Beardie has Stopped Eating and has been Avoiding Heat/Light

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Juvie Member
EDIT 1: For anyone who has been experiencing similar conditions, please take a look at my second post, as there is a link provided that outlines the conditions, as well as a potential reason for why one's bearded dragon may be acting as such. However, please make sure you consider and/or attempt to solve all other possible problems before simply writing off one's bearded dragon's conditions as simply a seasonal/hormonal phase.

First of all, this has been going on for a little while now, and I have done a bit of research to try to figure out what could be the problem. I have heard that some of the other forum members have had their bearded dragons go through some thing like this around this time, and I'm wondering if it's something I should be worried about. Excuse me for the long post, but hopefully it'll help you help me better. Thank you for your time and consideration.

My bearded dragon, Kaiser, is about seven and a half months old, and is relatively large for his age (though appropriate weight for his length) at approximately 19 inches and 471 grams. I have had him for almost six and a half months now. Just about three weeks ago, Kaiser suddenly stopped eating and started to hide more often (and sleep in later, go to sleep earlier). He used to eat twice a day, anywhere from 50-150 large Reptiworms per feeding. He is also provided with a fresh salad every morning, consisting of dandelion greens, collard greens, endive, green beans, and occasionally butternut squash. Now, he eats about once every three to four days, and has a bowel movement shortly after (he used to have a bowel movement every morning). He is housed in a 40 gallon breeder terrarium, on non-adhesive shelf liner (with a reptile carpet underneath), with two 18" Reptisun 10.0 tube type UVB bulbs (one approximately three months old, one just put in two weeks ago), and a flood light and some household bulbs for heat. The temperatures are as follows: cool side (80-85 degrees Fahrenheit), warm side (85-90 degrees Fahrenheit), and the basking area (100-110 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the time of day). I am measuring each of these sites with two different types of digital thermometers, as well as two stick-on dial thermometers for convenience (however, the digital thermometers are in the terrarium tracking the temperature throughout the day and night as well). The humidity ranges from 36-40%, depending on the time of day. I bathe him once every other day, and clean his terrarium weekly (spot clean daily), and extremely thoroughly with pressurized hot water and steam, as well as diluted bleach, at least once a month.

First, to address the eating/defeation problem: I was worried it could have been an impaction, even though I couldn't think of anyway he could have been impacted (no particulate substrate, no unacceptable feeders, no food larger than the space between his eyes), so I upped his bathing schedule to once everyday. It didn't help. I took him to a veterinarian recently, and upon review, they couldn't find anything obstructing his digestive tract, or anything unusual in his belly. We agreed that impaction was improbable. The next potential problem could have been parasites; therefore, I also had a fecal examination done at that time. It came back clean.

To address the hiding/sleeping problem: He used to wake up each morning and move onto his basking spot within thirty minutes of the lights being turned on; nowadays, I have seen him go as long as two hours without moving up to his basking spot (I have not seen him wait much longer, as I move him to his basking spot every morning now, as I don't want to see how long it will take for him to get up to his basking spot...). Additionally, he seems to hide throughout the day, trying to go to sleep as early as one in the afternoon (lights go on at 7:30 AM on the dot, every morning, and go off at 8:30 PM every night) at times. I have since then blocked any of the hide areas with tissue paper, and he has therefore not hid anymore. However, he still avoids his basking area, and for a majority of the day, attempts to escape to the cool side of his terrarium. I thought it might have been a temperature problem, but all of my temperatures were in range. Additionally, for the six and a half months that I have had him, he has basked in the same temperature set-up I have had and used to spend most of his time on the warm side/basking area. Nonetheless, I figured I would try dropping the temperatures, as I know that older bearded dragons tend to like lower temperatures (though, I am not sure seven and a half months is considered very old...). I dropped it from approximately 105 degrees Fahrenheit to about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. He still moved away from his basking area and spent most of his time on the cool side. I dropped it to 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and he is still acting the same way. The veterinarian, in all of her years working, said she had never recommended actually dropping the temperature in a reptile's enclosure (as, in most of her cases, the problem has been too low temperatures), but has asked me to try dropping it another five degrees to see if there are any changes. I would prefer not to, but the veterinarian and I can't seem to think of any other possible explanation.

Otherwise, he is relatively active outside of his terrarium, and has not lost any weight. However, he has not grown during this time. He had shed about halfway into this ordeal, but he has never acted out of the ordinary while shedding (he has always maintained his appetite, docile and friendly demeanor, and normal behavior during all of his previous sheddings), and had finished shedding for some time now. The veterinarian said he looked perfectly healthy and was well-taken care of; his fecal examination came back negative on all parasite tests.

I am just worried because of the sudden, drastic change (I mean, from 100-300 Reptiworms a day to about 100 or so once every four days?), and I know my bearded dragon is still young and growing. I want him to grow to his full potential, and I would be sad if he didn't because I couldn't find a solution sooner. If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, or anything helpful to say, I would greatly appreciate it. I am at such a loss.

EDIT 2: Also, I forgot to mention earlier, but I have also researched and have heard that it is mating season for bearded dragons. Apparently, some will lose their appetite for some reason or another due to the mating season. However, I'm not sure if this helps explain anything to do with the light/heat avoidance? I would think that if it were mating season, they would be up and ready every morning to find a mate.

Additionally, I am also aware that some bearded dragons may get sick of being fed the same type of food over and over again. I have tried varying his diet, providing ReptiWorms, crickets, and super worms. Before the ordeal, he used to love ReptiWorms, was okay with crickets, and showed initial interest in the super worms (but soon became disinterested in them afterwards). He now shows little to no interest for any of them. And note that I do not normally feed him crickets or super worms; crickets were fed rarely when my shipment of ReptiWorms would be delayed, and super worms were just introduced about a week before the ordeal. I suppose I could try other feeders, but they are relatively expensive, and all of my other feeders are just dying without being eaten. Additionally, this would only resolve the eating problem, and still leaves the light/heat avoidance unattended to (though I understand that they could be caused by two separate problems, though they occurred concurrently).


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Well, I think I found out what's going on. Still not sure about the hiding and such during spring time, but I think it has to do with the subadult thing taking precedence over the breeding season, since he's still not really sexually mature quite yet.

Here's the source someone provided, in case anyone else were having the same kind of problem, but could not find any other explanation:


Sub-Adult Member
Great post and link. This is almost a mirror of what is happening with Sartharion, and I can see they're close to the same age. Close to a hundred reptiworms a day with some dubias to nearly flat out nothing in a single day. Wouldn't come out to bask so I had to take his hide away. Thought he was impacted so changed his viv, took him to the vet and he was healthy. He went from pooping once a day to maybe twice a week. I've made a few posts about it and found it other people's dragons are doing it to.
So I've relaxed a *little*! When did Kaiser start acting like this? Sarth started around mid-Feb and he was only a little over 4 months old, now he's 8 months with the only changes really being he suddenly likes a little of his salad and he will eat 1-2 horn worms a day. I always felt he was a little young to kick into the sub-adult phase :/
My guess is the appetite isn't going to pick back up to what it used to be, judging from the article :(


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Yeah, I've noticed a lot of posts and threads that have been popping up with similar problems, and something I always noticed was that they came up during the spring season, and most of the bearded dragons with this particular problem were usually seven months to a year old. I figured I'd put up the article just in case anyone was having similar problems; although we can't say for certain that this is exactly what's going on, I think it helps those of us who can't seem to find any reasons other than these ones.

Kaiser started acting like this during late April, approximately two to three weeks ago. He was a little less than seven months old then. It does seem a little early, especially in Sarth's case. But if you can't seem to find any other problems, and as long as he's healthy and not losing too much weight, these explanations could possibly be what you're looking for (though it is a good idea to keep a look out for any other potential problems).

Well, bearded dragons will eventually start eating less and less protein as they get older. It'll probably be worrisome, but I'm sure we'll get used to it eventually. I'm just so used to having pets who would eat everyday, as much as they could. Never really had a pet that I could feed as much as I wanted to. I've always had pets where I would have to limit there food intake, ha ha.

I just wonder how long it takes before the seasonal mood goes away, and whether or not the hormonal/growth behaviors will go away. It makes me sad to see my little guy not eating or basking as usual. D:


Sub-Adult Member
I should have said 5 not 4 months, accidentally left out a month in my counting :roll: He did basically maintain his weight for awhile but has been putting it on now fairly quickly since he's been getting hornworms. 16.5" and 263 grams, he just seems so small compared to what I thought he would be :(


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Well, all bearded dragons grow at different rates, and sudden growth spurts aren't uncommon, so I wouldn't worry too much. So long as he is putting on some weight and is still growing, he has a good chance of getting bigger.

And I've been wanting to try feeding my guy some hornworms, but with him acting like this lately, I'm not sure if ordering hornworms is a good idea, considering they may very well just go to waste. D:


Sub-Adult Member
See if a reptile store around you sells them, then you can just buy 1 or 2 instead of 15-20. Or maybe even a plant nursery.
I experimented with every kind of feeder to see what he would eat - butters, silkies, and supers, all of which he ate one of and the rest went to waste :? It did end up being a waste of $ but I had to see if anything piqued his interest, and hornworms seemed to be the only thing he's even mildly interested in.
Thanks for words of encouragement though, I sure do hope he grows more. He hasn't shed since February except for little parts on his feet and face, poor thing.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks, but unfortunately, I don't have any nearby stores that sell anything other than crickets or superworms. I can afford ordering ReptiWorms since they last me quite a long time (up to a month or two) and shipping is just five bucks, but I was trying to see the shipping prices for hornworms or silkworms, and it's close to ten dollars...for a ten dollar order (which would at most probably last me a week). Fortunately, his eating habits are improving (though still not nearly quite the same).

And you're welcome; I hope he grows more, and I am sure that he will. My guy hasn't shed in a while either, other than some very sporadic areas such as his belly and feet, but he has been growing still, I think. Hopefully they get out of this phase soon. The worrying is stressing me out, and it doesn't help that I have university finals coming up... Anyway, best wishes! Hope he improves! :]


Juvie Member
ok, can you say "living the dream"?

cause that's what I'm doing reading this thread. Joga is acting the same way and started up about 4 weeks ago, the last 2 weeks, particularly prounounced in the sitting on the cool side, snubbing her nose at food, eating 12 supers one day, none the next, 2 the next day, none, then 10. I got some juicy dubias that she chased around at first, now only eats 1 or 2 a day if I'm lucky. Picks at her salad, looks bored, acts lazy. I take her out, she roams around and does her usual exploring. Poops only when she gets a bath (which is every other day right now). She's still a mellow sweet girl, but doesn't eat nearly what she used to. She's 11 months old. I weighed her last month 530 grams. I weighed her last weekend 565 grams. She's a big fatty but I'm watching her weight to make sure it doesn't take a big drop on me.

She loves to go outside. Took her out today and she sat in the sun soaking up the rays, ran across the yard, bearded and hissed at a bird flying by, and jumped in the bushes a few times trying to hide.

I did go ahead and order some hornworms and some silkworms to boot - will probably regret it woefully when she eats one of each and the rest are left to die and go to bug heaven unfulfilled as lizard food. That's what happened to the thousand crickets I ordered at the end of March. She abruptly decided she had had enough of them and only ate about 150. The rest were left to wander around in a fish tank for 5 weeks, while I tried every couple of days to get her to eat some. I got about 150 superworms swimming around some oatmeal getting big and fat, and the dubias are starting to multiply, now that they have time before they meet their demise.

Today I took a fecal in to the vet to make sure she's not infested with some bug that's making her sick...i'm inclined to think after reading numerous posts of similar symptoms that it's just the beardie spring fever (or fog) that's overcome her. Between that and having to treat parasites, I'll guess I'll take this, right?


Juvie Member
Original Poster
It sure sounds like that might be the case for Joga. But it's certainly a good idea to always check for other potential problems before assuming it's just a phase, which you're doing a great job of doing. Especially keeping an eye on her weight. As long as she isn't dropping too much too quickly, I don't think there should be too much to worry about, but it's always best to make sure. I hope Joga gets out of the seasonal/hormonal phase soon. :]
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