like every 2 days?

Thank you !
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