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Hatchling Member
Every time someone posts on this thread, I get a notification on my handheld, I RUN to the computer, and I sign in to read the newest posts.... and it's usually another well-wisher. :(

As nice as that is, I just want news about Bogie!!! :(

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Sandy......I hope you and your family had a nice Easter!

I was really hoping that yesterday would be the day that Bogie showed up.....


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Sorry folks, still no sign of him. We are due more severe weather today. :banghead: Keith and the kids managed to do some yard work around the house yesterday. No luck. I'm still down. I am not used to being sick especially when I am needed. Being sick stinks. Having a missing dragon stinks. :(
I think we may have to wait for warmer, dryer weather. Sorry.

Sandy H

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Oh Sandy, I'm so sorry to hear Bogie hasn't been found yet. I just got the "creaturesall" magazine copy and there was Katherine's story. She's got such great handwriting and her poem is the best. Please tell her how glad I am to have a copy of her first published story. I'm hoping & praying Bogie will show up soon, and also that you'll get better. ((((hugs from all of us to all of you)))).

Deborah & the zoo.


Gray-bearded Member

I've been following this thread along and hoping for good news.

Will continue to send hopes and good thoughts.

Hang in there,


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Still no Bogie. Hope it warms up soon. He may come out.

On a good note the kittens have opened their eyes and are growing fine. I am feeling much better, too.
Imiss my dragon.

Sandy H

Katherine updated her thread- Dragon school. It's the first 2 pages of the Adventures of Bogart the Great.

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Sandy I am so sorry Bogie hasnt come home yet.Keep the faith girl!I am glad to hear your kittens are doing well and that your getting better.Thanks for keeping us posted I know it cant be easy but we are all here for you.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Still no Bogie. After reading about Stewart and the hawk.... Well we have a pair of Kestrals nesting near by, I do hope they were not out hunting. I miss my Bogie. I've been so down lately. :cry: Sorry nothing else to say.

Sandy H

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Dont start thinking about all the bad possibilities.I have heard stories of beardies being outdoors a heck of alot longer then this so there is no reason to lose hope.I will keep praying for a homecoming for you.I hope your feeling better as weel and that Katherine is doing well also.


gulfbrzdawn Addict
Oh Sandy...I feel so badly for you, but like Vicki said don't give up hope! Warmer days are coming and you just never know. I work at a pottery and garden shop and we have this broad headed skink that lives under the building. He only shows his face when the weather starts to warm. He just came out for the first time last week. In fact, he was sunning today. I guess what I'm trying to say is have hope...Bogie might show up one day soon when it's warm enough to wake him.

You and your family are in my thoughts and Bogie has never left my thoughts. Keep your chin up, sweetie!!


beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Oh Sandy, I'm feeling like your feeling.......... but we mustn't loose hope........... I know your not, and I know you miss your Bogie, I will continue to pray with you for his safe journey home.

Hugs from our home,


Sub-Adult Member
Katherine has been writing such great stories, so I decided I will try to make up a story maybe half as good as hers for her, as I can't really compare, lol. So I'll copy your introduction if you don't mind. Oh, BTW: If you aren't into longer short stories, dont read this, lol!

Bogie's Escape By: Haley ------ Age:12
Chapter ONE
Bogie was a small bearded dragon that lived with a wonderful girl named Katherine. Katherine loved to play with Bogie and make up stories about him. And Bogart, that little rascal, loved to play with his Katherine!
One day, Bogart developed an itch. No, no, not the kind you scratch, but a deep yearning that bore the essence of his soul out in the open. He was itching to go and explore. Katherine's mother was an explorer who traveled even to the innermost bowels of the sea or to the most puffy and soft clouds searching for..Well...ADEVENTURE! Bogie wanted to follow in her footsteps, but she would always tell him to hush and eat his crickets. (which he would have done anyway!) One day, all of that changed.
Bogie was out basking in the sun, and the spring air was particularly pleasing. It seemed to caress him in every way, making him more eager than ever to frolic. Katherine's mother had been watching Bogie and went quickly inside to get some snacks for Bogie and his ever-so-regal-self. Bogie saw an opening that screamed to him from the Heavens above. The beckoning of nature was too much for Bogie. So Bogie left! Although, he had full intention of return.
Little Bogerson packed his things, included a small picture of Katherine and her mother. With a small tear of regret in his eye and a pack of necessities on his back, he set off on his evening escapade as the sun slowly floated below the horizon. And yes, he looked back, but kept scurrying. Bogie became determined to find shelter as the very last slivers of daylight sunk and shriveled. As the moon threatened to rise, Bogie became desperate. He needed shelter badly, and with every hoot from an owl or rustle from a bush, he became more restless. The shivery night was not what Bogie wanted, and Bogie began to experience a relentless twinge of sadness in his heart. He grasped the picture of Sandi and Katherine close to his heart and felt a heavy lump rising in his throat. Bogie found a small thicket which was uninhabited. He pulled a small "burrito blanky" from his knapsack and curled up in the leaves and brambles to rest.
Chapter TWO
The next morning, Bogie thought he could faintly hear his name being called, and once again, he felt that hard tugging on his heart and considered going back. "NO." he thought. "I MUST forge on." He pulled out a Can-O-Crickets, which were freeze dried, and ate his fill. He went over to a blackberry bush and carefully munched on only the blackest, sweetest, berries. Bogie was very full and needed to bask to lose some "food weight." Belly sagging and taste buds tingling, Bogie climbed a tree and stretched upward toward the sun. The still warmth and the birds calling lulled him into a deep sleep where Bogie dreamed.
Bogie dreamed he was at home with Katherine and Sandi. Everyone was surrounding him. They were smiling and holding food out to him. Every time Bogie would accept the food, they would get further away. Suddenly, a door appeared on the ceiling. The door opened, revealing sunshine. Bogie tried to run to Katherine, but she turned to dust, along with everyone else who seemed to melt away. Suddenly, the door starting opening and closing and the sunshine became a black hole! He was being sucked toward the door, but he could hear everyone calling him. "BOGIE! WE LOVE YOU!" He panicked, and suddenly, the door started screeching as it opened and closed, opened and closed. Bogie awoke with a start and found that the screeching was not coming from the door, rather a bird! Bogie was on the highest branch of a tree and clearly visible to any hungry hawks. Bogie looked up and saw two hawks swooping down. They landed next to him. Bogie braced for the worst, but nothing happened.
"Hi! My name is Claire," said hawk #1. "and this is Joey." Hawk #2 raised a wing and nodded. Crow #1, or Claire, continued. "We are just coming to warn you about hawks." She said. Bogie got a puzzled look on his face and the hawk began to speak again. "We are vegetarian hawks, so there is no need to worry." Hawk #2 nodded. "Well you have a good day Bogie!" said #1. Bogie was so bewildered, he had nothing to say. As the hawks flew off, hawk #1 leaned over her shoulder and said, "If you ever need us, just yell 'AYAYAYAYA!!!'" Then the hawks were gone and Bogie was once again, alone. Bogie decided that he should at least travel a few miles to have a real journey, so he climbed out of the tree and stood in the forest, overwhelmed with the scenery. In the light, the forest seemed to have different dimensions. The trees seemed to reach toward the light like Romeo toward Juliet, pleading for the sun to come closer. Every flower exploded with color and others seemed to wilt, as if a battle had been lost. Bogie felt like the flowers. Blooming with excitement, but sad at the same time, wondering what will become of himself. Bogie cleared his mind and drudged on to see what he could see.
As night fell once again, Bogie had run and walked an estimated 5 miles. He was about 8 miles away from home due to walking distance the previous day. Bogie could not find another thicket, so he dug himself a tunnel. After much strenuous labor digging the tunnel, Bogie was too tired to even eat. He went into his little burrow that consisted of three rooms and slept next to his picture of Katherine and Sandi.
Chapter THREE
Bogie stirred as small threads of daylight streamed in from the top of his makeshift burrow. Bogie realized that he had ticks and brambles stuck on him and took care of that with a dirt bath. Bogie was parched and needed something to drink, so he packed his things and ate a breakfast of mealworms and strawberries. Bogie was rushing through the forest and getting thirstier by the minute, and he could tell by the wrinkles on his skin that he needed water and fast! He was also cold and tired. His bones felt weak; his eyelids heavy and his eyeballs dry. Suddenly, the most wonderful sound thrummed within his ears. Trick-trick-PLLLOP! Trick-trick-tick Water! Bogie ran toward the sound and found a small cove with moss hanging over the top. Delicate purple flowers sat upon the moss and water dripped from roots and moss into a small pond that traveled into the cave. Small shrubs and flowers grew around the dimly lit yet beautiful cove and the only sound came from Bogie's thoughts and the slow trickle of water echoing ever so slightly through the cave. Bogie looked down in the water and sipped. The cool water on his lips felt so wonderful and he decided to camp there for the night. Bogie was not worried by this peaceful stream. This was actually very unfortunate because Bogie decided to sleep out in the open by the cove.
It was late at night and Bogie heard so many rustles and growls, he lost count. Flashing eyes and strange calls frightened Bogie. Just like in a movie, it started to rain and thunder which eventually turned to snow as the weather was highly unpredictable. Bogie became fed up and began to cry. Day was beginning to break, but the previous night still haunted him with its eerie aura and creepy memory lingering in his mind. Bogie started on his way home when he suddenly discovered that he didn't know which way was home!! Bogie climbed a tree cautiously and only caught a glimpse of endless trees before a circling hawk scared him out of the tree. Bogie was cold, wet, tired, and missed his Katherine and Sandi so much! "Why didn't I stay?" He thought to himself. Suddenly, Bogie began to cry. Each tear danced down his nose and sunk into the snow without a trace except for a small melted spot where it had landed. Bogie realized that he may never see his Katherine again. Suddenly a cheerful voice chippered, "What's wrong 'fella?" Bogie looked up and saw a small squirrel smiling at him. The squirrel was big, but not much bigger than Bogie. His two buck teeth had remnants of acorn and leaves. His left tooth was chipped.
After Bogie had finished explaining what had happened to the squirrel, the squirrel decided to help Bogie find his home. Bogie thanked the squirrel and they set off in no particular direction. The only thing to do was to wander.
Chapter FOUR (conclusion)
Bogie and the squirrel wandered and soon became hungry. Bogie had been marking their trail with superworm...Uhh...insides, and he soon ran out of superworms. Bogie was out of food and looked to the squirrel for help. Bogie tried a foreign cuisine. It was acorn in a inchworm and rose petal sauce. It was surprisingly good, and Bogie ate more than usual. That night, as Bogie and the squirrel nestled close in a tree with weeds and soft moss, Bogie discussed his family. He discussed warm baths and love and he bagan to cry. Mostly, he discussed his Katherine and how he missed her and wanted her to be happy. He talked about and the huge forum that must have been started and about Cambell Jane and Ruben and his other animal friends. And Bogi cried. The Squirrel just listened, but Bogie just talked and cried until the chirping crickets chirped them to sleep.
In the morning, after a few hours of walking, Bogie and the squirrel came to a small cove that looked all too familiar. "No..." Bogie said this so quietly that the squirrel had to strain to hear it. Bogie frantically paced and looked for the Superworm insides. There they were on a big grey rock. Bogie sat down. He sat differently than usual. Almost like he was heavier. This was most likely because of despair, because of sadness, because of his hungry empty stomach, and because of his lost hope. The squirrel remained quiet and this is exactly what Bogie wanted. He didn't want to talk. He didn't even want to eat. His stomach had twisted to a knot along with his face that twisted with tears. The squirrel broke the dim silence. "I j-just wish," he stammered quietly, "that we could get a bird's eye view. A-a-" he sighed. "directions. A sign. Something." Bogie lightened. "What?" The squirrel spoke again, "a sign." The squirrel knew Bogie was on to something, so he listened carefully and intently when Bogie exclaimed, "Bird's eye view!! you've done it!!!" The squirrel looked puzzled, but remained silent. Suddenly Bogie let out a cry. "AYAYAYAYA!" He yelled. Within a matter of minutes, two figures swooped down.
Bogie told the squirrel not to be afraid and that the birds would help. "Heya mate!" Claire said. Then, Bogie and the squirrel flew high into the clouds with Joey and Claire. Bogie happily flew among the clouds with the wind in his face and the sweet taste of home on his dirt covered lips.
And you should have seen the look on Katherine's face when she saw her sweet Bogie and his new friends on her doorstep. But Bogie's look was even more pleasing when Sandi scooped him up, hugged him, and muttered the sweetest words he ever heard. "Bogie I was so worried! Let's get you and your friends a bath and some food." Then Bogie actually liked this scolding from Katherine, "Bogie, don't you EVER do that again!" And he didn't.

I hoped you liked it. Sorry it was so long! :oops:

Best of luck finding him and of course, keep us updated!


gulfbrzdawn Addict
Haley, I have to tell you that was the sweetest story. I actually had a hard time reading it through all the tears. Let's hope this is truly how Bogie's adventure ends!

Dawn :D
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