
New member
PLEASE HELP. I came home
And saw bloody poop in my lizard cage! Picture below!! I freaked out checked her she was nice and warm no stress marks. She is lethargic. I put her in soaking warm water to wash blood off. She does lift head. She has eaten in the last 24 hours. I cleaned her cage. We’re way too far from a ER vet. This is her after all that


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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Poor girl. It is hard to tell whether her beard is dark? Is this the first time that has happened?
Can you think of anything that color she ate or drank?
That is disturbing if that is blood, which it does look suspiciously like it.
Has she laid any eggs at all? I would recommend trying to get her to a vet if you can, to be sure
nothing serious is going on. Has she been eating & drinking normally?
For tonight, do your best to keep her comfortable overnight. Keep her a little warmer in her tank,
around 75-80F to boost her system.
Let us know how she is doing.


KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Please get her off the wood substrate --- you can get some textured NON adhesive shelf liner cut to the size of the tank -- please go over the UVB your using NO coils please --- here is a website for a reptile vet - if your in a remote area please type in the biggest cities zip code closest to you

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is your dragon doing today, any improvements? Is she still having blood or off colored stools
I realize you are far away from a vet but if she is still having these issues, it is imperative that you
get her into the vets. As Karrie suggested, if she is on a wood substrate & able to ingest any of that
then that may be the culprit.
Keep us posted on her.


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