I've decided to try and breed crickets, I have a pretty long plastic container with vermiculite as substrate and a lot of egg cartons on one side. There are 2 small containers with soil but I'm gonna change that to coco husk where the females can lay their eggs. I do not think any of the crickets are adult yet but im feeding them carrots, salad, and bell pepper. Im really wondering about the humidity and temperature as sites say different things so I don't know who to believe. Some say 70 - 75 Fahrenheit and some say 80 - 85 Fahrenheit and the same with humidity. One says 50% and one says keep it below 75%. I am currently using a heating pad under the plastic pin but not directly under it to heat it up and it is around 80 - 87 Fahrenheit. I just wanna know what is best with temperature and humidity and what works for you when you breed crickets.