Are you serious?

Can you believe the lady in the store told me that Rocky doesn't understand me? okay, okay- let's go back!
Buying that gel stuff for the dubias (I am in disbelief that I can't think- lol), we were in a discussion about reptiles. No biggie. I see a baby basically swimming in the water dish. She told me he was constipated. When he got out, I moved on. This was probably the problem right here....

Then we spoke about Rocky. Flipping though my phone she saw pictures and videos of him. Some videos where I talk to Rocky (who is facing me)about randomness but as soon as I say, "Do you want to go to your enclosure?" Rocky turns his back and sits back in the window. Or another video where I say, "Close your eye so I can get your shed"- see earlier post. These are not common phrases. I also don't do gestures to freak Rocky out.

Anyways, this lady tried to explain how tone means a certain phrase to Rocky. I understand what she means but I explained how some of these things were said for the first time. Like last night, Rocky sat in the window for 5 minutes while I did something, it was close to his bedtime so he got down. I watched to see how he was going to do it because the bench had something on it. The room was a mess. While I am referring to mostly clothing, I did have a lamp on the floor I was throwing out. Rocky jumped on the lampshade. We all know that he's a frog! I said awwwwwwwwwwwww Rocky. He glows like he did something great!!! Now that he understands because I awww at everything. "Awww Good Morning- awwwwwwwwww you walked- awwwwwwwww you're beautiful" - this is why he's so spoiled today.
So while on the lamp, I said, "Don't move from the lamp so I can get my phone." - it's the first time this has happened so it's the first time I said this phrase- I purposely said it in a mickey mouse voice too. I'm testing theories right LOL
Guess who stayed on the lamp? Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Rocky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No one in this world will ever convince me that Rocky doesn't understand- I don't care, I don't care~
Proof is in the pudding- I took the pic. As beardie parent, we know that beardies will run from the phone. Now remember, this lamp is on the floor, it's not a floor lamp and it's low so Rocky would surely run away. It was solely for the purposes of him landing.
Rocky and I will make a trip to the store today to tell THIS story (just kidding!)

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
They definitely understand stuff. Snicker Doodles will be in the floor halfway between Christina and I and we will both start calling her over. She will look at both of us and 90% of the time she will run straight to me. I praise her and tell her what a good girl she is....... and stick my tongue out at christina lol. (The other 10% she runs to Sinatra or my bedroom)

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