Bearded Vacations

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Ok so we're going to Seattle for about 5 days and I'm debating taking my dragon. The reason is that the only person who could watch the house is our next door neighbor and I trust him to take care of my fish but I think the dragon would be too much for him and I don't want anything to happen to him (he's only about 5 weeks old now!).

So how is transportation when it has to do with Bearded Dragons? Also, if I keep him in a warmish environment, can I do without the heating light/UV light for 5 days? I would take him outside into the sun every day while there.

I can definitely take a heating pad, but I don't think I can take his 20 gallon teranium - I know, I know they should have lots of room but again - for 5 days - would it be alright if he lived out of a smaller plastic transporting case? Again, he's only maybe 6 inches from head to end of tail.


Juvie Member
you can pull this off.
I made a beardie traveling condo out of a 10 gallon tank with a heat lamp and smaller bulb. Lined it with reptile carpet so she had some grip - same would apply if you use a big plastic container - you will need to be careful with heat lamp so it doesnt melt plastic and create fumes. Bring a thermometer. As far as UV goes they can do about 3 day with none without much harm - if you plan on sunnung him outside everyday then you should be ok for 5. Make sure you have a leash for outside cause the little ones are always hard to find if they run off.

He might be jittery with all that moving around so dont be surprised if he doesnt eat. but be sure to pack the food (bugs? and greens) as well. Give him baths every other day so he doesnt get dehydrated (particularly if he decides to stop eating).

om the car ride I got an adapter for the car so I could plug a heating pad in. She sat inside my hoodie and I laid it on top of her and she was all toastie. I also bought a little dog carrier and would put it on top of the heating pad and that worked well too (4 hour drive to vegas).

Ultimately my own preference is to leave them home rather than all that but I hear ya 'bout the neighbor and sometimes peace of mind is worth setting up the beardie condo.
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