Accidently potty trained my juvinille dragon

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So we've had a bearded dragon over a week now, and I've accidently trained him to only poo in the bath..

I have been giving him a bath Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and he pooped in the bath all those times, then on Wednesday he didn't poo because I didn't bathe him, ok thrusday he did a really long poo in the bath tub, Friday we didn't bathe him and Saturday we also didn't bathe him both these days he did not poo. Then today I bathed him and he pooded..

I've only been giving him so many baths because he's precious owner malnourished him and he was dehydrated..

What do I do!!!! Or can I bathe him everyday? I don't mind doing it, but I don't know if it can harm him!??

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
If he doesn't mind baths then they're fine. You can use it to your advantage though. Start giving baths at around the same time to get him used to going in a set window of time. Then just start putting him in an easy to clean spot for a while during the same time until he goes (within reason). It will make cleanup much easier and keep the tank nice and clean =)


Original Poster
I'm glad it doesn't affect them, and i can see this as an advantage haha. I will keep bathing him then, as I have an outside turtle plastic tub where I can just wash all the water way, (don't worry, water is a little warmer than Luke warm).

Awh, on the towel i would freak out but you've probably got a towel just for her, she sounds adorable!

He does try to get out of the bath for about 20 seconds, when we first put him in i think it's because of the shock of the water, but after he just walks around and poops.
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