Brumation advice


New member
Hi all, Just needing some advice. we got our first Beardie in November and he was around 6 months old then I believe. We are in Vic and temp are really hot. But I think he is going into Brumation?? He has stopped eating and sleeping in his little den. I have his daytime temp set at 37 and night time is 23. I am new to this and from what I can learn online he should not be going into Brumation. He appears healthy otherwise. Some help would be great! Cheers

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Hi all, Just needing some advice. we got our first Beardie in November and he was around 6 months old then I believe. We are in Vic and temp are really hot. But I think he is going into Brumation?? He has stopped eating and sleeping in his little den. I have his daytime temp set at 37 and night time is 23. I am new to this and from what I can learn online he should not be going into Brumation. He appears healthy otherwise. Some help would be great! Cheers
Cool side of the tank should be low 80's ish ---- surface basking temps 95-100 taken w/ a digital probe thermometer --- stick ons are inaccurate --- UVB should be a long tube fixture NO coil please -- please get temps and UVB up to par then watch the behavior --- if this is all good then we need to move on to other causes --- most dragons are coming out of brumation now but we need to go over the things that would cause this type of behavior -- most dragons do not brumate till after a yr old but we do have some that will -- they need to be of good weight like over 300 grams


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
It's an unusual time to brumate, that's true.

23 is quite warm for night so if you need any heating to get to this point, you can turn it off or down.

Where and how do you meassure those temps. Karrie can help you checking your tank setup :)
UVB is really critical here.

AHBD Sicko
Do you mean Victoria Australia ? The temps are good but do they spike during your heatwave ? If so that can cause a beardie to aestivate or hide for a time. Is he staying hydrated ?

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