I took my 8 yr old Beardie to the vet Saturday, because she has been wobbling while she walks, which now lead to her starting to get weak, and not want to walk. She is still eating and drinking,
I took her in and Doc said she is very dehydrated.
He took her in back and gave her fluids, he also gave her injection of calcium, since she was laying eggs last yr. he said that it takes a lot out of them.
He also sent me home with a week supply of injections to give to her daily.
Anyways a few hours after we was home, I went to check on her & she was LIMP AS CAN BE. she felt like if holding a cooked spaghetti noodle across the palm of your hand. her head just fell, her legs everything about her was just heavy and deadlike. I had to wait until Mon. to call them & ask if this is normal after they get fluids or calcium injections.
They said it is not normal for that to happen, she was sick when she came in and it took its toll.
I told them she was totally alert when I brought her there, her eyes was open, she was watching the dr. ect ect. I said this happen several hours after me bringing her there. I said now she is basically paralyzed, eyes closed and skin yellow.
I then told them, you said she was really sick when I brought her there, then why didn't you tell me its best if we put her down? I was then told, well we didn't know this was going to happen she was very sick. Again I said, exactly. why didn't you put her to sleep then?
The Dr said its a start of MBD and by giving her the calcium it will strengthen her up and the fluids will help hydrate her back up.
Sunday came and I did not give her the injection because I couldn't get a hold of the vet, and I did not know what was going on with her because of how she was looking.
Well I took her outside on Monday it was nice and sunny out, she opened her eyes she was absorbing the sun, and she was opening up her mouth, anyways, this put a hugh smile on my face, I called the vet again, and told them what was going on with her now, and how her skin is turning normal and she was not so heavy and limp like she was.
Dr said make sure to give her the injections... I gave her the injection and now she is yellow in color again, she is very heavy and deadlike again. SMH Has anyone else went threw this?
I am now waiting to hear from Dr. but no calls yet. I even asked can she be dehydrated because possible parasites? Several yrs ago, she got med. for parasites, Doc said she will more then likely get them again, all reptiles do. So I was told, NOOOO we dont think she has parasites, I said why not? doc said she would get them again, and if she has been eating and drinking normally what could it be that is causing her to lose weight and become like this? Now my messages are getting related and I am not getting phone calls back.
I honestly feel she might have parasites again, which that lead to her weight loss and dehydration and caused weakness. I wonder why they do not think she has parasites again, She had them 5 yrs ago.
My beardie is not this color normally
I took her in and Doc said she is very dehydrated.
He took her in back and gave her fluids, he also gave her injection of calcium, since she was laying eggs last yr. he said that it takes a lot out of them.
He also sent me home with a week supply of injections to give to her daily.
Anyways a few hours after we was home, I went to check on her & she was LIMP AS CAN BE. she felt like if holding a cooked spaghetti noodle across the palm of your hand. her head just fell, her legs everything about her was just heavy and deadlike. I had to wait until Mon. to call them & ask if this is normal after they get fluids or calcium injections.
They said it is not normal for that to happen, she was sick when she came in and it took its toll.
I told them she was totally alert when I brought her there, her eyes was open, she was watching the dr. ect ect. I said this happen several hours after me bringing her there. I said now she is basically paralyzed, eyes closed and skin yellow.
I then told them, you said she was really sick when I brought her there, then why didn't you tell me its best if we put her down? I was then told, well we didn't know this was going to happen she was very sick. Again I said, exactly. why didn't you put her to sleep then?
The Dr said its a start of MBD and by giving her the calcium it will strengthen her up and the fluids will help hydrate her back up.
Sunday came and I did not give her the injection because I couldn't get a hold of the vet, and I did not know what was going on with her because of how she was looking.
Well I took her outside on Monday it was nice and sunny out, she opened her eyes she was absorbing the sun, and she was opening up her mouth, anyways, this put a hugh smile on my face, I called the vet again, and told them what was going on with her now, and how her skin is turning normal and she was not so heavy and limp like she was.
Dr said make sure to give her the injections... I gave her the injection and now she is yellow in color again, she is very heavy and deadlike again. SMH Has anyone else went threw this?
I am now waiting to hear from Dr. but no calls yet. I even asked can she be dehydrated because possible parasites? Several yrs ago, she got med. for parasites, Doc said she will more then likely get them again, all reptiles do. So I was told, NOOOO we dont think she has parasites, I said why not? doc said she would get them again, and if she has been eating and drinking normally what could it be that is causing her to lose weight and become like this? Now my messages are getting related and I am not getting phone calls back.
I honestly feel she might have parasites again, which that lead to her weight loss and dehydration and caused weakness. I wonder why they do not think she has parasites again, She had them 5 yrs ago.
My beardie is not this color normally
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