- Beardie name(s)
- Octavia
Hello, new here to this site. I’ve got a bearded dragon Octavia, she’s around a year and 9 months old, she been doing great and hasn’t had any problems! She has however been almost insistent on laying on my dryer..?
story for context; a couple weeks ago I had just given her a bath and after toweling her dry I placed her upon a blanket on my dryer to do my laundry (switch it over and whatnot) after I started the dryer and reloaded my washer i noticed her practically asleep and nestled into the blanket. I thought what an odd thing to do… since then it’s almost become a routine to sit/ hangout on the dryer after a bath. She practically races out of my hands to climb onto the towels or blankets i have set above !?
So my question is, for any reason would there be a cause to this and or could it be harmful to her in anyway? The heat the dryer is putting off / emitting. Could she be too cold in her tank so she soaks up this heat. ( I keep our home pretty warm let alone her 40g tank with a ceramic heater and a UVB bulb on top) Could the shaking be soothing/ calming to her? I wasn’t sure and wanted to ask others if anyone has any help advice or answers… thank you.

So my question is, for any reason would there be a cause to this and or could it be harmful to her in anyway? The heat the dryer is putting off / emitting. Could she be too cold in her tank so she soaks up this heat. ( I keep our home pretty warm let alone her 40g tank with a ceramic heater and a UVB bulb on top) Could the shaking be soothing/ calming to her? I wasn’t sure and wanted to ask others if anyone has any help advice or answers… thank you.