back to back burmation

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Sub-Adult Member
Needing some input from some of the other more experienced reptile keepers on this one so please if you have had a reptile 6 months and want to jump in on this with what's you temps and substrate questions please refrain. My set up is fine. Heres the deal my male beardie at around 1 year of age went into burmation, stayed down 6 months. Woke up was vary active for a month maybe little longer and now is going into what's looks to be burmation again. Anyone ever seen this behavior before? Any intelligent and experienced advice welcomed and thx

Esther19 Addict
My Buster, who is about the same age, is doing the same thing. I don't know why. I let him sleep about every third day. The other 2 days I remove his hide, though he sometimes will burrow under his blanket to sleep regardless. Some days when I've removed his hide, but he hasn't gone in the blanket, he will just go to that corner and stare at it, like a naughty little boy.

He will eat some days, then bask. He will try to eat and go back in his hide if I've forgotten it and left it in.
Then I have to put him in his basking spot.

He does eat and poo, and he is still gaining weight, so I've tried not to get too concerned about it. I do believe he'd be back in his cave for another 6 months if I let him, though.

I don't know how intelligent that is, but it is my experience. I hope it helps.
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