Bearded dragon yawn on cool side. Is that ok?


Sub-Adult Member
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Hello, my bearded dragon just yawned on the cool side. I thought they were only supposed to do that when they are basking. Her cool side is 80 degrees right now. Is something wrong?
She also was on the cold side for only a few minutes. She yawned and went back to a log.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hello, my bearded dragon just yawned on the cool side. I thought they were only supposed to do that when they are basking. Her cool side is 80 degrees right now. Is something wrong?
She also was on the cold side for only a few minutes. She yawned and went back to a log.
Yawning is normal. Could have been a beard-stretch as well. I wouldn’t worry.

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