Belle Wont eat and Undigested poo

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We have had 5 month Belle for about 3 weeks now and she has ate about 40 crickets a day since we got her along with her greens.

Yesterday we were giving some supers and butter worms as a treat to our older dragon and she seemed interested so we gave her a small butter worm ... she loved it no doubt.

Well this morning i went to give her breakfast of about 20 dusted crickets and some greens and she just put her nose up and went to sit on her basking rock - she has NEVER done this - usually when she sees me coming with the criks she goes wild.

About an hour later i look in and there was her poo with the butter worn and a couple undigested criks.

is that normal? We did give her the butter worms about an hour or so before lights out so maybe not enough time to digest?

But that doesnt solve why she wont eat today so far.
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