Is black fly larvae okay for my bearded main protein?
I’m trying to avoid crickets and Dubai roaches due to them getting stuck under the tiles and making noises and him crazy if he doesn’t eat them all.
I get super worms and meal worms occasionally too but don’t want to be feeding him wrong
Flappy Bird
Black fly larvae can be a suitable protein source for bearded dragons. They are nutritious and can provide variety in their diet. However, it's important to ensure that the black fly larvae are from a reliable source and properly gut-loaded before feeding them to your bearded dragon.
When feeding any live insects, including black fly larvae, it's crucial to provide a balanced diet to your bearded dragon. Variety is key to ensuring they receive a wide range of nutrients. While black fly larvae can be a part of their diet, it's recommended to include other feeder insects such as crickets, Dubia roaches, super worms, and mealworms to offer a more diverse nutritional profile.
If you're concerned about the insects hiding or escaping, you can try feeding them in a separate container or use feeding tongs to offer them to your bearded dragon directly. This way, you can minimize the chances of them hiding under tiles or causing disturbances.