Bearded dragon size estimate


Beardie name(s)
Blueberry/Blue/Cosmic Annihilator
Hi all!

My little buddy is doing quite well and am just looking to get some thoughts on his growth patterns:

June 10 (about 2 months of age) a bit over 6 inches (didn't measure him then, just an estimate)
July 24 10.75"
August 10 12.45"
Sept 4 15.25"
Sept 27 16 7/8" (about 5 months 17 days of age)

Is this normal growth for a dragon his age? He eats very well and he still looks like a juvenile, his head is relatively small for his body and he weighs 255 grams (which from what I've found is slightly lower than average for his length).

Any predictions for his final length? Not sure what to expect and I want to make sure that I'm providing him ample space if he is going to get noticeably bigger. He's in a 120 gallon tank now. Any thoughts would be amazing. Thanks!


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Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hi all!

My little buddy is doing quite well and am just looking to get some thoughts on his growth patterns:

June 10 (about 2 months of age) a bit over 6 inches (didn't measure him then, just an estimate)
July 24 10.75"
August 10 12.45"
Sept 4 15.25"
Sept 27 16 7/8" (about 5 months 17 days of age)

Is this normal growth for a dragon his age? He eats very well and he still looks like a juvenile, his head is relatively small for his body and he weighs 255 grams (which from what I've found is slightly lower than average for his length).

Any predictions for his final length? Not sure what to expect and I want to make sure that I'm providing him ample space if he is going to get noticeably bigger. He's in a 120 gallon tank now. Any thoughts would be amazing. Thanks!
It’s hard to predict their final size, at 5 months my guy was 17” and 197 grams and two months later he is 21” and 415 grams so they go through massive growth spurts.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Blueberry/Blue/Cosmic Annihilator
It’s hard to predict their final size, at 5 months my guy was 17” and 197 grams and two months later he is 21” and 415 grams so they go through massive growth spurts.
Gotcha. Makes sense. 7 months and 21" is huge man wow. My guy definitely has periodic bursts in growth, he seems to be hitting one right now. He's grown 3/4" over the past week. Appreciate the response!

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