Buddy; New MVB!

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BD.org Sicko
jscott":8ce43 said:
all i can say is this: at first, i couldnt believe i bought these two! its like i couldnt control myself, someone else jumped into my body and bought these dragons for me. the words just came out "how much for everything?"...
Amazing how fast they can take over your brain. :laughing6: :wink: :help:



Juvie Member
Welcome to the Beardie Slave Club!!!!!

You are amazing, and I think you are doing a great job already!


I wanna share my experiences with you if you don't mind. We now have 7 Beardies. I have three that share a cage 2 boys and 1 girl alot of people tell me I shouldn't but they have been together now over a year and are doing GREAT, I tried to seperate them before but they went crazy the two I rescued would literally bang agaginst the glass till I finally put them back together and at the time the two I got from this lady were so sick the vet said go ahead and put them back together so they don't get stressed out anymore then they are (they were close to dying from being neglicted). It is funny though because everyone here kept saying the healthy ones will attack the sick one but it is the opposite, they only mess with him when he wants to play it's like they know when he wants to be left alone they play hard with each other but are great with him. Now as far as the others stumpy lives alone because he is still not very well and I don't want to stress him even though he was with others at the dam petstore I didn't want to put him with the others. Fireball is a pistle and I wont allow him to live with the others for the safety of them, he is young and when we have them all out playing it doesn't take him long to grab one of the others (probably wanting to breed). Now our two new babies are girls and they are living together and are 2 1/2 months old we will have to see how they act as they grow up.


Juvie Member
in a month or two, i might have a whole room to dedicate to reptiles ... oh god.

My DREAM!!!! hhahaa. Congrats Jason! The little male looks like a little spitfire. haha. I don't know why he just looks like he will be a fiesty one!!! And the female is just plain cute as can be.

I'm sure they would probably appreciate a bath. Mine actually enjoys swimming a bit sometimes, so I usually fill it even to his back in lukewarm water. And I usually only leave him in there about 5-10 minutes, depending on how quick he potties and ruins the water! haha.

Good luck with these two! Watch, you're probably not going to be able to adopt one out to someone else come tomorrow. You'll already be attached haha.

So have we thought of names yet???


Yes we Are Crazy Beardie Freaks we have 7 now. If our very first one hadn't died 2 years ago we would have 8. What can I say they are great little guys.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
luvthydragon, thanks its nice to have them home. theres alot to do in the days ahead. lights, outdoor time, changing the sand, that kind of thing.

my brother in law does tile for a living, so i plan on having him do a tile job on half of the cage. i was wondering if i should do one big slab of coarse stone(slate, shale), something smooth and cool... or should i go all the way and do the cut-to-fit tiles with spacers and sealed grout...

thanks for your intrest, i'll keep you updated on the progress :wink: .

Laurmann2000, hello and thank you :D . they already seem more active since i brought them home. i actually found a spot in my room that gets natural sun light through a small window(2' square)for a good portion of the day(3-4 hours). that paired with the extra light of the flo must make them extra happy. i wrote a detailed account of today's bath time. you can find it at the bottom of this post. thanks for your support :mrgreen: .

MissT, hello :D . i thought about the paper towells but i think the female would just slide around on them or push them to one side. she drags everything with her when she walks, its like she has her own gravitational field :lol: . bath time was awesome, i left a long story further down detailing todays events. thanks for continuing to check in, i appreciate it :wink: .

barbara, your telling me. while im away from home, all i can think about is what they are up to. i posted some new pics lower down, as well as an account of their bath time. thanks for all your help and kindness :) .

elaina, yea im hooked. thes guys are going to be a handfull but i think once i get a routine down things will go alot smoother. thanks for your kind words, i hope you like these two!

ilovebeardeddragons, i have 3 dragons now. you somehow have me confused with the person who posted AFTER you... how did that happen :laughing6: ?! new pics are up.

fourbs89, that is cool you are taking care of a bunch of dragons who neededed help. im sure they are doing much better under your care, id like to see some pics. thanks for sharing!

atreyu917, i agree: the little one just has that look of mischief about him. the big one is such a sweetie pie. if she could stand to be apart from her friend for 2 seconds she would be great to cuddle. she is so big and soft. she lets me stroke her neck, shoulders and back. bathtime was a blast. i wish i could have taken pictures but i would have had to use the flash and i didnt want to spook them. youll just have to read about bathtime lower down :mrgreen: . as for names, im thinking of picking the names of a t.v. couple... you know, like fred and ethel or something. i havent really put much thought into but now youve got the wheels turning :roll: ... thanks again :wink: .

here are some random pics i snapped today before leaving the house:





i decided to give them a bath today. i used my bathtub since they're so big. everyone says they should be apart so i tried for the first time; i figured bathing the female would be easier so i picked her up to take her to the prefilled bathtub. she was ok with me picking her up inside the cage but as soon as i took her out she squirmed out of my hands and tried to jump back in. i decided to do what many people do and let her cling to my shirt. i supported her weight with my arms. at first i thought she just didnt want to leave her cage. when i got her to the bathtub i placed her in the shallow end(1") and she seemed unhappy. i decided to take a quick look at the boy and he was freaking out... his colors were even worse than normal and he was trying to get out of the cage by jumping straight up from the ground. he was looking at me like "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"... i decided to pick him up and take him to his friend. i was only gone for maybe 20 seconds(next room over) and when i walked back into the bathroom she was in the exact same place all puffed out with a full display. she was pretty irritated, but as soon as she saw me holding the little guy she ran straight for us. he almost jumped into the tub from about 4 feet up and i had to let him down quickly so he didnt hurt himself. he plopped into the water and immediately went to her, resting on her back. he then proceded to head bob me with a puffed beard, almost as if to say "dont you ever take her away from me again :angry5: !"... after only a moment of that, the female became calm and dropped her display. a few more minutes went by and the male decided to explore.

first he stayed in the shallow end, just about belly deep. he got more excited about the whole experience and started to use his tail. eventualy he found his way to the deep end(3") and thats when he really took off. he never actually dunked his head underwater but he floated along with his front legs skimming the bottom using his tail and back legs to move. he really seemed to enjoy the weightless feeling, being able to move so easily. the whole while, the female was just watching him. she walked around alittle and even gave the water a few licks but stayed pretty motionless. the male would swim around it a circle, then swim straight to the female until he gently bumped her only to swim off again. he was really having fun. i watched them bathe and moved the water around, adding some warm water at the other end when it started getting cold where they were. after about 15 minutes i took them out and dried them off one at a time. they both squirmed like crazy when i seperated them to dry off... it seems like as soon as she leaves the ground they both fall apart. i had to dry the female off twice because she snuck back into the water when i was trying to get the male out... then he tried to do the same :roll: . eventually i got them both dried off and back in their tank.

i do have a question reguarding bathtime:

is water in the ears something to avoid? they both lowered their heads to where their ears were partly submerged. once or twice, they tried to scratch the side of their head with their hind leg. does this mean they have mites they are trying to rid themselves of :shock: ?

after bathtime came feeding time. i havent got a feeding tub yet so i took the decorations out of their tank and split 40 crickets into two even portions. i put half on one side and half on the other side. it worked out pretty well; the female got more but only because the little guy got full after about 12-15. i even took out a couple left overs. next was veggies and fruit. i went to the produce store near my house for the sole purpose of picking up BD veggies. i got a bunch of dandilion greens, a summer squash and a ripe cactus fruit. the greens were easy, i just rinsed and chopped them roughly. i used a cheese grater on the summer squash. what came out looked alot like cheddar cheese :mrgreen: . the cactus fruit was a little tougher; it had seeds inside similar to a pomegranate so i cut out the insides and skinned what was left. i chopped up the remainder of the fruit and put it in a dish seperate from the veggies.



thy ate about half of the veggies but didnt eat any fruit. i think it has to do with the slimey texture, it doesnt stick to their tounge. i now realize that i must put the food in a seldom traveled area of the tank... the big female practically destroyed all my hard work just by walking across the dishes :roll: .

i plan on getting some tile tommorow, granted i can find a place near me. i also plan on looking for a kiddie pool with rigid sides. i could cut out the bottom with a razor, that way they could run around on a huge predetermined section of ground.

well i think thats about it for now. ill be on again tommorow, so if anyone has anymore questions ill be happy to answer them then. thank you everyone for your support. i couldnt do this without you all :wink: .


Juvie Member
Hi Jason -

Wow - Bath time was exciting. Over-all it seemed like they enjoyed it. I have heard so much here about not having dragons together but it sounds like these two really are the exception to the rule.

Wow - their veggie platter looks better than what I had for dinner (a handful of lime Tostitos :roll: ) Your dragon eats way better than I do.

I'm not sure about the tiles....If she really likes to drag herself you might be better off grouting those tiles??

I'm gonna try your kiddie pool idea - good idea taking the bottom out...

Is LG able to see them from his viv? I wonder what he's thinking.

You have some fun-filled days ahead discovering their personalities and "isms". Such intriguing (sp?) creatures.
I bet as the get healthier and stronger they will grow more fond of some one-on-one time with you.
If I had to put money on it, I'd say you won't be letting anyone go for adoption :)

Keep up the great work .... you really are inspiring.

Best wishes to you, LG, and the New couple (Bonnie and Clide?)


BD.org Addict
jscott":5a7b1 said:
is water in the ears something to avoid? they both lowered their heads to where their ears were partly submerged. once or twice, they tried to scratch the side of their head with their hind leg. does this mean they have mites they are trying to rid themselves of ?

Just to answer your questions - as far as im aware water in the ears is ok - Kazi generally gets his head right down into the water (so his nose holes are covered) to drink so its inevitable that he will get some water in his ears... in fact, he spends most of the time with his whole head submerged (he likes to scare me) so yes its fine for some water to go in their ears - its good that they are doing this to get a drink... scratching their ears is basically the reaction to the water in the ears - its their way of trying to get the water out!! If they do have mites, I think you would be able to see them - if you do, a betadne bath is the best treatment as it causes the mites to go up to the beardies head where you can pick them off easily (extra info there).

Anyway, keep updating with their progress - and L.G's - im missing my L.G fix (I must check I havent missed it somehow!!)



Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
luvthydragon, yea i hope they get used to bath time, i think the little one already has. im not sure what the deal is with them, they seem to be friends but in such a small tank there is no private space. i actually want to build a place where the male cant reach the female. he doesnt have front claws so maybe something she can climb but he cant? the reason for this is i want her to be able to relax without him ontop of her. even if he isnt heavy, he is taking her light away.

L.G. cant see their tank. they are in different rooms but when i walk past his cage with them they might catch a glimpse. abot the kiddie pool... summers coming to a close, might wanna look for one now before they replace it with winter stuff. im going out today to look.

thanks for your help and support :wink: .

misst, ok good. thank you for putting my mind at ease. i was worried to see each of them scratch near there ears. i dont think they even made contact, just the motion of scratching. it was super fun to see the little guy enjoy his bath. he was using his tail just like a crocodile :mrgreen: .

thanks for your replies you two, i appreciate the help :D .


BD.org Addict
luvthydragon":bbdcd said:
Is LG able to see them from his viv? I wonder what he's thinking.

Sweet little LG, as happy as he looks, and doesnt act like not having any legs bothering him at all, he would probably think "Whats wrong with those beardies, why do they have legs? :wink: :lol:

And Jason,
great pics, and it sounds like they definitely have their own little personalities, I am sure they will keep you busy.


Gray-bearded Member
You really are something! :blob8: You should order your feeders and supplies online for a bit. If you go around pet stores too much you may wind up with more beardies than space. :lol: Katherine and I agree, you must be the patron saint of beardies. Now handicapped beardies have two patrons watching out for them, Ste. Barbara and St Jason. And Katherine has another thread she HAS to check every day. Thanks, you are teaching her a great lesson in compassion.

As for names, how about Fred and wilma, or better yet Barney and Betty Rubble! Betty was bigger than Barney and beardies look pretty prehistoric! :lol:
Keep up the good work and keep us posted.

Sandy and Katherine


Sub-Adult Member
What you are doing is wonderful!!!!!!! My Timmy(son) is so excited,he can hardly wait until we get our beardie!He says you are very sweet to take these beardies home and make them happy.Wish there was something I could do or say to help but I am still learning myself want to know all I can before my little man comes home. But congrats on the additions to yourfamily and please keep us posted.


Juvie Member
Hi Jason -

You mentioned wanting to seperate them.....I remember seeing on the "viv pics only" thread someone having a decent size cage that had a divider in it but the divider had a screen window where the two could see each other but not actually touch....wonder if that could be an option for them. Might be too much if you arent going to keep "Big Girl" - something tells me, though, you aren't gonna adopt her out.... :D

Maybe scroll through that thread and check it out.....even if you could make it a temp divider?????
(What a great thread that is ..... I still scroll through it now and then)

Just a thought...

Best wishes to You, LG, BG (Big Girl) and LD (Little Devil)
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