Bearded dragon butt out


New member
Hello I need help my bearded dragons butt is out and he pooped twice I give him a bath everyday for 20-30 mins I've been feeding him apple sauce and pumpkin but he doesn't really eat much just two likes of it, it's been like this for 4 days so far and now it looks like it's shedding now I am getting worried


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AHBD Sicko
That is a female in case you didn't know and nothing looks wrong there at all. How long have you had her and can you post a full body picture of her and a pic of her enclosure if possible ? I think she's O.K
Baths are not necessary unless a beardie is really dirty or just once a week if they actually enjoy them, for no more than 10 minutes. You can use a Q-tip to dab raw honey there going slightly inside just in case there's minor irritation.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

AHBD is right, your dragon is a female. I think it looks pretty normal. Maybe there may be some urates
there that are dry perhaps which can be normal.
I think she will be just fine.



New member
Original Poster

AHBD is right, your dragon is a female. I think it looks pretty normal. Maybe there may be some urates
there that are dry perhaps which can be normal.
I think she will be just fine.

I went to the vet and turns out my bearded dragon is just fat and having pooping problems so we are now putting her on a new diet

AHBD Sicko
O.K, that's probably good for her in the long run. Just feed less insects and more healthy greens like turnip, collard, arugula [ rocket] kale, mustard, dandelion, etc.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is she doing today?
Since she is an adult, you can safely have her
at around 30 or so insects weekly while focusing
more on the vegetation to help maintain or lose
some weight.


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