Being difficult- veggies

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Juvie Member
Yep, another post about a dragon not eating their veggies! I haven't posted in awhile but I've finally had enough and need some advice. My boy Felix is just over a year old now and although he's a sweetheart and has the correct cage/lighting etc he refuses to eat his veggies. Now he used to love them, well he'd always eat several mouthfuls and especially loved squash. Past few months however he's decided to be a little **** and won't even look at them. Now the only thing that has changed was that I started feeding him superworms instead of dubia which he's hardly interested in now too. *rolls eyes*

ANYWAY, I've tried waving them in front of his head which used to work. Now he just closes his eyes. I've tried the starvation method a few times. First time for probably a week then I felt horrible and gave him his superworms. This time it's been about 3 weeks and I've offered a fresh salad every day or every other day and yesterday I couldn't take it anymore and fed him superworms. I'd love some advice or even someone to tell me it's okay to starve him like that. Maybe even tips on how to make a more appealing salad?

What am i feeding him? When he used to eat his salad it was just collard greens turnip greens and butternut squash. Now im offering that and I also cut up other kinds of squash, green pepper and recently tried apple, broccoli and cauliflower just to try to spark his interest but I've got nothing. The last two days before giving up on his 3 week hunger strike I tried putting some chicken or squash baby food but other then a single taste of both he showed no interest.

Help please :?


Sub-Adult Member
Does he still have an appetite for bugs or is that down too?

He's at that age where he might be trying to brumate.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Yes he still eats his bugs when provided. I thought about that but I thought he was to young yet. He will sleep all day and longer though if I let him. otherwise fecal came back clear so its not parasites.
My guy is doing the same thing....he is about 14 mo old and for the past probably 2 months he acts like he never liked veggies. He used to absoluely LOVE collards and squash.....he also really liked green beans.
But he rarely will eat any veggies except the occasional BITE or two of only collards like once or twice a week.
He does also appear to be in a semi-brumation. He is sleeping alot but not hiding or spending alot of time on the cool side of his viv....He still likes to be out sitting by the window but he has definantly slowed down and is sleeping a whole lot more. He still seems healthy otherwise so as usual i will just worry worry


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Huh, well maybe they're just being difficult! All these guys are different so maybe we just have to accept the fact that we have the picky/stubborn breed of dragon!


Hatchling Member
Hello. I recently posted something on getting BD's to eat greens. Hopefully there might be something useful... viewtopic.php?f=18&t=183371

My last BD used to love morio (super) worms too! I used to throw leaves in front of his face, just as he went to strike at a worm. The leaf stuck to his tongue and he'd eat them! Its a great tactic and it worked for me!


Juvie Member
Evergreen, I think I've followed a post or two from you about our crazy lazy eaters! Mustashio is about the same age as your guy, used to love greens and salads (ate 2 bowlfulls a day before!), and then went into a little semibrumation state and cut out his salad all together, although kept eating bugs. Anyway, sounds like we are in the same viv with this one!

Tashi is definitely out of his semi brumation, and has started to actually "hunt" crickets again. He never really lost the appetite for crix, but the appetite for greens has completely disappeared! I've tried all the tricks, and at best I can only get him to eat one or two pieces of collard greens and that is with extreme force feeding! I've only gotten it to work if I slide the edge of the collard green under his lip until he opens and lately he gets so mad at me and shakes his head and scratches my hand away, literally squeezing his stubborn jaws shut with all his mighty might! Then there's the stink eye for a long time! Grrr.... :angry5:

I just measured and weighed him yesterday and he is 431g and 16.5in long (he has a little tail nip too), so he's growing okay and still gaining weight, but hasn't shed in like 5 months! What would we do without these stubborn little guys to worry about!!!

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