Beardie Randomly Bloated


Beardie name(s)
Blueberry/Blue/Cosmic Annihilator
Hi all,

I woke up today to my beardie looking very normal. About an hour later I found him basking and bloated, like he had air in his stomach. I (perhaps rightfully) freaked out a little and went to pick him up, upon which he immediately deflated his stomach as I took him out of his enclosure. I gave him some time to relax after putting him back in, after which he ate breakfast normally.

I did not have time to take pictures since he deflated so quickly. I am hoping this could just be him trying to soak up some extra sun rays- him being able to deflate himself is certainly boding well for things. What else could this be? Impaction? I am going to give him a bath later and see if he's bloated once I'm home in a few hours.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hi all,

I woke up today to my beardie looking very normal. About an hour later I found him basking and bloated, like he had air in his stomach. I (perhaps rightfully) freaked out a little and went to pick him up, upon which he immediately deflated his stomach as I took him out of his enclosure. I gave him some time to relax after putting him back in, after which he ate breakfast normally.

I did not have time to take pictures since he deflated so quickly. I am hoping this could just be him trying to soak up some extra sun rays- him being able to deflate himself is certainly boding well for things. What else could this be? Impaction? I am going to give him a bath later and see if he's bloated once I'm home in a few hours.
Don’t worry. That’s totally normal behaviour. My guy does it all the time, I can’t give you the full scientific reason as I don’t know myself but don’t worry at all. Inflating is totally normal. Does it look like this?


(Not a great pic, this is the only one I have of him inflating. He did it waaaay bigger one time but I didn’t take a picture).


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Blueberry/Blue/Cosmic Annihilator
Don’t worry. That’s totally normal behaviour. My guy does it all the time, I can’t give you the full scientific reason as I don’t know myself but don’t worry at all. Inflating is totally normal. Does it look like this?

View attachment 84437
(Not a great pic, this is the only one I have of him inflating. He did it waaaay bigger one time but I didn’t take a picture).
Yes! Exactly like that! Wow that's a really big relief. Your guy is so adorable by the way. Thank you so much!

My little man just loves giving me heart attacks lol.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Yes! Exactly like that! Wow that's a really big relief. Your guy is so adorable by the way. Thank you so much!

My little man just loves giving me heart attacks lol.
Lmao, most do! I know when I had my first beardie I would beg my parents (I was a child at the time) to go to the vet for the tiniest things (eye bulging, mid afternoon naps, etc…) but now that I have my third it comes easier although believe it or not this is my first male. It’s a learning experience.





xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
In the wild they wedge themselves into cracks and crevices and then inflate themselves so predators can't easily pull them back out. In captivity i think they do it to stretch the skin or if they are feeling timid. One of my females does it every time i pick her up but she usually goes back to normal as soon as she is settled on me or her hammock.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Was Swordtail

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