CountrynCrafty and ???

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Hi everyone,
I went and picked up a beardie today; not Draco. Claimed that ?he's? 2 years old but sure doesn't look like it to me. They claim it's a he but...I can tell from the water bowl still having green it that it had mold in the water. One of it's eyes is shut, when I asked they said it had something in it's eye that they tried to get out with a q-tip and then water and it's eye should open up in a day or two. I picked him up some mustard greens on the way to get him, but I'm thinking he may be too young for them...I have meal worms (I know they aren't the best) I can feed him with the greens until I can get back to the pet store tomorrow. He came with the water and food bowl, log thing, 10 gal tank, & two lights (a night and day); I have the day on him now. I did get him a 40 gal tank today (no stand and only half a screen) but it needs to be cleaned.

I would be very grateful if ya'll could tell me how old you think he/she is, if he can have meal worms for the night, and what you think I should/can do about the eye for the night/next few days until I can get him/her to the vet. TIA!


Oh yeah, where he is at is not where he will stay, I just wanted to get the light on him ASAP and I know the water bowl is completely cleaned out, again I just wanted to get him some water. Lizzard


Hatchling Member
Poor thing, Thank you for rescuing. Looks like lack of food and UVB. MBD is what is wrong.You can use some saline eye drops to flush the eyes. I would make a baby food mix instead of crickets or mealworms right now, maybe get some critical care and Zoo med energy paste to add and dilute with pedialyte.

zandi202 Addict
Okay, so will a little bit of math... That would make him a total of 10" so I really hope that they're wrong and he isn't two years old.


Sub-Adult Member
Are you able to take him to the vet?? Prob. should have a bigger enclosure.. are you soaking him @ all?? A water dish in his viv is never suggested as it could raise humidity levels which could lead to respiratory issues and you def. do not want that.. let us know how he's fairing.. :)


Original Poster
I see no reason to take him to the vet just so they can tell me his age (if they can...)....if you read anything I said I have him in a 40 gal tank now, he was only in the 10 for a few min and just so happened to be where the pix where taken (you can see the 40 gal sitting on the floor in the background of a few of the pix. He is getting baths for 30 min at least every other day if not every day; I can take the water out though no problem :)

Sorry for being snippy about the tank, I just hate repeating myself ;)


Sub-Adult Member
When I mentioned the vet I was referring to the eye issue, if that's getting better than great. Sorry I was mistaken, didn't mean for you to be offended in any way at all. I apologize.


Original Poster
oh okay! I'm sorry I thought you meant for age, I apologize lol. I haven't updated that after a few bathes his eye is open (the lids are a little purple when closed but it's getting better daily :D )! I'm going to see a friend this weekend who has one that's supposed to be his same size and we are going to see if there's any physical differences that would make us think he's 2 years old instead of a juvenile (just got in finalized).


Sub-Adult Member
not a biggie.. just didn't want you to think i was a you know what.. :roll: hope your new bud has a long and healthy life and makes you just as happy as he'll be..
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