Beardie not basking, heat pad ?

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Gail Addict
Yesterday I picked up a baby beardie who seems to not have been born "right" She never really has basked much, prefering to go hide in a corner and be cold. The breeder thought I would have more time to dedicate to her so I brought her home to see what I can do.
She isn't skinny but she isn't plump either, so obviously she has been eating some. At the moment, I'm hand feeding her dubia but I worry about her being able to digest.

I was wonder what everyone though about using a human heat pad set on low, I could put it under her rock cave where she likes to hide. That way she will at least stay warm. We are expecting freezing temps for the next few days and the house will get kinda chilly.

Hopefully I can get her to come around, she does seem to be a bit better her but I also drag her out from under the rock when ever she hides. She seem to like being under the UVB where she can get really close.


Sub-Adult Member
What I would do is put a few washcloths or some other fabric on the heat pad so she dosnt make direct contact with it. Then I would take my probe thermometer and measure what temp it gets up to on top of the heating pad after it has fully warmed up. See what temps you get. Maybe keep adding layers if it gets over 90? not sure on the best temps but you will know its too hot if its some crazy temp like 130.
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