Baby Beardie on Craigslist

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CooperDragon":f8z3rkcg said:
Mostly the kinked tail which is a sign of bone deformity. They tend to have rubbery arms and legs or deformed jaws too in some cases. Bone density can be checked through an x-ray but with outwardly visible signs you can start treating it as an MBD case and offer high (sunlight levels) of UVB to bask in to help them process calcium. It's also good to offer calcium rich foods like black soldier fly larvae and collard greens. Calcium dusting on other bugs that are offered is also necessary. In some cases a liquid calcium supplement is used to provide an easier to absorb form. Once they start processing calcium properly, the advancement of MBD can be halted and their bone density and muscle tone improves. It can't be reversed, but it can be stopped and they can still live a good life with proper care. It does take an investment in high quality equipment and vet care as well as focused care and attention.
Ok thank you! The tail was the only thing that I thought looked odd but I wanted to make sure. New beardie owner so I cant help compare to mine. The only difference I could see was the dragon in the picture looked maybe a little thin and pelvic and tail were completely different from my baby dragon


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I didn’t even think if she had parasites! I already have a terrarium for her, a basking bulb, and terrarium decor and hides left over from when lip grew out of them. Today I’m going to my local reptile shop to pick up more food for her and a uvb light. I also have calcium powder and calcium with d3. I have gotten in contact with AHBD via private message and I think proper husbandry and proper food is going to be the best I can do for her at least at the moment. Luckily it’s actually warm and sunny in Washington right now so I hope to get her some uvb straight from the source when I get a chance :) if anyone else has any suggestions for caring for a dragon with MBD and what will help her most let me know. I’m very excited to get her away from her neglectful owners and see if she can really shine again

AHBD Sicko
Sounds good ! Just go slow on the feedings, he's very thin and may not be able to handle large meals at first and be sure the insects are smaller than the space between his eyes. This is very important, so pay specific attention to that. Once he/s eating + pooing regularly you can increase the number of insects per feeding and offer him food twice a day at least. Hopefully he'll do well for you, you're saving him from a start in life that was quite rough. :)


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Just got done getting her setup finished. She now will have proper heating and UVB (still need to find a way to jerry rig it to get the UVB source inside the terrarium) and has a 29 gallon terrarium. I got her waxworms and butter worms. One slightly fattier to help her gain some weight back, and the other high in calcium to help stop the MDB from getting worse. I also got her some squash baby food in case she isn’t interested in the live food and some collard greens for her. I also got turkey baby food for her that is purely turkey and turkey stock (let me know if this is the equivalent to chicken baby food). I decided to cave in and get repti carpet because I figured it’d be softer on her joints for now and then I can upgrade her to tile later. She does come with a few items so once I get her I will post pics of her and her finished habitat tomorrow. Is there anything else anyone can think of for her? Let me know, thank you for everything so far ❤️

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Sounds great--- is there a screen on that 29 gallon for the UVB?

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
AHBD makes a very valid point with the slower feedings. You definitely don't want to over tax the system.
I know you mean well with the waxworks and trying to fatten up quicker but remember the goal isn't to put on weight as fast as possible, the goal is to bring this dragon back to a healthy state. I would hold off on the waxworks for now. But the butterworms are a great choice!

Try to remember too that her appetite might not be very good just from the relocation stress alone. I would avoid adding any unnecessary stresses such as too much handling.

You're doing a great thing and we will be here to help you along the way :)



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Yes there’s a screen. The hood for this uvb light is different than the one I already have for my other beardie so I have to figure out another way to attach it to the side of the tank or under the top of the screen.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thats why I asked -- many have mentioned using picture wire hangers or fishing line or 3 M makes something as well or plastic zip ties--- I dont know if any of those would work but just suggesting


Original Poster
The women at are local pet store saw me looking at hoods for the UVB bulbs (the ones that would suit my needs were $50+) so she recommended me to aquarium hoods that they use for their bearded dragons to house a UVB bulb. It saved me about $20 which is good, but with the shape it’s gonna be even harder to hang. Probably gonna have to put some small holes in the hood to run wire or hooks through.


Original Poster
Also, I’m leaving in a few hours to go get her. She’ll be in the car with us for about 3 hours on the ride home. What would you guys recommend for me to keep her in on the ride back? Also what do you think could make her more comfortable?


Original Poster
Sorry for the late reply but I wanted to let you know that I’m picking up the little lady later today! If you have any suggestions for me on how to help improve her state of health or anything along those lines let me know! Thank you for your comments and concerns

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
That is a weaker uvb bulb so you will definitely want it mounted in the tank. If you have the option though I think I'd probably ask if I could exchange it for a reptisun 10.0 or the reptisun 10.0 t5 ho.

If you get the t5 ho you can keep it on the screen, its much stronger, but you'd need to get a t5 fixture as most likely the fixture you bought is for the t8.
If you go with the regular reptisun 10.0 it is a t8 so will fit your current fixture. You will still want to mount under the screen though.
But if you cant exchange it no biggie. Most of us don't use that uvb bulb here simply because the reptisun and Arcadia bulbs last longer and have a better output.

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