Abnormal Behavior! Video

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Drache613":353a6vqa said:

How is he doing today?
I see that they gave him some vitamin shots & a Fortaz injection?
Is he still going to be receiving the Fortaz for now, an oral or injection treatment?
The uric acid (kidney readings) levels are ok, maybe a slight bit elevated but not bad. That could just be a little bit of dehydration.
The monocytes were high which is a white blood cell count. It can indicate chronic disease, or chronic immune system issues.
The SGOT/AST (liver readings) are elevated quite a bit. Did they mention that to you at all?
I recommend getting either some milk thistle or serrapeptase to treat the liver. How many insects do you give him weekly, on average?
The calcium wasn't really out of range, just a little on the low end. That can easily be improved through a better UVB light to help with calcium absorption. The phosphorus could come down just a little also, which can bind or hinder calcium absorption, also.

Let us know how he is doing.

He's not doing so good. Since I got the blood work they been giving him shot once a day...3rd day he started to go limp...Eatting a little bit but not really moving anymore. Went to the vet today and talk with the doctor and he gave me a 5% Charge of survival. He gave me a oral syringe to feed and give him this and hope for the best:

Really upset that the doctor isnt giving me more option. All he said that its a neurological problem and told me he probably only have a week or two to live :< I have been taking him outside to get some uvb and feeding him the supplements they gave me and some veggie juice too. Doing the best i can.
Not sure where to get some milk thistle or serrapeptase? Is it something I can buy at the store?

I had another doctor tell me about her liver but she said it might be because he dehydrated and the doctor today said that his muscale were deterioratong too? Im going to give him the best chance he has atm. He still give a fight when the doctor was showing me how to orale feed and he breathing is not as heavy as before. So it really have for me to tell if he's getting better or worse...

P.s I usually feed him maybe 3-5 mealworm. Sometimes he wouldn't eat them but I would leave them in his bowl. He like veggies a lot but some day he wouldn't eat them or at least in front of me...He was weird...He didn't like me stating at him when he ate...I would sometime have to hide or not show eye contact with him in order to eat...dunno why tho?


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

I know you are trying. I wish I could do more to help.
You could go by the health food store or drug store & milk thistle should be found there. Try to get the liquid if you can.
He is not doing well after the 3rd shot? That writing there said enroflaxin which is Baytril. If he isn't taking the shots well I would hold off on them. If he is having some renal issues, antibiotics will many times make it worse because they dehydrate them.
Try getting some food into him if he will take it. You can use a plastic dropper or syringe to drip food onto the end of his nose & he should take food like that.
I really hope things turn around for him. Let us know how he is doing.



Original Poster
Drache613":31iwxdbx said:

I know you are trying. I wish I could do more to help.
You could go by the health food store or drug store & milk thistle should be found there. Try to get the liquid if you can.
He is not doing well after the 3rd shot? That writing there said enroflaxin which is Baytril. If he isn't taking the shots well I would hold off on them. If he is having some renal issues, antibiotics will many times make it worse because they dehydrate them.
Try getting some food into him if he will take it. You can use a plastic dropper or syringe to drip food onto the end of his nose & he should take food like that.
I really hope things turn around for him. Let us know how he is doing.


Thanks you for your help Tracie :love5: You are more help then my Vet doctor. Im never going there again! But Thanks you! Not many people have been responding to my Forum but you and ADHD... Are you a BD doctor?

But I've been looking up any information I can on here and other forum. two subject that i came across is Dewey's case from this forum and Atadenovirus...this really scares me alot if he has Atadenovirus...if he had this im worried about my Silkback. Worse case is the he might be caring it. I adopted him for a rescuse. He is recovering from MBD from what I was told. Ive only have him for 4 month and he has been in contact with Archimedes. Charlie is his name and he has not show signs like Archimedes. The doctor also mention that he might have been caring something. I dunno what to do now....I know that i need to take Charlie in for check up soon.

Update: After orale feeding him his meds and food her seems to have gotten some feeling to his leg. he's tail and legs were very limp before and when i would squeeze it he didnt retrack. When I check up on him I want to see if he would retrackb and HE DID! He's still very limp but this seem like a good sign that meds are working on his infection. Im going to buy this Milkthristle tomorrow and help that it helps his liver. I'm really putting all my hope that he will get better!


BD.org Sicko
Glad to hear he;s doing a little better ! That bottle you showed is also known as Baytril, an antibiotic. Hopefully the calcium will help him as well. Hopeful !


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AHBD":qoyddm9l said:
Glad to hear he;s doing a little better ! That bottle you showed is also known as Baytril, an antibiotic. Hopefully the calcium will help him as well. Hopeful !

I notices that this wasnt the same Antibiotic that they were giving me before. Very interesting... I looked up what Baytril does..I also looks up what Fortaz does too...Two different treatment to fight off infection...

May treat: Urinary tract infection, Sepsis, Fever, Neutropenia, Pseudomonas infection, Staphylococcus bacteria infection, Bacterial pneumonia, Infectious bone disease, Serratia infection, Soft tissue infection, Streptococcus bacteria infection, E coli infection, Bacterial skin disease roteus Infections, Acinetobacter Infections, Klebsiella infection, Hemophilus infection, Bacterial meningitis

may treat:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escherichia coli
Chlamydia trachomatis
Staphylococcus (including penicillinase-producing and methicillin-resistant strains)
Variable activity against:Streptococcus

Looking at what the treat does I remember something that doctors told me..She was the second hemp doctor. She seem to know more then the first one lol...Anyway she was looking at the blood work and told me that He might be getting or has Pneumonia....Because of his heavy breathing or he has some fluid in his lung from me feeding him..So maybe he has Pneumonia? And funny thing is that Baytril does treat it too. So its funny that I'm using the Bayril and he start showing signs of improvement? I dunno...I haven't slept so I've been researching alot if you cant tell XD But what do you think? ALSO!! There was another bacteria that seem to effect animals too that Baytril seem to curse.

Its call Pseudomonas aeruginosa that also (taken from wiki) is a common bacterium that can cause disease in animals, including humans. It is citrate, catalase, and oxidase positive. It is found in soil, water, skin flora, and most man-made environments throughout the world. It thrives not only in normal atmospheres, but also in hypoxic atmospheres, and has, thus, colonized many natural and artificial environments. It uses a wide range of organic material for food; in animals, its versatility enables the organism to infect damaged tissues or those with reduced immunity. The symptoms of such infections are generalized inflammation and sepsis. If such colonizations occur in critical body organs, such as the lungs, the urinary tract, and kidneys, the results can be fatal.[1] Because it thrives on moist surfaces, this bacterium is also found on and in medical equipment, including catheters, causing cross-infections in hospitals and clinics. It is implicated in hot-tub rash. It is also able to decompose hydrocarbons and has been used to break down tarballs and oil from oil spills.

Interesting huh? if you read my update with Tracie on the forum about the First doctor I met...He said his blood work show alot of muscle deterioratong and he has a infection...Too? This Bacteria also thrives on Moister...Funny how my BD is also Dehydrated and also effects the Kidney too? I'm Just saying...Im not a doctor but maybe he had Pseudomonas aeruginosa for a long time with no signs but when he got Pneumonia which effect the immune system made the bacteria grow more?But im just guessing here...I was also looking at another site that goes into more detail the effect it had on Dogs and Cat...Funny enought if you read here: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&A=553&S=0&EVetID=3001644

Pseudomonas aeruginosa pop up again in the reading. Baytril also seem to lower seizure threshold. AND Remember when I said he would walk around in cycle and looks like he's off balance...Maybe he has a Ear infection too? or been having seizure with me not noticing them. Maybe he had one Big seizure when i wasn't at home and fall off his log and could get back up? I did fine him in a awkward position...like if he was trying to get up his log..... Doctor did said he might of had a seizure because he was showing signs of Neurological problems at the time i found him?....

So...I would like more input about this! Is there anyone that can prove this? Im going to call the doctor and see if i should give him a little more Baytil...If he does have a ear infection he going to need more dose for it right?


Original Poster
OH Im going to buy serrapeptase and Milkthristle today and help that it helps his liver and in blood flow... Only question i have is, how much to give him? I know these drugs can have side effect but I think Baytil and keeping him hydrated will help him out

so i had a little scare this morning. Was taking him out of his tank and notice that he was drooling alot? When I notice that he also keep licking and was heavly breath. Got some tissue and can see some suppliment from last night feeding that wasnt there before...I think he vomited but was too weak to clear out his air way. I have to rush him into the bathroom and open his mouth and point him down into the sink. Slowly some suppliment start to run out of this mouth...He went really limp and i began to give him some CPR by blowing into his mouth and light pushing on his chest...He started getting color into his skin and beard became black again...I then got his basking light to give him some heat..Doing better but im worried that he might have gotten some in his lungs because he seem to be taking big breath...I dunno but he seems to be doing better. Still limp but has some feeling to his body when i pinch him then before. Im keeping a closer eye on him now. I think i might have over fed him suppliments. Also the Med may have cause him to vomit due to its side effect...


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

While there are no established doses for both the milk thistle or serrapeptase, I usually dose at 15mg/kg for them. Did you find them today at the store?
The baytril is definitely drying to them so keep up with the baths & oral fluids. The Fortaz & Baytril are both broad spectrum antibiotics but can hit from different angles.
Which one are you giving him now, the Baytril?
When you are feeding him, are you giving the liquids from the side of his mouth instead of in front of the mouth to hopefully avoid the glottis.
Yes, the pseudomonas aeruginosa can definitely be the culprit of infections & can cause respiratory issues, too. It is a gram negative bacteria in nature. They feel he may have pneumonia?
These types of bacteria can go unfound for long periods of time without any symptoms. You could consider getting a nebulizer for him, to help out if he does have pneumonia. They are very effective for stubborn respiratory infections.
I wish I was a beardie vet.. As for adeno, that is a possibility, yes. Did the mention getting him tested?
The CPK which is a measure of trauma or stress, is an enzyme that can be elevated from many things such as chronic disease or an injury. I noticed it was elevated. Also a blood draw can cause it to become elevated. Could he have injured himself some how?
Let us know how he is doing.



Original Poster
Drache613":u6ktvcy9 said:

While there are no established doses for both the milk thistle or serrapeptase, I usually dose at 15mg/kg for them. Did you find them today at the store?
The baytril is definitely drying to them so keep up with the baths & oral fluids. The Fortaz & Baytril are both broad spectrum antibiotics but can hit from different angles.
Which one are you giving him now, the Baytril?
When you are feeding him, are you giving the liquids from the side of his mouth instead of in front of the mouth to hopefully avoid the glottis.
Yes, the pseudomonas aeruginosa can definitely be the culprit of infections & can cause respiratory issues, too. It is a gram negative bacteria in nature. They feel he may have pneumonia?
These types of bacteria can go unfound for long periods of time without any symptoms. You could consider getting a nebulizer for him, to help out if he does have pneumonia. They are very effective for stubborn respiratory infections.
I wish I was a beardie vet.. As for adeno, that is a possibility, yes. Did the mention getting him tested?
The CPK which is a measure of trauma or stress, is an enzyme that can be elevated from many things such as chronic disease or an injury. I noticed it was elevated. Also a blood draw can cause it to become elevated. Could he have injured himself some how?
Let us know how he is doing.


Thanks for the Reply ; x ; I found Milk thrisle at the CVS but not serrapeptase...Going to look up local store. I died up knocking out because I only had 4hr of sleep and just woke up now and all the stores are close...
Yes im keeping up with fluids. Ive been watering down her Carnivore supplements a little because he throw up again today after feeding her. I also added Milk thristle into her food too. I only put a little of it in her food because I was worried she would throw it up again. The doctor only gave me Baytil and it seem to be helping him everytime I give him his meds. So im wondering if i should give him more? I'm already giving him 0.15 ml. Thats also the same amount i did for Milk thrisle in his food because I didnt know how much to give him. I'll probably give him another does in a bit.

So far he seems to be doing better. Gotten more energy and fighting bk when i open his mouth. I really hope im not putting it into the wrong hole. it really hard to tell when he doesn't react to me putting in his mouth. I'll be more careful when I do now. I would put it on the side then put it straight like the doctore showed me and pull out if i feel something blocking it when putting in the tube. I also put vaseline on the tube to be alot smoother going in.

I feel like its pseudomonas aeruginosa just by reading up on it! Doctor never told me anything about it...He just told me he might die soon..Wasn't much help really... :study: I just so worried about him that I started to just research on the med that i was using and what the side effect are and what they treat. pseudomonas aeruginosa seem to pop up more then anything so he does have alot of symptoms of it too and it also kinda mixes up with adeno too. Doctore never mention anything about getting him test for adeno...THEY DIDNT GIVE ME MUCH OPTION AT ALL! :angry5: They just say him and said he might not make it..

I dont know if i can afford nebulizer. Im worried if he has pseudomonas aeruginosa that it can make it worse if it lives off moister...I dunno what else I can do..I really just trying to get him thru this and see if he has more energy that I'll go to another hemp Doctor. I just feel I would get turn away again with no answers..

I really dont know if he did get injured or not. They didnt even try to xray him either because he said he might die with 1-2days. He just gave me Baytil and that was it and hope for the best :/ People on this Forum seem to be giving me more option then my doctor and that pretty said.... Again Thank you Tracie. For not being a BD doctor your giving me more hope then anyone has! That why I'm grateful when you reply to this Forum. Also AHBD is also been a great help too :3

Hope to hear from u soon!


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I got some sleep last night! He's hasn't throw up today or last night. A good sign? Took him out to give him some UVB and gave him a bath and then fed him his oral syringe of water down suppliment. Added a little more Milk thristle with his food and gave him half of his dose of Baytil to see if it will help fight off his ear infection if he has one... Check on him a moment ago and pet him. He Moved!?! :shock: I don't wanna get my hope up but after seeing him limp for a while now it was some improvement. Still not moving on his own but he seem to know that im petting him when I touch his body. Going to the store to get Serrapeptase. Found out they have some a Rite aid. So i'm going to give him a little of that and see how it goes but how can i find out what he has tho? If I already got blood work what other test can i get him to see if he does have a bacteria or virus?? Anyone?


BD.org Sicko
Hi again ! Well, any improvement is something to give a glimmer of hope. You have really done a lot of reading, I applaud you for your research, really amazing that you have dug in to this to see what you can come up with. I myself don't have any idea about the various possibilities that you brought up.....and just like with human illnesses, some symptoms can be pretty similar for a wide variety of ailments. As long as you offer treatments that are not harmful/toxic if given for a mistakenly diagnosed [ as right now the research you've done has brought up several possibilities which may or may not be the problem] then just see how he does. Hopefully there will be improvement....just be very careful of him aspirating fluids....other than that it seems worth a try to offer a few supplements + natural UVB.


Original Poster
AHBD":2b01qab7 said:
Hi again ! Well, any improvement is something to give a glimmer of hope. You have really done a lot of reading, I applaud you for your research, really amazing that you have dug in to this to see what you can come up with. I myself don't have any idea about the various possibilities that you brought up.....and just like with human illnesses, some symptoms can be pretty similar for a wide variety of ailments. As long as you offer treatments that are not harmful/toxic if given for a mistakenly diagnosed [ as right now the research you've done has brought up several possibilities which may or may not be the problem] then just see how he does. Hopefully there will be improvement....just be very careful of him aspirating fluids....other than that it seems worth a try to offer a few supplements + natural UVB.

Thanks, I don't usually go into research like this but Im doing it for my BD when the doctors gave me no hope that he can make it. So far He proved them wrong by fighting whatever he has. Oh and yes I have been watching his fluids. I have been giving him natural UVB. It rained yesterday but today was a night sunny day to tak him outside. And yes it is possible im making a wrong or right diagnoses but so far he seem to be doing good with the treament. Im hope tomorrow will be even better. Im really crossing my fingers that im right. If he fighting im going to fight with him till the end <3


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Update 2:
He's not as limp as before!! I notice a big charge when i pick him up. He's belly doesn't feel like i was holding a waterballon! Also his tail, arms and legged moved when i rubbed his belly too. I dunno what to think? After seeing him limp so long I really thought he wasnt going to pull thru another night..but its really hard to say at the moment. It almost time to give him his med and food again. I really hope this is a good sign.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

That is a great sign he isn't as limp as he has previously been. :D
You are doing a wonderful job of researching for him, too. That is awesome!
Be sure to keep him around 80 overnight in the tank also to help with his immune system.
I am glad you were able to get some milk thistle. Did you find the serrapeptase also?
They could do a mouth swab to get some saliva or fluids from the mouth to culture to see if or what bacteria could be present.
If you look in the mouth, at the base (back) of the tongue, there is an air hole that opens & closes each time they breathe. That is the area to avoid when giving fluids & foods, etc.
I hope he continues to get better.
Keep us posted on him.



Original Poster
Drache613":3pwgv6p8 said:

That is a great sign he isn't as limp as he has previously been. :D
You are doing a wonderful job of researching for him, too. That is awesome!
Be sure to keep him around 80 overnight in the tank also to help with his immune system.
I am glad you were able to get some milk thistle. Did you find the serrapeptase also?
They could do a mouth swab to get some saliva or fluids from the mouth to culture to see if or what bacteria could be present.
If you look in the mouth, at the base (back) of the tongue, there is an air hole that opens & closes each time they breathe. That is the area to avoid when giving fluids & foods, etc.
I hope he continues to get better.
Keep us posted on him.

When I started to oral feed him, he really gave me a fight to put the tube in. Earlier he was drinking some water that i was dropping on his lips. But i had to orale feed him because i want to make sure he took his med. Im letting him rest but Im going to check up on him in a few hours just to make sure he doesnt throw up again. He throw up earlier when I fed him. I think the med made him throw up. So i only gave him half his does this time. But I also want to make sure he doesnt choke what i just fed him. also No i didn't find the serrapeptase... It can only be order online. After going to rite aid and GNC store... :silent: I can't find it in any store around me. I'm Kinda wondering if I should just order it anyway....even if hes seem to be getting better?

I'll have to find a Vet soon. Not going bk to the same ome after my experience there... Thats going to be the first think igoing to ask my New Doctor. Does it cost more to get a bacteria test?? But I do want him to improve more before taking him to vet. If he improve alot by monday that what i'll do. I dont want to go and get told the finish up his meds and come bk later XD I also need money too... And I will be sure to update everyone on any charges and maybe some video too. Keep you finger crossed! :D


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He pooped! After almost a 2 week he pooped in his bath..A lot too! He also started to support his body weight too. He's resting now after his bath and feeding. No orale tube this time. Just feeding him with a syringe and putting the in his month. He's taking in food on his own! Also he doesn't have a black beard either. He seem like he just restjng to regain his strength. But signs are good ATM. I only gave him half his baytril dose became I think that was causing him to vomit after feeding. Going to be watching him to make sure he doesn't vomit and I have to do errands. He should be ok. And when I get bk I'll feed him his other does and supplements. Its looking good! O w o
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