Adopted Beardie...small for!

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@ BlueMorpho,

I absolutely appreciate you posting progress pics. It helps not only me but any other person that may be viewing this thread!!

You have a fine dragon and it is so great to see Eri towering over that skull now :). Happy early birthday to him!! Yeah Tonja's dragon is just plain old HUGE. If I put into perspective though, What I am "somewhat" doing would be equivalent to any other guy using me as a metric for height lol. I am above average in the height dept. and below average at math:). But would be kinda funny if I have one of the smaller dragons while I see these smaller people with these huge, just kidding but funny in my mind. In the end all any of us want is a healthy and happy dragon.

I am gonna post some updated pics soon. I am having another problem though that does interfere with this though. This guy is super skittish and runs from me any chance he can. Especially now in the big Viv. Just recently, I notice that sometimes if he is basking and I walk into the room to fast.. he even jumps down from the basking spot :( Although he is in shed so this could be contributing to his enhanced skittishness. This is also probably a different post topic and I have been reading any all posts that I could find on behavior and socialization but open to advice here if you or anyone has any. As of late I have just been making sure to go into the viv multiple times a day, attempt some hand feed (works even with veggies :) ), misting and to try to touch his tail or some other non threatening area of his body. I am pleased that he has not gaped or shown any aggression, but fear is just as likely to cause aggression. Stumped!

Tonja Addict
two thoughts on this one. You being as tall as you are she may see you as a predator if you move to fast, you are way larger than she is. Before moving into her line of sight I would talk to her as you are moving, It may calm her down so shes not so skittish. The other could be way to much activity, I would cover 3 sides of her tank with white paper to cut back on her seeing so much at one time. White also cuts down on reflection as it reflects light. If you have an old tshirt you no longer use, I would wear it a couple of days to get your scent on it, cut it up or roll it up and put it in her tank with her so she associates your scent with you and not a predator. Don't hover over the top of her tank if you can help it, its hard I know and don't reach in over top of her, the parietal eye sees shadow and associates it with a predator, Slowly put your hand in the tank palm up and lay on the floor and see how she reacts. Picking her up is the same go in from the side or front supporting her body and her legs so she feels secure. It could be that something just startled her and she reacted. I hope this helps some.


Hatchling Member
Good tips Tonja, as far as covering 3 sides though, your ok since you have a front opening wood sided tank. I have used the t shirt trick myself, maybe put one in your bed with you when you sleep that way it's not dirty but will get your scent still. I did this with my 2 New beardies and my 2 even went to sleep on them, it was so cute. I would use one you don't really want anymore though, my girl decided to poop on hers. It's possible he wasn't handled much before or not correctly and that can make them nervous as well. I agree about the talking before entering the room as a warning for him so he knows your close. I talk to mine all the time still, I got 2 from a breeder that are both around 2 years old so it was a big change for them. She is still a little nervous but he is a big baby and would sit with me all day if I let him. He will get used to you. Good idea with the hand feeding things and also petting him, that's a good way to let him realize your good. I have a hall that I blocked off, closed all doors and covered the crack so they couldn't get into anything or go under anything since there's nothing in the hall. Then I would sit on the floor there for a little bit with them and let them come up to me if they want. A clean bathroom or a room that's "beardie proof" would work too. It may help him realize your not a threat. It may take a bit he probably just got used to the move and the nice big tank so be patient and just work with him some each day.


Original Poster
Thanks Tonja and kbro!

I have been hearing about the T-Shirt trick and thanks for stating what should have been obvious to me. Silly me, I was thinking that you put the full shirt in... My viv is a good size, but my T-Shirt would take up a LOT of room!... Wow, I feel silly lol!... So yes, I have been sleeping on a shirt for the last 2 nights and will CUT it up and put some pieces in the viv tomorrow.

I have been practicing talking to Beardie even more than before and that has helped and he is window dancing again. Kinda playing with me really... He starts window dancing, I hop off of my laptop and couch and kneel in front talking to him. I then slowly open the door, he darts to the back of the viv, then looks back like he is waiting for me to touch- I don't. I just place my hand in the viv. He then looks me and my hand up/down. Rinse and repeat about 3-4 times today :). Runs to meet my hand when dispensing crickets or worms, but then realizes "Hey, I am not supposed to get so close to your evil hand" then backs off. Cute lil guy. We are starting to bond.

Getting bigger too! This shed is revealing some size indeed! Head is way bigger now. Can't wait to post picks to see what you all think.

Nite Nite. Wishing everyone a great weekend with their beards.


Hatchling Member
You can always fold the shirt up into a pillow type thing that's what I did and at night they sleep on them, but cutting it up will work too, then you will have extras in case he decides to let one go on it.

What your doing sounds great! Keep up with the beardie bonding. Can't wait for pics, you have a good weekend too.


Original Poster
I am kinda using this post as diary so to speak. That way, when I look back, it will be blatantly obvious. Here's a mini photo diary if anyone's interested... That said, I am very interested to see if anyone else is noticing any growth in my lil guy/girl :).

Hunting Phoenix Worms 4.23.14

Hunting Cricket 5.18.14

Chilling In Branch 5.18.14

Chilling in Viv 5.18.14

Hunting Cricket 5.18.14

Perch Comparison 5.7.14

Perch Comparison 5.15.14

Perch Comparison 5.15.14 (2)

Tonja Addict
What a cutie she is. She has definitely grown. I am going to give you a run down of how I take care of mine that may contribute to mine being so big. I feed mine 3 times a day. Emmett gets crickets 3 x a day and his salad. He gets calcium 5 x a day one feeding per day and vitamins the other two days one feeding per those two days. Emily gets crickets dusted every morning 3 x a day and vitamins 2 times a day for 2 days and salad the other 2 feedings a day. So both are fed 3 times a day. Once a month they get a syringe feeding of a slurry I make up of greens and veggies with a bit of carnivore care, vitamins, calcium, parazap with some reptaide and serrapeptase. I feed them both this concoction religiously once a month. While there is no proof parazap <all natural> does kill parasites, mine have not had any at all since giving it to them after one battle with Geico of coccidia, tapeworms and pins. Emily and Emmett have never had parasites so I don't know if its the parazap or not. They both get baths 4 times a week and drink from the bath or I syringe feed them water sometimes with pedialyte for extra hydration, usually once a week. I have a playpen for mine that I can sit outside and let them get plenty of sunshine or I let them run around outside a bit. That's about all I do for mine so I am not sure that's what helped mine grow so quickly or not. When I got Emmett he as maybe 5 inches from snout to tail tip and at just over 5 months now he is 19 inches from snout to tail tip and 250 grams. Again all dragons are different and grow at different rates. You cant compare one dragon to another as they are all different.
Here are my two
Emmett yesterday playing in the tree in my front yard

Emily at 2 years old

If you don't want these pictures here I can remove them.


Original Poster
Thanks Tonja!!!

Of course these pics can be here. You have (2) very beautiful dragons!

Oddly enough, last week I began investigating the possibility of parasites, called the only herp vet in the Bay Area and they wanted $100 just to see him and an additional $33 for the fecal test. I had to dig real deep and do some soul searching. I decided to get a DIY fecal test for $20 from so that I could take a stab at it myself. I figure if she does have them, it would probably fairly easy to detect considering her size??? I should get the kit this week, from there I can treat if need be.

I will definitely give your concoction a try along with some probiotics.

What beautiful and big dragons your have. Nice!!


Hatchling Member
Lol Tonja, sounds like how I fed my first baby (my new beardies are adults already) they all say I powerfed him. I love the pics..

He is definitely getting bigger... funny I also have a order on the way from, it's been shipped so now the waiting game.

Tonja Addict
Mine aren't power fed, they are out and out pigs when it comes to food lol. I have done the feedings like this since Geico, my first beardie <RIP> and continued with Emily and now Emmett. I do however, agree that infinates beardie has grown and significantly since the first picture posted.


Original Poster
Very well fed vs. power fed?? lol. Well, I will ay that in my experience, this seems to be doing the trick. My lil one seems to eat more and more. Probably figuring that there is make up to do from previous owner not feeding as much as they should have.

The more research I do on feeding, I can totally see how people can make the mistake of "under feeding" dragons bc they require quite a bit their first year. The poor little girl that had my dragon before me even told me that "he does not eat that much" lol! That's bc you are not feeding him enough!

My take on this is this, feed them as much as they will consume!!! lol, of course that has its limits. But hey, there has to be some kind of perk for living in captivity= virtual endless supply of food and no hungry days. It is only a fair tradeoff.

Happy Weekend to all you beard lovers!



Hi Fred! I see you haven't posted here in a while, but I've been away for a while and was catching up, and your post title caught my eye so I read through all the replies. I love how much you care about your beardie growing and thriving. And wow am I ever jealous of Tonya's giant beardies!!! I too adopted a beardie who is tiny for his age (at nearly 4 years old only 16" long from his nose to the end of his tail). And I too am bummed about his tiny size but after being his mama for nearly 10 months now, I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that maybe I can't make up for his first three years of improper care. We are the third owners of our silly Beans. And we happen to be friends with both his previous families, and they are wonderful people but basically clueless as far as beardies are concerned. Poor Beans his entire life until we got him had lived off spinach, "whatever salad we ate that night", and crickets. No vitamins, no baths, no handling; he had coil UVB and sand substrate; he never even got close enough to his light to bask (both previous owners had never seen him "smiling" and when I posted a photo on Instagram they were like "what is he doing??!"). Anyway I say all this because I can really relate with your first few posts. I wish Beans would grow up into a giant strapping lad but I guess he'll just always be a petite guy. It makes me happy to know he is now in a home where he receives proper care and love (he was never even handled by his two previous owners). I receive incredible joy to watch him happily flinging shredded squash around his viv because he is so stinkin' happy to eat it! :lol: Its been a long road and we are still not where we'd like to be with him, socially (he brumated for about 6 of the 10 months we've had him!!) but I am confident that we will get there eventually. How is your Beardie doing? I haven't browsed the forums yet to see if you've posted more updates anywhere else.


New member
glad i stumbled onto this thread, i too have recently just adopted a beardie and surprisingly enough they got her around oct/nov as well and is just under 8''. How well is yours eating? My beardie has only been eating about maybe 10 -13 crickets in one meal a day and after that she doesnt bother them. Check out my thread if you can.


Original Poster
I am so happy that this thread has been helpful to others!!!

It has been quite some time since I have posted. Things have been going absolutely great with my little one, I am happy to report.

But before I dive into that, I will first respond to mrspoodie post.

It is absolutely great that you adopted your dragon from what sounds like a unfortunate situation. I certainly understand the dynamic of adopting from a friend all to well :). Great that you are providing proper care now! To be honest, at 16" it seems to me that your dragon is actually in range? They range from about 16-22 inches and there are the really large ones that can go a bit above that. Of course I am surely no expert considering... but I can't wait til my dragon reaches 16 in. lol!! It is all relative, isn't it? :) Please post some pics to this thread so that we can get an idea of size.

Are you mostly concerned with weight? I would love to see a pic of your dragon! Your dragon seems to be happy, which is of utmost importance.



Original Poster
rklisesf":1pqexxqp said:
glad i stumbled onto this thread, i too have recently just adopted a beardie and surprisingly enough they got her around oct/nov as well and is just under 8''. How well is yours eating? My beardie has only been eating about maybe 10 -13 crickets in one meal a day and after that she doesnt bother them. Check out my thread if you can.

Hi rklisesf!

Your dragon seems to be EXACTLY the same size that mine was when she was 7 mos! I can happily report that with proper diet, great UVB and heat... my dragon has literally doubled in all around size. Ok, not length but noticeably larger and just overall healthier! That said, your dragon looks healthy, just small like mine is.

My dragon is eating like a beast now and she just slowly started eating more and more and MORE again over time. I have received great help/support/advice. Here's what I have been doing that may work for you too;

1) Jump to the next size of crickets (if possible within reason). I feed mine mediums and the occasional med/large that come with that size. The smaller ones just are going to take more time/qty to achieve the same result.
2) Vary your live diet. I alternate crickets, Reptiworms, Dubia (more on this later) and the occasional Wax/Super worms.

I don't set a limit on the food, as much as she will eat within 15-20min which these days is like at least 20 medium crickets. 2-3 times a day (usu. 15 dubias) or 20+ large reptiworms.

I have my UVB set for 100% of the viv currently bc I wanted to make sure that the viv gets saturated with UVB. I may change this later, but she has a hide that she uses occasionally...but mostly is basking and absorbing rays.

I hope this helps. Good luck and feel free to post update pics here..please!

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