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My name is Marcia Haverly and I am a new member and new to bearded dragons. I rescued a 19 month old female on August 9th. I have upgraded her to a 120 gallon habitat with 150 watt basking bulb and a T5 HO 34 inch 39 watt UVB. She has furniture, hide, etc. and loves her habitat. I bathe her two times per week. I had to switch her to greens as she had never been introduced to anything other than crickets and super worms. She now eats collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, a little mango, dubia roaches, and hornworms. She gets her calcium, calcium with vitamin D, and multi-vitamin on designated days. All insects are gut-loaded. Her previous owners stated that at some point she had gone into brumation for 4.5 months but can't recall when. I took her to a vet to be checked out and vet stated she is very healthy now. Her name is Vhagara. Three days ago she ate a large meal but did not eliminate that day. In the afternoon she went to her hide and did not come out the next morning. I checked her and she seemed fine....just resting. She stayed in all day and still did not potty. The next day the same thing. I read here on this site that she should not be allowed to go into brumation without emptying her stomach and to get her up and soak her in warm water. So this morning I got her out of her hide, soaked her for 30 minutes and put her under her basking light. Once she was warm she came to the door and acted like she does when she wants food. So, I offered her food. She was very hungry. I had not prepared a salad but offered her a hornworm and 8 dubia roaches. She then went back to bask and stayed there until her lights went out and she went to sleep. She did not potty or go back into her hide out. I have backed off her lights to 11.5 hours per day now to mimic the fall sunlight. Can you tell me what I need to do now or if I am not doing things correctly? This whole brumation thing with her is more complicated than it is with my desert tortoise. (I live in Las Vegas). And I am not sure how long to have her lights on. Thank you so much.


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This morning she passed a very hard stool and not nearly large enough for the food she ate on Thursday morning and yesterday. Now she is back in her hide but awake.


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AHBD Sicko
Hi Marcia, beardie's can have us scratching our heads when it comes to brumation. My 2 are [predictable and have been sleeping for the past week and probably will be for the next 2-3 months. But some dragons, especially in the hotter climates, may just hide for a bit, going in + out of sleep or just resting in their caves off and on. Don't worry about extra baths or seeing what you consider to be an amount of poo that is " equal" to the food she took in. Just let her do as she pleases for now, if she seems to want to sleep then stop feeding her for a bit and try a warm bath in about 10 days. That should give her time to digest everything and possibly produce more poo. Either way it's not dangerous to her if she doesn't go. BTW can you post a pic to show Vhagara's body size ?


Hatchling Member
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Hi Marcia, beardie's can have us scratching our heads when it comes to brumation. My 2 are [predictable and have been sleeping for the past week and probably will be for the next 2-3 months. But some dragons, especially in the hotter climates, may just hide for a bit, going in + out of sleep or just resting in their caves off and on. Don't worry about extra baths or seeing what you consider to be an amount of poo that is " equal" to the food she took in. Just let her do as she pleases for now, if she seems to want to sleep then stop feeding her for a bit and try a warm bath in about 10 days. That should give her time to digest everything and possibly produce more poo. Either way it's not dangerous to her if she doesn't go. BTW can you post a pic to show Vhagara's body size ?
Thank you.

AHBD Sicko
She looks very healthy , good weight, etc. If she wants to hide part of the time it's fine, she may not go in to a full brumation so if she stays awake off + on and seems active you can feed her.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Wow, she is beautiful, I dont think she is in any danger of being underweight right now. I agree with
AHBD, brumation is a source of frustration & confusion! They seem to all do something different but
since she is healthy she can definitely sleep or nap a little while. I'm sure she will come out here &
there. The main thing is just making sure she is hydrated.
Let us know how she is doing.



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Wow, she is beautiful, I dont think she is in any danger of being underweight right now. I agree with
AHBD, brumation is a source of frustration & confusion! They seem to all do something different but
since she is healthy she can definitely sleep or nap a little while. I'm sure she will come out here &
there. The main thing is just making sure she is hydrated.
Let us know how she is doing.

Thank you. I have her hide on the warm side. I am thinking I should take down her hammock on the cool side and put in another hide. That way she can choose where she wants to go. Any suggestions on hides? I never see her drink. Even when I have bathed her. She gets her greens and I put a little bearded dragon salad dressing on it with a few sprinkles of bee pollen. Then lately I have been hydrating her with a few hornworms that seem to help loosen up her stools. I stew over her like I did when I had babies (human babies) LOL! I adore her and have fattened her up since I got her and I am trying to be careful to not get her too fat. I purchased a medical policy for her through Nationwide Insurance (on $10.61 per month) just in case we run into health issues. I want to do everything I can to give her a good life.


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I currently have a 150 watt basking bulb that sits on top of the mesh of the habitat. I ordered her a slate topped basking rock that is also a hide. I will use this for the warm end. Then I will take the current hide I have and place it on the cool end so she will have a choice. Would it be better if I had a light mounted inside the PVC tank and used a halogen bulb for basking? If so, what wattage would I select for 120 gallon tank? Also, for the wintertime, should I get a deep heat projector and mount it inside the tank also? If so, what wattage would I select? Thank you.

AHBD Sicko
Sometimes it's trial + error with heat bulbs, you can get a halogen bulb and use a dimmer switch to raise or lower the output.
What is the coldest temp. you'll have all year ? I don't think you'll need a deep heat projector.


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Not worried about the temp in my home as much as in the home of my friend who will keep my dragon while I am away. Just trying to be prepared. Not worried so much about the night time. Just concerned about keeping her warm enough during the day as the room where my friend will have her is very large.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Not worried about the temp in my home as much as in the home of my friend who will keep my dragon while I am away. Just trying to be prepared. Not worried so much about the night time. Just concerned about keeping her warm enough during the day as the room where my friend will have her is very large.
the surface basking temps should be 95-100 taken w a digital probe thermometer- ambient temp around that area should be high 90's to 100- if you want to use the che to get that heat/ warm you can - it's going to be trial and error w/ your basking bulb--


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Ok. I am back on the worry wagon again! Vhagara has been spending part of her time in her hide but is awake. Then she will come out to bask and run around. She even came out to sit with me yesterday and run around a bit. She started begging for food and ate a bunch. She has been eating everyday. The last time she pooped was Monday and it was a hard, dry stool. She has been eating a lot everyday and no more poops. This is not normal for her. The longest she will go is every other day. Should I be worried?

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