Can Subcut Lactated ringers be administered orally?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is she doing?
Yes, you can just replace the water with the Ringer's solution, that will be fine. I agree, her body
size looks good to me as well. Her head has an interesting shape, it is a bit longer than most I
have seen on here.
The blood test overall, looks good. There isn't any indication of infection & the liver function &
kidney function are in normal ranges.
Keep trying with her, eventually she will most likely end up filling out more into her second year.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Gary, Nari

How is she doing?
Yes, you can just replace the water with the Ringer's solution, that will be fine. I agree, her body
size looks good to me as well. Her head has an interesting shape, it is a bit longer than most I
have seen on here.
The blood test overall, looks good. There isn't any indication of infection & the liver function &
kidney function are in normal ranges.
Keep trying with her, eventually she will most likely end up filling out more into her second year.


Thanks Tracie! She is doing OK, but definitely low energy - she will not get out of her hide to warm up unless we manually move her.

@Claudiusx mentioned coaching people to get their beardies to eat again after syringe feeding. We've had to do this (successfully twice [once with this one, once with our other one]), but would love to know your process for doing so, since we're just taking a trial and error approach of not feeding her for a few days at a time to see if she will eat (which she does not).


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